The Importance of Remembering Important Things

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Throughout the entire Holy Scriptures, story after story is told about men and women doing something important,…witnessing a significant event,…or accomplishing a directed effort given to them by either an authority figure in their society or by God Almighty Himself.  Regardless of the assignment, subsequent to its accomplishment, the people involved in its completion always built some sort of altar, marker, memorial, or structure to serve as a reminder of whatever it was that happened at that site.  God always wants His people to remember the significant happenings in their life.  He wants people to note and remember those events that occurred which they knew, beyond any question, had been orchestrated to them and for their benefit by God Himself. 

Remembering the important things that occur in your life is a vital part of building memories,…of teaching others what extraordinary occasions occurred that are part of their shared history with you,… and of establishing a legacy of knowledge and understanding that one generation can pass on to subsequent generations.  Such information will permit the survival of the understanding of each life, lineage, and achievement within your family tree.

I am sitting at my desk, in my office, at my computer typing this discussion.  It is a dark, dreary, sleet-filled day.  As I gaze out the big windows across the backyard sloping down to a rather small lake which happens to be packed full of migrating ducks and geese, a brilliant glaring light deep in the recesses of my mind is flashing back at me through my memory banks.  Today, February 22, 2013 is one of those major remembrance markers in my life. 

It was precisely 36 years ago today that a very special event occurred in my and  my wife, Jan’s, life.  This major significant event unexpectedly came waltzing in to our lives and forever changed “everything” all for the  good and the positive.  Like almost all things that really do come from God, it arrived in our life from completely out-of-the-blue.  We weren’t looking for it,…it found us.  God does have a wonderful sense of humor.

On February 22, 1977 my college fraternity brother drove 8 1/2 hours through a raging snowstorm in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho, from his home in northern Idaho to our home in south central Idaho.  The sole purpose of his visit was to share with us a ways and means by which we could  start and operate for a profit a business of our own.  He showed us an opportunity that provided a honest and legal “entry gate” into the Free Enterprise System of the economy of the United States of America.  I was, at the time, employed by the largest of the Big 8 Public Accounting firms in the United States.  I was climbing the “corporate ladder,” if you will, and had peaked out in my profession.  No further promotions were available in the office in which I worked until and unless somebody above me died, retired, or got fired.  In just 8 short years I had reached the top of my available pay scale unless I took a transfer to another office of the firm in some other bigger major metropolitan area of America.  I would not do that, because I was not willing to sacrifice the prime quality-of-life we were enjoying in southern Idaho.  

Jan and I were “prepared” to make a new exciting and major change in our life.  I was 32 years old at the time and had no fear of anything or anybody.  I hated being an employee and being told, demanded, or bossed around on a daily basis.  I had always wanted to own my own business, and to be my own boss.  On February 22, 1977 my “opportunity” was knocking on my own front door and was slapping me in the face.  Hello! Welcome! 

Success will occur in a person’s life when “Opportunity” and “Preparedness” meet.  It is a major focal point in any human’s life.  Through the events and circumstances of my life, I was prepared for a great new chance to make it big.  The Opportunity was solid, honest, legal, did not violate any of God’s Laws or any of my fellow man’s rights.  It almost seemed to be too good to be true….But at the time it had a proven, flawless 17 year track record.  Most importantly I could start it on a part-time basis without giving up my C.P.A. income stream and I did not need any huge front-end capital investment.  The real decision maker and deal sealer, was that I got paid in direct  proportion to the amount of work I actually did.  I have never been, nor will I ever be lazy.  Because of titles, lines of authority, politics, and favoritism,… up to that point in my life, I was always doing the work of the next highest level but only being paid at the lower level of my position or title.  I hated that.  I just have never liked being controlled, limited, or restrained in any way shape or form.  How about you? 

On February 22, 1977 we started our own business and began our journey towards Financial Independence and Personal Freedom.  We were going to create our own independence with the help of God and a whole lot of other people.  Eighteen months later we had quadrupled my C.P.A. job income from the part-time operations of our own business.  We had established great friendships and personal relationships with top quality, good charactered men and women across America and in several foreign countries.  Everything was working out just as we had been told that it would.  Our secret was simply that we worked,…and worked,…and continued to work,…even when nothing seemed to be happening.  We just kept building our business, and doing the things we were instructed to do by the people who had successfully gone before us.  We never thought or talked about quitting or giving up. 

The Old Testament Book of Genesis tells us that Noah worked for 120 years to finally build the Ark to completion.  Because he did not give up, his efforts eventually saved his own and his family’s life.  Good, honest, highly beneficial things in our lives always take time to complete.  Patience is one of the  most important personal characteristics of all successful people.  That fact alone tells you why there are so many unsuccessful people in the world today. 

When my part time income grew to be four times my full time income, I could no longer justify why I should continue getting up every morning,  going to an office, and being continually bossed around.  Consequently I retired myself from my accounting profession on November 28, 1978, at the tender age of 33.  Oh the JOY!….I HAVE NEVER LOOKED BACK.  We have enjoyed a lifestyle of personal freedom for over 34 years.  That fact well bears remembering. 

Through the solid Christian friendships developed from building our business, we found The Lord and became Christian Believers on July 9, 1978 at 11:15 A.M. in Spokane, Washington.  This “mile-marker” event well bears remembering.

Wedding dates, Birthdays, Holidays, Promotions, Career Changes, Home Purchases, Important Travel Destinations, Salvation Dates, First Date, First Kiss, First Steps Taken,…the list goes on and on.  Remember them!….Remember and record all of them.  The events themselves and the things that happened by and between the people in attendance are all-important in the building of a real and lasting Legacy. 

The sad facts are today that most people do not even know the first and last names of their grand parents, let alone their great grand parents.  If you don’t know where you came from, you will have a much harder time deciding where you are going.  

Family and the strength it gives to its own members,…and…to a culture and a society are extremely important and very valuable blessings and benefits to all people involved.  They provide a window to your past, that gives to you an appreciation for those folks who preceded you and   made sacrifices for you.  Knowing who your ancestors were and what they gave up to establish a future blessing for you and your family provides you a basis of knowledge and understanding about what your contribution ought to be while you are alive.  My earthly father was a hard worker, a perfectionist, and a very successful, demanding business leader.  But he never demanded more from other people than he did from himself.  I can still hear his words words ringing in my ears some 47 years after his death,… “Buckshot, you are a Severn!…Act Like It!” 

Remember those major events of your life and then carefully add on to them and pass them on to the next generation.  Guarantee your successors will receive the knowledge, understanding, blessings, and rewards that their forbearers established for them.   

You owe a debt of gratitude to those fearless souls who blazed a trail for you to follow.  Carry forward their vital contribution.  Pay your “dues” to your family.  Leave something valuable for those coming after you to use to bring joy and happiness to their own lives.


Peace and love to all of you…..Poppa Bear

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