Happy Father’s Day

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A Dad’s heartfelt message on this special day to my blessed and wonderful children. It is a privilege and honor to be your Dad.

Father’s Day is, of course, a national holiday as is celebrated here in America. The middle of the month of June is always set aside as a Day of Recognition of the culmination of manhood, which is first becoming a husband and subsequently becoming a father. God’s greatest blessing that He bestows upon a man, is allowing him to become a father. As such he is a nurturing agent, a teacher, and a trainer of his own children as procreated with his own wife. The cotton does not grow any taller than that. What a privilege it is, indeed, to be a Father,….to be a Dad, and then ultimately become a grandfather.


n. [ hero, guide, teacher, friend, advisor, politician, comedian, healer, wiseman, fixer of all things. ]

Being a Dad is a position of great accomplishment. It carries with it a tremendous amount of personal responsibility. A Dad wears many hats of all different sizes and shapes. Each of these hats identifies and assigns him with a new and singular job description. In short, a Dad has to be a jack of all trades. He is expected to be the authority figure of the family, its strongest member. Dad is just naturally expected to be the one who is right and makes everything else right. Dad must be the spiritual head of the family in order for it the operate correctly, effectively, and appropriately. The leader, Dad, is the one who guides and directs the movements and accomplishments of the family as individuals and as a corporate body as relates to all matters of the flesh or of the spirit.

Dad is just too big of a job to expect any human being to fill all on his own…God must always be a permanent partner with Dad if the body of the family is to be complete!

Were the truth known, being Dad,….Daddy,…..Poppa, or what ever his personal moniker happens to be…Dad is the most difficult and demanding of family positions. God made it that way when He first created man and woman and the institution of marriage within the confines of the Garden of Eden. That is precisely why the marriage of one man to one woman is so very sacred to men and to God. It simply cannot be any other way.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment. No exceptions. That of course carries with it many privileges and blessings, but also great responsibilities. Being a Dad is not a role for the “weak of heart.”

The greatest of all blessings of fatherhood is the birth of the children that come from the union of Mom and Dad. God commands that husbands and wives to be fruitful and multiply. It is not a suggestion. That is God’s way. He expects it.

The very greatest gift Dad can give to his blessed family is to be the best and finest personal example of what and how he desires his family to become. The role and steps Dad takes as he leads the family is of utmost importance. It is known fact that people do what people see. Dad’s primary role as a leader of the family is to be the right and the best example there is to be for all the family to view, follow, and duplicate.

It is all part of God’s overall plan for mankind. Adam came first, so he (Dad) is to be the head. His role is to provide for and to protect the entire family against any and all forces be they internal or external in nature. Additionally he is to meet and fill all of the right and proper needs of the family, what ever they may be. Indeed it is a Herculean task to be a good Dad. But oh how great the rewards for doing so are. A dad’s heart swells with love, affection, and admiration of his family as he watches and observes them grow and mature into wonderful loving and caring people,…into motivated, prosperous, and contributing members of society as a whole and of our nation.

A servant’s heart is at the core of every good and great father. A loving nurturing spirit is the mainstay of the head of the family. God sees the great dads, knows who they are, and He rewards them mightily for the faithful servanthood they display and provide. God bless you Dads,…whoever and wherever you are in this great world today!

Happy Father’s Day!………………………………….Poppa Bear

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