You Are Only As Good As Your Word

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Your Word Is Your Bond

Have you ever invited someone to some type of gathering, meeting or get-together,…they accepted your invitation and assured you that for absolute certain they would attend the meeting,… you were not to worry about them,…they would be there,…you could count on it.  And then on the date of the meeting without any advance warning or notice,….they simply failed to show up?  It can be aggravating and also embarrassing for you and any other people that you wanted to have in attendance at the planned meeting.

Words and Your Word are extremely valuable and important.  They both mean a great deal and form the basis of most all of your interpersonal relationships, communications, and commitments.  To be good for your word is of utmost importance as it is the only way other people with whom you are dealing know, without question, that they can count on you to do exactly what you say you are going to do!  This is the manner and way that your own personal credibility is best established with other human beings….by you being good for your word.  This integrity of your word being your bond forms the foundation for respect and trust to be established between you and the other people with whom you are dealing.  It is all part of a most important process of developing personal relationships.  These close and trusting personal relationships will permit you to draw together a team of people around you with whom you will be able to create your own personal success while continuing to stay in total submission to God and His Will for your life!

A Real True Man is always good for his word!

People who say one thing and then fail to do what the said they were going to do are known as totally unaccountable people.  Permit me to be a little more direct, I will call them more appropriately,…liars.  Being a liar is not a good thing to be,…as it informs the entire world that your word is no good.  You cannot be respected or trusted.  No one can count on you to follow through on what you said they could trust you for doing.  If no one can trust you, nobody wants to have you on their team or for that matter to ever be on your team.  That situation eventually evolves into leaving you alone, all by yourself.  And then being alone leaves you unable to achieve and accomplish much of anything of significance with your life.  

The whole situation continues to spiral down until nothing falls out the bottom of your life’s work.  Not a good thing to have happen.  Time is an extremely valuable commodity.  Don’t purposely waste any of it!

You see, dear friends, when you lie,…openly lie to your pastor, your friends, your God, your spouse, your co-workers,…to any other human being,…you are in effect worshipping your God only with your lips, because your heart is never really into a lie.  Lip service worship is just like lip service edification.  Everyone around you who hears the words you are saying is immediately aware you are just running your mouth and really do not mean what it is that you are saying.  Does the old children’s tale of “the little boy who cried wolf” ring any familiar bells to you?  Do you remember what eventually happened to that little boy?…..he was eaten by the wolf!…totally destroyed.  The story is not really a fairy tale, but rather a real true story about life.  Make certain that it is not about your life!   

Now if you ever lie to your pastor (because your pastor represents the authority of Christ in the congregation) it really is the same thing as if you lied directly to the Lord Himself.  Not a good thing to ever do!  If you don’t believe what I am telling you, I exhort you to take a quick run through the Book of Acts, Chapter 5, verses 1-11.  Re-read the account of what happened to Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, after they lied to the Holy Spirit… short, they both were stricken dead for their sin.  I tell you the truth, God does not like or overlook liars, and He never does allow them to go unpunished!  Ananias and Sapphira were both held totally accountable by God for their word, which was a lie, in the presence of the entire congregation.

God never gives authority without accountability.

A real true man must grow up and mature enough so as to become fully accountable for his own word.  Preferably this growing up process should be completed fairly early in life say by around age 21 or earlier.  

Foolishness and the use of “idle words” have to end at some point in a boy’s life.  The boy becomes a real man at the point in time where whenever he gives his word or his commitment to do something he does exactly what he says he is going to do!

Many people, Christians (both spiritual and carnal), non-christians, unbelievers, heathens, and any other designation you can imagine live unfulfilled lives because they have given God their word,…but not kept it.  Many of them blame God for not answering their prayers or supplying their needs when, in fact, it is due to their own failure to keep their word.

A man’s name is only as good as his word.  His word is only as good as his character.  This is true of God.  It is also true of man.

A man’s word is the expression of his nature.
Jesus Christ is the expression of the nature of God.

