Make Certain You Know Where You Are Going, Before The Journey Begins

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How many times in your life have you decided to go somewhere special whether it be with just one friend or with a larger group of people, and folks involved just could not settle on a destination.  Try as you may to convince everyone of a desired and preferred destination, there just wasn’t a consensus among the participants.  Arguments, heated or cool, can spring up out of nowhere.  People can get pretty “testy” about their own likes and dislikes can’t they?  Getting more than oneself to agree on any given path or performance can sometimes be a real ordeal.

Sadly, when there is no leader of the group who is involved in the decision process, the chances for agreement are pretty slim.  Once again A Truth of Life raises its head….Everything in life rises and falls based upon leadership.

If there is no target, how does one evaluate his effectiveness in hitting the bulls-eye?

If there is no score, how is it possible to determine a winner?

If there is no specific destination, how can your efforts and motion be termed a journey?

Novelist Johan Wolfgang von Goethe said, “Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.”  Is it possible that that is the very reason why so very few people follow through and act on their goals?

Without having a end point,… a final termination of your planned travel,…then all you are doing is wandering around wasting valuable time and resources, while getting absolutely nowhere.  Sadly, a vast majority of people live their entire lives doing exactly that….wandering around in the fog….usually in a circular pattern….always coming back to their original starting point.  No sense of achievement, …no satisfaction of having been somewhere special and returning with grand memories and wonderful experiences,…no new friendships established,…nothing,…just… “Here I am, back again to my starting point.”

Are you beginning to get a better grasp on the importance,…no, I should say on the absolute necessity of having a definite, decided destination, target, or end point, before you begin your journey….And if there are more than one person making the trip, that all parties involved are agreed as to the final destination?

Chances of actually getting to where you really want to go are greatly lessened without this pre-agreed ending point being well established prior to departure.

It has been said that if you aim at nothing, you will surely hit it.  That is the way most folks live out their lives.  They don’t know what they really want.  They don’t know where they are really going.  They don’t know how or when they are going to get there.  They basically have no real clue about the purpose to their life.  Consequently they are seldom happy or joyful people.  They have few if any real close friends.  They are not very adventurous people, and they seldom accomplish anything of real significance,…primarily because they simply will not take many, if any, real risks…

All that lack of meaningful performance and its related under-achievements could all quickly change if and only if they themselves would change their attitudes and their thought habits from bad to good,….from negative to positive!

Non producers are the majority!  That is exactly the reason I keep telling people that if you want to be successful just simply observe the masses and do the opposite.  Because the masses are going nowhere,… they are just wandering around.

You see, the real trick or secret, if you will, to acting on your goals and beginning the journey to your own success is simply Showing Up and Getting Started!

Some very wise counsel was once given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  You would be wise to heed his advice.  He said, “It is common sense to take a method and try it.  If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, TRY SOMETHING.”

Remember, Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal.  It is a journey, it is not a destination.  It is a process that occurs over an extended period of time.  It develops,…it grows and becomes greater each week,…it evolves from nothing but a dream into something very great and beneficial to everyone.  There are two primary things that you must do to become successful:  (1) You must follow through with a consistent and persistent work ethic,..i.e. doing that which is required and necessary to complete your journey.  And (2) You must Never Quit Working toward the completion of turning your dream into reality.   That’s It, Period!  Get Started and Never Quit!

Don’t make this program of achieving your success any more difficult than it already is or that it needs to be!   See It Big,…Keep It Simple!

Many studies of people have been made as to why they achieve or fail to achieve.  One that stands out was done by Gregg Harris.  Here are the results of a group of 100 people who were studied:

A.  67 people actually set goals for themselves.
B.  But of those 67 people, only 10 made realistic plans to reach their set
C.  Out of those 10 people, only 2 follow through and actually make them

Here is proof positive of what you have heard me say time and time again.  In the greatest, freest, and wealthiest Nation in the world, The United States of America, only 2% of our population achieves actual $ucce$$!….financial independence and personal freedom.

All who fail in our Nation today, fail because of a unwillingness to work and continue working…following through….day after day…week after week, year after year…DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES…to complete the job, the mission, the purpose,…until the job is done,…until the necessary work is completed.

If you give up,… if you prematurely quit working,… then you really have not failed per se.  No, all you have done is Quit…You gave up on yourself and your own family,….on your dreams and goals and plans for a better future.  No one is to blame except YOU.  The only person from whom you can ever really quit is YOU.


Always keep in mind that you do not have to be flawless.  You do not need to be any more than you presently are. You do not need some attribute someone else has that you do not possess.  You just need to BEGIN,…. doing what you have been properly instructed to do… ..doing it with only that which you do possess,… and doing it the best you are capable of doing it.  That is known as a START.

There is an old phrase that hits the nail on the head as regards your success…. “Beginning is half done.” The same advice given in another way using some more cowboy counsel is….“A job well begun…is a job half done.” 

It is good to remember that you do not need to be perfect,…you only need to make progress.  Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal.  Progress is what you are after.  The rate of progress is a variable that only the worker (you) can set or change.

An old Chinese Proverb provides some very the good advice I can share with you as concerns your personal success.  It says, “Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still.”

It is time for you to begin making some progress,…for you to start moving in the direction of your own dreams!

Peace and Love to All of You…………………..Poppa Bear


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