You Can Only Be A First Class You

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The saddest thing I have ever personally witnessed in my almost seven decades of life, is observing a human being, fully equipped with all the necessary faculties, filled with good health, educated, and trained in people skills, social graces, and communication abilities… out their entire life and never come close to reaching their God-given potential. They never reached or became what they had the ability to become only because they lived out a long life and never came to know and understand who they really were in Christ,….they never learned and performed their God-given and God-designed purpose,…they never learned God’s Will for their life. It is painfully sad to observe the living out of one’s life and never coming close to that which they could have been….which they could have achieved.”

A very wise personal friend once told me,…“Hell,… is the day that you meet the person,….you could have been!” His words struck deep into my spirit and I have never forgotten them. I can only speak for myself,….but I do not want to go to hell. It is my personal desire to make sure that I become the person God wants me to be….not the person I choose to become based upon my own desires, decisions, and choices.

Before one can ever come to learn what God’s Will for his life is….he must first come to personally know God Himself. That, of course, presupposes that a person must establish and further develop a personal relationship with God. It is just plain common sense that tells us that you cannot have a personal relationship with a dead person. Therefore, God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, have to be living spirits/beings. It is just that single point that separates Christianity from all other religions. Christianity is not a religion per se. It is a personal relationship…..a living and active personal relationship with a living God!

Now if a person truly desires to be all that God created them to be and wants to receive all of God’s blessings as promised when that goal is achieved, then without question or challenge, such a person must first come to know God personally and invite Him to come into his own life. 
Secondly such a person must request God to come into his own heart and mind and help him to come to know what God’s Will for his life actually is. And then lastly he needs to ask God to help him accomplish His Will through him while simultaneously loving and serving his Creator, God, and loving and serving his fellow man as he uses up his earthly life,….doing it all for the glory and magnification of God Almighty.

This process is not a suggestion…it is a requirement! It is exactly what a person must do if he truly desires to become highly successful and live a content and very happy joy-filled life. I mean, after all, isn’t that really what most all of us really truly want to do with our lives? I certainly believe that it is!

Always remember,…Joy is not In things…it is In us! Joy is rooted in our own hearts and minds. Joy expresses itself through our own thoughts, deeds and actions. Our own personal joy is manifested through our own personal state of happiness.

That being said, then it all begins with the establishment and development of a personal relationship with a living God. If you really want to have and live a happy and joy-filled life…..then make absolute certain that you become a born-again, blood-bought, Christian believer/member within the Family of God. Once you become a Child of God,….you get it all!

Once God and His Holy Spirit live within your spiritual heart,…your brain… you become a member of God’s Royal Family. You become the Child of a King! Everything He is and has promised to be and make available for you to have and enjoy are yours!

Such actions immediately upgrade your personal status throughout the remainder of your life to “First Class.” The very best that God has to offer His Children are now yours for the asking. Living in total obedience to God and His Word is your plight from that point forward. Remember, God has told us that He has come to the earth so that we may have life,…and have it more abundantly!

That is yours for the taking, if you do as I have laid out here within this discussion. Find and ask a good Christian Believer to guide you through the process. It is painless and ever so wonderful! But, most importantly, it is your only means of securing your place in heaven for all of eternity.

Everything for all eternity is riding on you making the right choice!

When you know you are a “First Class You,” then all restrictions are removed. All limitations on your performance and achievements are eliminated. You now know who you really are. As you grow and mature as a new believer, you will come to clearly know and understand what you are to do with the living of your life i.e. what God’s Will for your life really is. It is at this point in your own life that you will finally come to learn and understand God’s Truth. And it will be the learning of the knowledge of the Truth that, in fact, will set you free indeed!


Peace and Love to All of You……………..Poppa Bear

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