You can always tell a man’s character by the words he speaks.
God’s Word is the sole source of our faith, and the absolute rule of our conduct.  

As God’s Word is to us,…our word is to be to others.

Our word whenever we give it is a source of faith to those who receive it, and it determines their conduct.  Whenever your word is not kept, unbelief develops.

Being a man of honor is being a man of your word.

A father who always keeps his word can combat the influence of the world on his own children and turn to them and explain the difference between the truth and a lie, together with the consequences of each.  But what father can teach his own children the importance of keeping their word when he is riddled with guilt for not doing it himself, or when they see the inconsistencies in his own life?  The truth of the matter is… fathers who punish their children for not keeping their word when they are guilty of the same,…are in reality, only teaching their children it is O.K. to not keep your word,…just never get caught breaking it.  Bad mistake on the father’s part!

Our nation has become so cynical toward itself that we, the people, do not expect the truth anymore from anyone on almost any subject.  We seem to have accepted the fact that what you say doesn’t really matter anyway.  How sad!  Anyone who lives like this is forced to view life from the perspective that it holds no value for them.  That is exactly why abortion means nothing to them.  Neither does marriage or money.  Statistical truth completely supports my last statement.   

National Executives, Political Leaders, Athletes, Entertainers, and Business Leaders have failed to keep their word or even out-right lie to the general public so often that the average citizen doesn’t know whether what he hears or reads through the media is the truth or just carefully created propaganda.  Such is the perversion of the world in which we live today.  Is it any wonder that so many people have so many different problems which seem to have no solutions?

To be able to walk in truth, every real man needs to be grounded in the Word of Truth, and fully submitted to the Spirit of Truth which will always bear witness with his own spirit.  No lie can ever serve the purposes of God.

Knowing the truth and not living it is a lie in itself.

Knowing you gave your word and did not keep it is living a lie.

Knowing you gave your word but needing to rescind it, or repent of it, and not doing so is living a lie.

We men and women seem to possess this incredible ability to get ourselves into a really bad situation with hardly any effort at all.  Whenever you have spoken a hasty or wrong word, or placed yourself into a most difficult and awkward situation with another person, especially if they are family members,… the best thing to do is for you to go to the impacted parties (regardless of who they are) and directly ask them for forgiveness and try to get out of that negative situation.  This is especially true as regards your own or other’s children.  Small children do not know the difference between a broken promise and a lie.  

There never are any exceptions to having and demonstrating total integrity in dealing with people.

God tells us directly in His Word, The Holy Bible, that every “believer” is going to have to give an account to Him for every “idle word” that flows from their mouths.  Telling people that you will do something simply to pacify them, without meaning to do what you promise, is an “idle word” in God’s eyes.  God will hold you accountable for such words even though men may not.  These “idle words” carry with them great danger to you, the speaker of them.  They often times are the cause of mediocrity, lost opportunities, lack of favor, and heavily burdened minds.

Peace is the umpire for doing the will of God.

Pride is the strength of sin.  Pride will not let us humble ourselves to admit that we have been wrong or even suffer being wronged.

You will always be able to know who the real men are whenever you are around them because, the integrity of a real man’s character  always enables him to keep his word.  Period!

In the Book of Proverbs we are told that the power of life and death are in the tongue….they lay in the power of your spoken word.

If Satan can cause a man to fail to keep his word, he can just as surely keep that man from total manhood!  This is exactly why there are so many “whimps” running around in America today and who occupy positions of leadership for which they possess no capability of properly performing.

No matter what others do, keep your own heart and mind clear and clean by washing them constantly with the living water of the Word of God.  Doing so will permit you to issue your words with real truth and integrity.

Ponder the great gift of the power of language and speech given freely to you at birth.  God loves you so much that he wants you to grow up and mature into becoming a real man full of grace and truth demonstrated through His thoughts, words, and actions.

Great works are built on great words.

Let your words be great in God.

Let God be great in your words.

Be a Real True Man…

Be a Man of The Word…

Be a Man of Your Word…

Be A Real Man and Always Act Like One……..

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