Are You Willing To Give Your Last Dollar?

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The very best preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.

God gives the right and correct admonition for success to enter our lives within the pages of the Holy Scripture. This gift from God is recorded in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 6, verse 34, NKJV:

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Said just a bit differently within another translation, the same verse reads:

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself….”

How many times do you see people worrying about everything going on in their own lives to the point where they become unable to discern, decide, or even move forward with any kind of productive action. There will always be lots of concerns, events, and people entering our lives daily who can and most often do distract us from passionately pursuing our own purposes or endeavors. The success oriented person comes to grips with these type distractions and stops spending his precious resources and energies on or in them.

The most powerful force on this earth is the power of a thought!

This power can be and usually is purposed in either one of two directions within the living of your life: (1) for the benefit and blessing of positive created accomplishments, or (2) for the misery and suffering of wasted unperformed desires that never get produced or used to bless the lives of other people within God’s Kingdom.

The first use,…is a positive, creative, and very valuable thing. The second use,…is a negative, unproductive, and valueless thing. If you are using your life to pursue your passions and good creative purposes for your life, then focus only on those things, events, places, and people who come into your life over which you can exercise some degree of control. Stop wasting valuable time and power that God has given you by worrying, wondering, and pondering all of your thoughts and their related power….on things that really make no difference in the final outcome of your life. You would be much further ahead in the game of life if you will but concentrate your positive creative thoughts and concerns on how to achieve and accomplish those good and proper things and tasks that are occupying your thoughts today.

From all of my study, reading, and listening to men and women much wiser than am I, I have never once run across any piece of information or any one individual who actually proved that the act of worrying or nonperformance, i.e. not producing anything good, right, and proper ever accomplished anything of good significance or benefit. Without having a master’s degree from a major college institution, I think most of us can safely conclude from my last statement that worrying is not a good thing for you to do!

Worrying blocks your creative thinking and productive energies. That in turn blocks your physical action and activities, which in turn stops or significantly slows your performance. In short, worrying accomplishes nothing and prevents you from achieving the really important things in your life.

As your friend, I will also be so bold as to tell you that worrying will also eliminate the opportunity for God to use you to do something of great importance and benefit to yourself and for other people. Worrying withholds God’s blessing from your own life. Worrying stops your own forward motion. Worrying prohibits you from becoming the person that God wants you to be. Worrying stops your personal productivity and brings your energy and efforts to a complete standstill.

God cannot steer a “parked car.”

It is only when you are passionately pursuing (with relentless resolute determination) the dreams, goals, and planned purposes for your life,…. that the real Power of God can course through your arteries and veins. Without dragging the burden of worrying behind you as you travel your own road to success, you will be able to love, assist, serve, and care for lots of other people who really need your help. You, being your most productive best with the use of your own life is precisely what God wants you to do with the use of your life while you are on this earth.

A story to support my point, please……

There once was a man whose nickname was “Tex” who just happened to be a driven man attempting to achieve and accomplish his own dreams of becoming a great “Country and Western” singer and eventually a great recording star. He saved, planned, and sacrificed to enable himself to attend the final performance of the Grand Ole Opry held in the original Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. At the conclusion of the performance, Tex found himself backstage in the company of an acquaintance. Star struck, Tex quickly asked the various performers who were there for their personal autograph. The only piece of paper (material) that Tex could find on which to write an autograph,…was a crumpled old one dollar bill that had been stuffed into his wallet. That very dollar bill became Tex’s most prized possession.

Time went on as it always does. Tex struggled in the entertainment industry, but he never gave up…he never quit working toward the accomplishment of his own dreams. Then came the bitter cold winter of 1976-77. Life was miserable throughout the south. Temperatures plummeted, crops froze, many people suffered and faced great hunger.

One evening after the work day ended, Tex was leaving the radio station where he was employed and he noticed a young man sitting in an old yellow dented and dinged Dodge pick up truck. The truck was still there the next day, and the day after that. Finally Tex stopped at the truck and asked the man if something was wrong. The young man told Tex that he had arrived in town to work a job that wasn’t going to begin for three more days. He went on to tell Tex that he had no food and no place to stay. Quite a sad story, wouldn’t you say? Reluctantly, the young man asked Tex if he might borrow a dollar to satisfy his growing hunger. Tex told the man that he too was down to his last dime, and really didn’t have any extra money to give the young man….but then he recalled his Grand Ole Opry autographed dollar. He gave it to the young man spontaneously.

The very next day, Tex got a job that paid him $500 for two hour’s work! Then more opportunities began to flow his way. Eventually, Tex was back up on his own feet financially. He never again saw the man in the old yellow Dodge pick up truck. Tex only knew that whoever the man was, and whatever principle within God’s Kingdom was in effect, good things,…very good things began to happen in his own life when he gave his last…when he gave his…..“bottom dollar.”

Always be ever-so-grateful for all of the great and wonderful things and people that you do have in your life today. Give of your resources to help and serve a fellow man or woman. Don’t worry about all of the other things that could go wrong in your life….just love and care for and serve your fellow man and let God handle all of the rest…for He is well able to do it most properly!

“GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
Luke 6 : 38 NKJV

Peace And Love to All of You………………Poppa Bear

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Are You Willing To Give Your Last Dollar? — 2 Comments

  1. What a wonderful story and reminder of what we should be doing. In Phoenix there are many homeless people and people in financial need. I can’t help them all, but I am certainly not close minded or tight fisted to others needs. Bless you, Dave Severn for always the right message!

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