What Success Is All About

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According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, only 2 % of the population of this country will become personally and economically successful and financially independent by their 65th birthday.   

In other words, 98% of the working class, after 40 to 45 years of working hard and expending back-breaking effort for another man or corporation, you, the employee, will not get to where it is that you want to go.  You will come to the end of your productive working life and be flat broke. 

Is that what you want to have happen? 

Now let us focus our total attention on those precious 2% of our nation’s population who do achieve success. 

I will define success for purposes of this article as one who earns through his own productive means total and complete Financial Independence (He does not worry about money as he has all he needs or would ever want.  He makes his decisions without considering how much things cost.) and he has achieved his Personal Freedom (Money will buy time and he lives without the constraints of having to be under the control of another man or another man’s schedule.  How long things take to be enjoyed or completed does not impact his lifestyle).  

Now think about that for just a moment.  He goes wherever he chooses, stays as long as he wants to stay, he does whatever he chooses to do, and does not have to concern himself over the price of living this way.  Such a lifestyle sounds really great doesn’t it? 

Well, let us get really bare-faced honest one with another.  If you go all the way to the top in what it is that you are doing to produce income in your life right now,….what are the real chances of you being able to live that way I just defined?  Slim?…None?…Will never happen…ever?   

You see friend, that is exactly why there are so many people today who are so frustrated and unhappy…..They know deep down in their heart of hearts that even if they do make it all the way to the top, they will still never be able to live the way they really want to live.  Please don’t waste your valuable life living like that.  Make the appropriate changes right now, right from where you are, right with what you have.  Begin to make appropriate changes to rearrange your life onto the positive 2% side of life, the successful side of life.   

You as a human being will only go in life where your mental energies are focused.  If you spend your life worrying about money, how little you have of it, the cost of things, etc. then that is all,… that you are going to get from life…a little bit,… scarcity,….not much.  God emphatically tells us in His Word that you will in fact reap only that which you sow.  (See Gal. 6 : 7)  

Thoughts are indeed things and they are very powerful things at that, particularly when they are mixed with (1) a definiteness of purpose for your own life, (2) persistence of applied effort, and (3) accompanied by a burning desire for their translation into created wealth or other material objects.  Every action you take, every decision you make, basically everything you actually do is always preceded by a thought! 

You must think and act positively if you desire to have positive surroundings and events occur in your life. 

If you keep your mind on pennies, you will never earn the dollars.  I urge you to live your life out of a mental state of abundance.  Keep your mind and mental energies focused on what you want,…not on that which you presently have.  Never focus your attentions on anything that is unlawful or illegal or harmful to other people.  Certainly you should not ever focus you thoughts on anything that you do not desire or would bring harm in any form against you. 

Remember, it takes no more effort or energy on your part to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, to seek lofty and great blessings and rewards, than it takes to accept misery and poverty.  This fact was once stated by the poet, Jessie B. Rittenhouse, through these life changing lines: 

“I bargained with life for a penny,

     And life would pay no more,

However I begged at evening

    When I counted my scanty store. 

“For Life is a just employer,

   He gives you what you ask, 

But once you have set the wages,

   Why, you must bear the task. 

“I worked for a menial’s hire,

   Only to learn, dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

   Life would have willingly paid.” 

If you want to be successful you must use your time and resources to do and accomplish those things that those successful people before you did with their time and resources.  To Succeed, do what successful people do. 

According to the Social Security Administration, the truly successful people within the United States of America, who actually achieve Financial Independence and Personal Freedom have two things in common:  (1)  They work smart instead of just hard and (2) They participate in the Free Enterprise System of our economy.  

(1)  There is only one way that I know of as to how you can work smart.  That is simply that you learn, understand and then apply in your life and activities….God’s Laws of Success.  These Laws will work exactly the same for you as they have for all the successful people in history who have gone before you.    You see, God is no respecter of persons.  Consequently what works for one, works for all.  A good example of one of God’s Laws is the force of Gravity.  It is equally applicable to any and all objects on the earth at the same rate.  It works for you the very same way that it works for me. 

Here is a significant point to remember…Out of ignorance, (if you know nothing about them), God’s Laws will always work against you.

You see, the truth is that you never violate God’s Laws,…you only confirm them.   An example would be that you are totally ignorant of the Law of Gravity.  Out of your ignorance, you step off the roof of a very tall building….Would you violate or would you confirm God’s Law of gravity? 

How much can you learn about God and His Laws in the public school systems in our country today?  What does the average high school or college graduate grow up to be totally ignorant of today?….Is it any wonder why our method of teaching today in America has such dismal results? 

(2)  The only way I know of as to how you can participate in the American Free Enterprise System is for you to own and operate your own “for-profit” business. 

In the game of achieving success you are either going to be a spectator or a participant.  You cannot be both.  Success is not a spectator sport. 

Isn’t it a crying shame that you cannot learn either of these two prerequisite things…conditions….through our public school systems of America.  Is it any wonder at all as to why 98% of our working population is dead or broke or both by the youthful age of 65? 

Our system, owned and run by the government, teaches our youth to do the very things that failures do.  No wonder 98% of the working population winds up exactly where they never wanted to be at age 65. 

Do not let this situation happen to you!  Act! Do something about finding a solution to your dilemma. 

Please remember,…no matter what your age,… it is always too soon to quit and it is never too late to start over.  

Get around people who know more than you know, who do what it takes to become successful and who are willing to teach you how to do what they have done.  They are called mentors.  Follow their guidance without argument.  Doing so will change the entire course of your life!

Peace and Love to all of You…………………Poppa Bear


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