You Don’t Need To Have All The Answers Before You Begin

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May 1, 2017 marked the fourth Anniversary of the full and complete launching of my website, While it is hard to believe that four and one half years have passed since I first sat down at the keyboard of my first ever personal laptop computer and started index finger-picking one letter and then one word at a time. The time has literally flown by. Difficult as was my first attempt at writing something of meaningful significance, it was exhilarating and most gratifying to complete that first ever blog discussion. Never forget that everything of important purpose and accomplishment had to have a starting point. Most usually that starting point was small in size and scope when a person’s idea is initially implemented. I was frightened near to death, as I had never written anything of much real significance before, let alone typed a blog and posted it on the internet. Allow me to add for those of you readers or listeners who might now be struggling at launching any new creative personal or business-oriented adventure, and are worried, concerned, or even a little bit scared at the enormity of it all,…don’t sweat it! Get on with it! Get started! Begin right now, today,… right from where you now stand, and do as best you can using what little talent you presently possess. You have enough ability to start, so do it,…start! Then make corrections as you go forward! Figure things out as you go. You do not need all of the answers to all of the possible questions that may arise before beginning your work efforts. Just begin! Be willing to fail, then pick yourself up, correct whatever needs correcting and begin again! Wisdom and knowledge accumulate as you first ask God for it, and then begin to utilize what you know all the while you are gaining more of it.

Success in any venture is a long term process. No one starts at the top.

Be willing to consistently and persistently work everyday at getting better at developing and using your God given skills. The key is to improve and expand those personal skills through practice, then some more practice, and finally some more continuing practice until time and experience proves you are growing and improving your talents, skills, and abilities.

The most successful people of accomplishment will unanimously agree that all of the answers to all of the questions, circumstances, or situations do not have to be known and fully understood before the achiever begins his own work ethic at doing what is required to accomplish his chosen mission.

A key element to achieving real and lasting success is to begin right now and stop making any kind of excuses regardless of circumstances. No matter how big the challenges may appear or how incapable you believe you are, your motto ought to declare that you will obediently follow the guidance and instruction of the Lord. It ought to be “I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me” just as is expressed in the Holy Bible in the Book of Philippians, Chapter 4, verse 19 AMP:

(19) “ And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every
need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Now just remember that particular verse is a promise directly to you from your personal Creator!…from your Lord, Master, and Savior! It is to be taken seriously and accepted in total faith that God will always do precisely what He says He will do. That’s it! period! He will provide your every need! Work with the confidence that you will be able to do what needs to be done using those talents and abilities that God has provided to you just as they are presently inside of your own heart, mind, and body right now, today. The key is that you personally believe that statement to be the absolute unquestioned truth! And you then act according to what you truly believe. Doing anything less than that what has just been stated is a complete insult to your own heavenly Father. God is not interested in excuses. Oh No! God is interested in obedient performance even if it is ugly and poorly done.

Your personal faith is developed and increased as a result of your using that which you now possess and then adding to it as you gain additional knowledge and experience. All of this process is known as personal growth. It is your personal faith and belief, and therefore it is your personal responsibility to develop and grow your belief and faith to higher and greater levels and amounts. No one else can or will develop your level of faith for you!…ever. So stop waiting for someone else to do it for you, and go to work by yourself for yourself!

The Road to Success is all uphill from where you now stand.

Get mentally prepared for a long uphill journey from where you now stand all the way to where you desire to go. Begin to do what you know to do so as to achieve what it is you are passionately pursuing. Stay steady at doing the required work everyday, no breaks or sabbaticals, and grow in your personal knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and in what needs to be done in order to accomplish your chosen mission. Then get started and don’t you ever quit or give up! You will make it as long as you stay steady, as best you are able to do so, for as long as is required. is surely not where I want it to be as of today. But it certainly is a long way ahead of where I started in January 2013!

This website has been shared around the globe. Users are in countries and places that I never could have imagined they would be. God’s language of success is mysteriously and commonly understood in all countries, languages, and dialects all around the world. Somehow, in a mysterious manner, people form around the globe clearly understand God’s language of success!

Dr. John C. Maxwell once gave me some great personal advice after I asked him about what I should do about beginning my own website. His advice was short, sweet, simple, and to the point. If you have decided that that you are going to write a blog and other articles in your own website, then begin to write! Now,…not later! Don’t worry about all the unknowns or other inadequacies about yourself and other people. Don’t listen to the critics. Follow your own heart (conscience). Listen to God. Obediently follow your Master’s leadings. And above all stay at it no matter what happens. Just write something positive and serious everyday and stay at it for as along as it takes until you have accomplished what you set out to do. God Almighty will provide your every need, just be patient and stay consistent in your personal growth and spiritual development, and in your applied work ethic. I would call that pretty good and sound advice. Wouldn’t you?

