Freedom of Speech,…Every American’s Right

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I don’t know about you, but I certainly know about me and my own personal position. I know that I despise being told what to do, particularly by people who have never done what they are telling or demanding other people to do. I don’t mind being asked to do something, but being ordered around (bossed around, if you will) by other people because of their position in life,… just never sits well with me. In all of my studying and personal experience, I have never found where more production and performance was generated by demanding and/or forcing people to do a given task or requirement rather than by persuading and reasoning with them to participate.

This tragedy that is being allowed to happen within our nation today known as “political correctness” is destroying the values and rights fought for and by our patriots of the past. Men and women who have bravely and most courageously been willing to put their lives at risk in an effort to protect and defend the Constitutional rights and freedoms given to all of us by the founding fathers of America are being continually “slapped-in-the-face” in rebuke every time some weak kneed politician, bureaucrat, broadcaster, or lawyer stands up and proclaims that you cannot say this or you cannot say that only because it is not politically correct. To that, I say “Hogwash!”

I am and have always been a student of history. I know the real truth,… what actually happened and the reasoning behind the events,…as recorded in books and other documents written before 1900. This was the year in which the U. S. Government took over control of the educational system of our country. At that time, the term “Political Correctness” did not even exist in our English language. We seem, as a nation, to have been able to get along fairly well without using the term or demanding the population to cease or adjust their speech just because some person in some sort of so-called power position disagrees with it.

Let’s take a quick peek at what the Founding Fathers established for us through the Constitution that was fought for and won because many men and women were willing to pay that price of success with their own shed blood on a battlefield.

Here is what the U.S. Constitution actually says in its First Amendment which was legally adopted in 1791:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Well now, that makes it absolutely clear that the government or any other group or organization has no authority whatsoever to tell, instruct, demand, or proclaim that any citizen of this country, particularly a U.S. Armed Forces veteran, can be prohibited from the free exercise of his constitutional rights to speak his thoughts freely without restraint in any way shape or form…unless we freely give this precious right away just because someone else said so!

I will tell you that the real and true history of our country has been, and is now being rewritten by the progressive liberal government bureaucracies and their leaders. They are hood-winking the people of America into accepting a false presentation of what really happened in our country as it was formed and established. The history that is currently being taught to the public school students of America is a far cry from what actually happened. In a full frontal assault on the Constitutional Rights of every American, the liberal authorities are slowly, surely, and steadily removing all references and inclusions of God and His Natural Laws of the Universe from our society. Wake Up,…America!

I am not just telling you these truths for something to say. All one has to do to discover them for themselves (if they have enough real desire to learn the truth instead of permitting some other source to give them the lies and half truths), is to take a tour of Washington D.C. and see how the halls of our Congress really operate and what they are actually doing to our precious history. It is truly sad.

Men and women elected to represent their constituents from their home states and across the nation have turned the Congress of the United States into a professional and financial life time pursuit. They have become totally ineffective, unproductive, and self-serving as they attempt to get elected and then reelected for their own personal privilege and financial reward. Their attitude as congressmen and congresswomen is for personal benefits, not what is best for their states and for their countrymen. They are totally committed to be politically correct no matter how foolish or ignorant they see themselves and their voters to be. They have in the past and continue to effect in the present and the future an all-out committed effort of removing any and all inclusion or references to God Almighty (their personal Creator).

God emphatically tells us in His Word, The Holy Bible, that we as believing Americans are to stand up and stand strong for doing and speaking the right and honorable things of life. In the Book of Proverbs, Chapter16, verses, 7-13 NKJV, we are told:

(7) “When a man’s ways please the Lord,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

(8) Better is a little with righteousness,
Than vast revenues without justice.

(9) A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.

(10) Divination is on the lips of the king;
His mouth must not transgress in judgment.

(11) Honest weights and scales are the Lord’s;
All the weights in the bag are His work.

(12) It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness,
For a throne is established by righteousness.

(13) Righteous lips are the delight of kings,
And they love him who speaks what is right.”

These words of wisdom instruct us to always be good, honest, filled with integrity, and righteousness in all that we think, say, and do. Gaining, possessing, and employing God’s wisdom in all of your conduct and affairs is the only pathway to your chosen field of lasting success. Follow it legally, faithfully, and righteously and you too will find that which you are seeking.

When everyone with whom you deal and encounter are treated properly with full integrity and honesty, then you will always have protected your own credibility. I will tell you the truth. One of the highest and most valuable accolades a good man or a good woman will ever hear said about them is,…“If he or she says so,…you can bank on it.” Now listen carefully. That scenario will never happen to you unless you always live your life properly, righteously, and speak only the truth without embellishment. You must choose and use words that are always true and edifying. And when you do, the power and might of God Almighty rides along with them. You have already been given the right of freedom of speech. Use It. It is one of the three great powers given to mankind while on earth!

A story please……

Peter Cartwright was a nineteenth-century circuit riding Methodist preacher.
He had a reputation of being a very bold and hard minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was by many people’s view a totally committed and uncompromising man of God.

One Sunday morning as he was about to take the pulpit, he was told by an assistant that U.S. President Andrew Jackson, yes the hard-nosed, unrelenting warrior, Andrew Jackson, was actually sitting in the assembled congregation. Pastor Cartwright was strongly warned by the senior pastor of the church not to say anything out of line,…any thing that might be controversial or critical of the President.

Peter Cartwright stood up to preach and immediately announced in a loud and articulate voice,…“I understand that Andrew Jackson is here in attendance. I have been requested to be guarded in my remarks…so may I say to you,…Andrew Jackson will go to hell if he doesn’t repent!”
The entire congregation was completely shocked. They sat in stunned silence, wondering how the President might respond. Jackson didn’t flinch or say a word.

After the service, President Jackson sought out Pastor Peter Cartwright to shake his hand. He said, “Sir, if I had a regiment of men like you,…I could whip the world!”

Now please listen carefully and remember these words as you go about your affairs in this confused, chaotic, and diminishing country and world today. It is never a compromise to speak and tell the truth. Your audience may change,…but the truth always remains the same.

Now hear this. Life itself is always going to be offensive to someone,… somewhere,…the offended will always be the person who disagrees with you. So What! You cannot please everybody all of the time. Grow up!

Jesus Christ came to this earth for one specific reason and purpose. He came as a testimony to the truth! It is all recorded within the Holy Scriptures in the Book of John, Chapter 18, verses 33-38. Jesus Christ was very offensive to many different and varied people with whom He came into contact….so said the people who claimed to be offended. But the unchanged truth of life is that while Jesus offended some,…He was crucified and died for all of the people of the world as a substitute for their multitudes of sin. Whenever you remove yourself or your organization from your Creator and Savior,…from the presence, influence, provision, protection, and power of God…you have automatically placed yourself in great danger!

God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit of God,…the Trinity Godhead…is the truth of life. That’s It, Period! Draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you. Put your faith and trust in the Creator of the Universe and He will provide for and protect you from harm, and He will empower you to great performance .

These truths of life are for your benefit, not for the benefit of the One who created you.

God fearfully and wonderfully knitted each and every human being together within their own mother’s womb. He also preplanned a major specific definite purpose for each individual’s life while they were to live here on earth. Peace, productivity, and happiness while the individual lives here on earth are the promised rewards for all those who actively seek, and work towards achieving their God-given purpose (God’s Will) for their lives….You will know what it is, when you finally find it.

Peace and Love to All of You……………..Poppa Bear

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