Why Can’t I Ever Get Further Ahead?

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It has been my experience that most folks that you speak with today about achieving success…about becoming healthy and wealthy…about having lots of time and money with which to enjoy the extra time….and about becoming Financially Independent and Personally Free…are all for it.  They all feel it would be something really great to have or to accomplish. 

They really get excited about discussing these subjects and how they personally can achieve them….until….they learn two significant things:
(1) They will have to take personal responsibility for their own actions and involvement.  That means that they will have to become accountable to others for their own contributions to the team effort that will be required to achieve these lofty desires.  And (2) they will have to go to work….to perform a consistent work ethic that will actually produce the desired benefits.  They may even have to work really long and hard over an extended period of time.   

Oh the famous four letter word WORK is what really scares them away or eliminates them. 

Well, dear friends, make no mistake about it.  Success, although it may in some cases be a relatively simple thing, is not such an easy thing to accomplish in your own life.  In fact the United States Social Security Administration, the government agency charged with keeping track of all our citizens and their earnings, performs annual studies and publishes those studies every year. The results of those studies never change.  The results of people who earn honest and legal incomes from wages in America are the same today as they were 78 years ago in 1935 when the Social Security Administration was created under the Presidential Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.   The results continue to tell us that out of every 100 workers in America today who enter the work force between the ages of 20 to 25 and work for 40 to 45 years until age 60 to 65, that only 2% will achieve Financial Independence and Personal Freedom by their 65th birthday.  The rest, the other 98%, will be dead or broke by the same end date.  Not too much to look forward to or get excited about would you agree? 

The only difference between a grave and a rut is its length.  A grave is roughly six feet long.  Your rut is the distance between your home and your place of work.  Both a grave and/or a rut will do the same thing to you in the long run of time….they will both bury you.  

Boredom, misery, stress, unhappiness, premature aging, and poor health issues together with all their related side effects come flooding into you and your family whenever insufficient income problems show up in your life.  Money problems come first.  The very next challenge that comes to the forefront (about 90 days after the money problems are exposed) will be marriage problems.  Ask any pastor of any church what he spends most of his time doing.  His answer almost always is “counseling.”  Ask the pastor who is it that he counsels the most.  His answer almost always is “young married couples.” Ask the pastor what subject he counsels the most about with these young couples.  His answer almost always is “money problems.”   It is never a question of having too much money.  It is always a question about having too little to make ends meet.  Well over 50% of those who get married today will divorce within the next five years.  The real sadness is when the family disintegrates, the ones who suffer the most are the children produced through those abandoned unions.  Please do not let that happen to you! 

Because of our Free Enterprise System of economics, our economy, our lifestyle, our ways and means of living are all based on money issues.  It takes money to turn dreams and goals into reality, whether you agree with it or like it or not. 

Never argue with the facts.  Why?…because facts don’t change.  They are what they are….indisputable truth.  Arguing about them is just a waste of precious and valuable time. 

Here is what I want you to get out of this information.  If you want to become successful in America today, I mean become really successful, then all that is necessary for you to do is to simply observe what the masses, the majority of people in our country, do to earn a living and then make sure that you do the exact opposite of what the masses do.  See what the vast majority of Americans do to earn a living and DON’T DO IT. 

With a 98% failure rate for all Americans, the secret of  achieving success is really quite simple: 


Permit me to assist you in coming to the correct conclusion when interpreting this data.  

America is a free country.  It operates under an economic system known as The Free Enterprise System. Let us look at the dictionary definitions of these two words:

Free:  1.  Loose; at liberty; not restrained or fettered; as, the prisoner  may go free; 2. not attached or fixed; as, the free end of a rope; independent; not connected with, or restrained by, a group or organization with definite rules; as, a free lance; a free church; 3. unhampered; not influenced by other persons; as, a free choice; 

Enterprise:  1.  Any undertaking or projected task, especially one of importance or risk; 2.  energy; invention; readiness to undertake what requires boldness; Econ., that quality which makes the organizer of a business, called the enterpriser, willing  to take a business risk. 

When these two words are linked together in a sentence, they convey the idea of an individual owning and operating a “for-profit” business. It is just such a business enterprise that is the basis for our entire economic system.  It is really what America is all about!  Free people, living as they choose under the sovereignty of a loving and just God, without government intervention, earning income levels they desire by operating honest and legal businesses of their own.  Lots of blood has been spent and sacrificed over history for this just and honorable cause. 

Please take notice that the word Employee does not appear in the definition of free enterprise.  Interestingly, it does not appear in the Bible either.  As close as Scripture gets to “employee” is the word Slave.   

America is the greatest and the wealthiest nation in the history of the modern world…..Sadly it is the only nation in the world that does not teach its own children its own system of economics.   

Today the children of America are taught through a government owned and run public school system how to get as good an education as they can afford, and take the knowledge they have acquired and go out and get as good of job as they can find, i.e. become employees.  They then are taught to put their nose down to the grindstone and work for 40 or more hours per week for 40  or more years of their lives earning a W-2 income stream from which nearly 50 % of their income will be stolen from them through some sort of taxes, interest, inflation, or  assessments.  

The sad truth is that these American youth are encouraged to crawl into the “Rut System” of earning income, and to stay in that rut system for most of their lives.  In so doing, they guarantee themselves no chance of making it up to any significant level of economic success.  What they are really being told is that they should find a good job, work hard as an employee for most of their life, so that they can wind up with absolutely nothing by age 65.  That is what contributes most to the hopelessness of our nation.  

Here are the facts….You simply cannot earn sufficient income increases through promotions or raises that will go up as fast as the deductions will increase from your paycheck.  Consequently you will fall further behind as each year passes.   Sadly, when you finally reach the age of seniority (65 years) and the system forces you out of the earning pool you will sorrowfully come to grips with the facts that you are (A) broke and (B) cannot afford to live on your existing meager income stream that you used up your life to create….And it is then too late to do anything about it.  Please do not let that happen to you. 

Don‘t wait until you are 65 to solve the inevitable problem.  Recognize it and do something about it now…..before it is too late. 

Closing Point:  If the way to failure (98%) is becoming an employee…..Then in order to succeed in America (2%), you need to start and operate a for-profit business of your own. 

There are plenty of good opportunities available.  Get your antenna up.  Pay attention to the few chances that you find that have worked well for others and will also work for you. 

You better get on with it and get that requirement done!  Put the statistics on your side,… in your favor! 

Choose the proven opportunities which have been around a long time, have great success, and who will provide you experienced leadership.  They (it) will provide you the best chance to succeed.  Search it out, you will find it. 

Peace and love to all of you…….Poppa Bear

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