One of my personal mentors, Bill Britt, from North Carolina, said to me, in essence, the very same thing about six months prior to John Maxwell’s encouragement to me. Hence I decided to start this website with no personal experience, talents, abilities, or understanding about what and how I was doing and what and how I would need to learn as the website began to be developed and start taking on a life of its own. In other words, I just started to walk in total faith, writing about the things and experiences and knowledge that I had accumulated over the course of building my own business together with my bride, Jany, and with using my knowledge from all of my personal study and living experiences which I had encountered through the first 68 years of my life.

Looking back over the past four and one half years, lots has happened. Some of the happenings have been expected, others have been totally unexpected, and still others have been great blessings to me and my family both personally and corporately. Some other happenings have been hurtful, painful, and highly critical. But I do not worry or concern myself with the ugly events and reactions. I just get excited about all of the good and positive occurrences. Because I am obediently following the personal instructions given to me by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty one late night in Reno, Nevada, when I was with my bride, as she was receiving alternative cancer treatments there at a wellness clinic, just one month before she passed away and into eternity to be forever with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This event happened in August, 2011.

On that eventful night when God spoke directly to my heart, I did not know what I was going to do about obediently following the guidance and direction God had given to me. I just knew that I would do it! I just knew that My Heavenly Father, God Almighty, would guide, direct, and assist me, and provide for my needs in those areas in which I lacked the knowledge and ability to perform properly and adequately. I just knew, because He had promised me that all things were possible with God. I knew I was capable of learning new skills and technology. I just knew that I knew God personally through a good personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and therefore He would do for me that which He had promised to do, if I would only believe in Him and His promises, fully trust in Him and His promises, and go to work doing as best as I knew how to do using only those talents, abilities, and wisdom I had learned and gained from the experiences of my life up to that point in time. It would all become a personal walk in total faith. So I began and constantly continue to do as I was instructed by the Holy Spirit of God.

Was what I possessed enough? Was what I had gained and developed sufficient to accomplish my God-given assignment? Only additional time will tell. It has only been four years out of a five year plan I am using to test whether or not I can actually accomplish what I have been commanded to do. I am growing in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word each and every day. I continually ask Him for additional wisdom and understanding every morning and evening. My website encompasses sixteen articles every month,… (4 blogs and 12 other articles on a wide variety of life’s most important subjects every month of the year)! I am studying, reading, listening, drafting, writing, and recording on average six and one half hours a day, seven days a week. That is approximately 45 hours a week or 180 hours a month or 2,160 hours a year. That work ethic accumulates to 8,640 hours invested through May 1, 2017, and will total an applied effort of 10,800 hours of work ethic I will have performed by the end of five full years of effort that I believe will be needed to get this website,, off the ground and moving under it’s own power. Success has a price tag. Always has,…always will.

I read somewhere that when considering all of the great successes that have occurred within our country of America, the ones who achieved the greatest levels of success put in, on average, 10,000 hours of proper work effort as needed before their great success actually occurred. That being the case, I am on schedule to have met the required effort in five years time. All I have to do is to keep performing and producing at my current rate and I will have met my 10,000+ hours of required work effort needed to accomplish my mission. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Regardless of what has or has not been achieved as of this date, I still have one more full year of daily writing to complete my predetermined goal as regards my effort. That I will accomplish, no doubt or question about it. It is indeed a “done deal.”

I do know for absolute certain that applied work effort always must occur before any results or rewards, promised or un-promised, can ever be expected or claimed. Consequently I am just focused on the required work effort. I will allow God Almighty to do the expansion of size and scope. He really doesn’t want or need my input.

If it worked for someone else and it is from God, then it will surely also work for me. For I know that God is no respecter of persons. And I know that it will work for you too. Are you willing to put forth the committed uninterrupted five years of effort needed to accomplish your own dreams and goals? The answer to that specific question, my friend, can only come from you,…from your own heart.

If you have benefitted from this website,, and the information it contains, please share it with others whom you know who just might benefit or gain some knowledge and understanding that just might help them too.

There is simply no limit to what we can all achieve, if we will but work together, helping and assisting each other without caring who gets any of the credit.

Peace and Love to All of You………………….Poppa Bear

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You Don’t Need To Have All The Answers Before You Begin — 4 Comments

  1. Dear Dave,

    I was associate with you years ago but lost touch when I left. I have always had tremendous respect for you and what you teach others. Obviously I had no idea Jan had passed and I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. I say that from the bottom of my heart as I can still recall the loving way you’ve always spoken about her and it hit kinda hard to read about it here. Continue your work Dave. With God at your side you can reach the goal you set with this site.

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