The Secret of Success is to go to Work and Keep on Working

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The terms consistency and persistency as relates to the word success are terms that rightly explain the constant and continuous applied work habits necessary to accomplish your desired levels of achievement.  These words carry with them the idea that the necessary work is to be done without pause, postponement, or rest.  Your applied work ethic needs to begin,… and stay steadily employed for as long as is required in order to complete the job at hand,… in order to achieve your chosen level of success……

If it is your choice to become highly successful in your own chosen field of endeavor, then you should learn and understand what needs to be completed in order to achieve that success level.  Once you know the requirements, then you are to get started performing those work habits and never quit working on the project until the job is done!  No sabbaticals…No vacations…No prolonged absences!  Remember that in the world of success…Nothing happens when you are not performing!  

Do not over-think or over-complicate the process of becoming successful.  Always keep the process very simple and easy.  That way the work habits can be quickly learned and easily duplicated by many different people.  It then goes without saying that the more workers there are involved in the process, the faster will be its completion.

Constant, steady, on-going, and unrelenting work ethics by a committed group of individuals, all working for the accomplishment of an agreed upon dream or goal, overcoming any and all obstacles that exist or that may arise, is the stuff that makes for a successful outcome.  

It is the leader, the one personally responsible, for the operations, people, work ethic, and final outcome, that all the workers in the group will follow.  It makes no difference how large the group of workers is, without a real, involved and active…participant leader, there will  be no real long-term success.  You see, members of the group do not follow the dream, the cause, or the goal that the group of workers is striving for….oh, no.  Members of the group follow the leader of the group who has a dream, vision, or purpose and who is actively leading the group (in the present, by example) to convert the dream into reality. The real leader is doing what he is teaching and training other people to do.

True leadership can only be demonstrated from the front of the activities the leader is leading.  People do what people see.  This is the very reason why the best way to lead other people is by your own personal example.

Whenever you are the designated leader of a group of volunteers, remember this truth…You will never effectively lead a group of strong men and/or women from the rear.  The truly effective leader must be the one who is actively involved in doing that very work that he or she is commanding other people (other volunteers) to do. 

Now let me share with you a good example of what I am discussing.  God, Our Creator, made each and every person whom has ever existed or who will ever exist in the future. God has a predetermined specific plan or purpose for each of those lives.  It is called God’s Will for your life.

As you live your own life, you will grow and mature into finally realizing what God’s Will is for you.  As the learning process develops in your own life and as you mature in your faith, as a Believer in Christ, God’s Will for your life will become clearer as each year passes.  God wants you to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.  He promises that to us in His Word, The Holy Bible.  Recorded in the Book of 3 John, Chapter 2, verse 2,  NKJV:

(2)   “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health,
         just as your souls prospers.” 

However, like all of His promises there is a prerequisite condition for each of us to fulfill before His blessings of the promise can flow to us. Our health, wealth, and wisdom will come to us only after we first increase our “soul prosperity.”  That, of course, means we are to first grow spiritually.  That is your own personal responsibility.  It cannot be assigned to someone else.

Consistency and Persistency, two prerequisites for a success-producing work habit, can both be best understood from the lessons of a female chicken, a Hen, one of God’s created blessings for mankind.  As you learn from her lessons, think about how they can apply to your own energies and efforts.

Hard work means nothing to a hen.  Regardless of what the business prognosticators or master salesmen say about the price of eggs…regardless of what others expect of her…regardless of fluctuations in the commodities market…she keeps on digging worms and insects, hunting for seeds and grains, and, of course, keeps on laying eggs.

If the ground is hard, she scratches harder.

If it is dry, she digs deeper.

If it is wet, she digs where it is dry.

If she strikes a rock, she digs around it.

If she gets a few more hours of daylight in the barnyard,
   she digs a few more hours.

Have you ever seen a pessimistic hen?

Have you ever seen a hen cackle in disgust in the prospect of her job?

Did you ever hear one cluck because the work was hard, the conditions, were poor, and some of her eggs were taken from her before they were hatched?


Hens save their breath for digging.  They save their cackles for the eggs that are laid!

Now I ask you, how much more profitable production would be achieved in your projects or business building efforts if you and your fellow workers conducted their efforts in a manner the same as the hen?

Remember, Leader…..People Do What People See. 

God also gives us good instruction through His Word, The Holy Bible.  In The Book Of Luke, Chapter 8. verse, 15, NKJV He informs us about the steady on going work ethics of a person who achieves success.

(15)  “But the ones that fell on the ground are those who, having heard  the word with a noble and good heart,
          keep it and bear much fruit with patience.”

Oh how precious and profitable a little patience can prove to be in most people’s life.

Remember that if you choose to become successful you must first get started and then, no matter what, you must stay steady in your work ethic until the job is done! 

Peace and love to all of you………Poppa Bear 

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