The Code of a Gentleman

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Today in America, all the way from the top to the bottom of our society,  there is a terrible and very obvious missing element.  This missing link is one of the single most important elements of any culture or society that could ever exist.  As a matter of fact, without this element properly in place, the society missing it, will not last long….it will eventually collapse and simply cease to be.   What is this missing element, you  ask?……I will tell you that it is…real, testosterone-filled men!  Men with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.  Godly men who are real providers and protectors.  Bold thinking,  confident acting, and decisive, highly secure men, who possess and exercise solid spiritual values and principles.  Men who know what their roles in society are and how they are to be fulfilled.  Men who learned their role in life from their own fathers who in turn had learned them from their fathers.  People do what people see!

In the days of yester-year, there existed in our American society a common understanding that men,….real manly men,….conducted themselves properly, courteously, benevolently and always appropriately.  There were these unwritten and thoroughly understood standards of action and behavior to which men should hold themselves.  This manly code of conduct dictated that among other things, a real man always,….kept his word, whether in writing or verbal, or implied.  Real men never took advantage of women in any manner or way.  Men always without exception provided for and supported all of their own children specifically, and all other children with whom they came into contact generally.  Language was sacred and always to be properly used.  Bad, improper, inappropriate or harmful language was never spoken or voiced around any women or children.  Men were the upside standard of good, gracious, and kind words, deeds, and action whenever in the presence of women or children.

Such a code of conduct passed smoothly through the generations.  It was taught by the father to his son through words, thoughts and actions, i.e….by living example.  It was called by those who understood it…..Father-power.  Its effect lasted over four generations each time it was properly instituted and passed on to a younger generation.  Sadly, the manly code of conduct is rapidly fading away in today’s world. 

The essayist, Waller Newell, rightly cries, “As a culture we have never been more confused and conflicted about what we as a nation really mean by the term manhood.”  Newell went on to say,…“under-fathered young men , many from broken homes are prone to identify their maleness with aggression because they have no better model or example to do by…If young men are cut off from the positive tradition of manly pride, their manliness will reemerge in crude and retrograde forms.”  Is that not exactly what is happening today in our country?

Boys fortunate enough to be raised by good fathers of course, continue to grow up and become great and wonderful men, husbands, and fathers.  But the majority of our youth are not that fortunate in America today.  These less fortunate ones are being brought up in a culture and society over-flowing with confusion regarding what it is to be a real man.  What does it really mean,… this word called virility?  Who is my real dad? is an often asked question in the fatherless homes of our land today as more and more fathers are missing from little boys’ lives.  The truth is that you do not know, what you do not know.  Consequently you will then be unable to teach that which you do not know with any kind of authority.  

Ignorance is contagious.  Its effects are extremely damaging, dangerous, and long-lasting.  The roots of this major problem can be traced all the way back to the 1960’s when the hippies discarded all responsibility and instruction in the historically proven proper ways of establishing and raising a family.  They, the hippies, wanted all play and no restrictions.  Free-love with no ties and responsibility was the name of the game.  Today those same folks are the senior citizens,…statesmen, if you will, and their Gen X children who learned little from mom and dad are now running the country, about which many say is not really being run in the proper and correct way.  

Gen Y, grandchildren of the hippies, are only now starting into college to become prepared to take things over from Gen X if there is anything left to hand over after they graduate….  And people wonder why and how things ever got to where they are today.  God’s admonition was in fact true.  “If a blind man leads  another blind man, they both will wind up in a ditch.”

Our high tech society is moving forward so rapidly that it has forgotten so very much of the good and highly productive ways and means that Americans learned and used in years gone by, to reach the high point of being the greatest, freest and wealthiest nation in the world.  

There is even now beginning to be a reversal of time honored godly roles between men and women.  Our “pop” culture, socialist-tending government, and liberal teaching colleges and universities are doing everything they can to assist and magnify the gender confusion.  All of their teaching is training our women to act like and become men and sadly teaching our men how to act like and become women.  Allow me to show you what I am talking about.  Women are beginning to take the place of men in many varied and different ways.  Women have now surpassed men in several categories that reflect economic and cultural standing.  In American colleges, for every two men who graduate with a bachelor of arts degree, three women receive a BA.  Women now dominate thirteen of the fifteen job categories expected to grow the most in the coming decade.  

And worst of all, now the “fairer, weaker sex”, women, are allowed and permitted to fill military combat positions in theaters of war around the world.  What kind and quality of men would place their females at such great risk to fight and protect the men and their families.  I am sorry but in America,…women are not to be soldiers in combat!  That is a man’s job!  God did not put that “combat-ready” requirement into the female job description when He created her.  The feminization of males is running full speed ahead in our society today.  Homosexuality is becoming rampant.  More and more men are staying home to keep the house and raise the little children of the family while mom goes out and makes the financial living for the family unit.  It nauseates me just thinking about a man standing in the doorway wearing an apron with two infants in his arms waving good-bye to mom as she goes off to work so as to earn the family’s living.  Some females are even beginning to ask:  “Do we even need men?”  Oh friends, mark my words, this is the stuff from which complete failure and collapse of a national society is made. 

So what is the net effect of all this chaos?  On an increasing flow of events, boys are becoming more and more confused about what it really means to be a real man.  

Ever so sadly, the boys who have been abandoned by their own fathers are being shaped into adult males through and by the feminine influences  of their own mothers, her female friends and the school teachers most of whom are also female.  Or, they are being trained in the rebellious and illegal “Machismo” of the street gangs.  Failing to be completely trained by these first two sources, they are taught indirectly the murderous destructive and callous ways to treat other human beings via video games, uncontrolled television programming, national and local politics and politicians, and Hollywood “R” and “X” rated movies and DVD’s.  Worst of all, the homosexual culture most often parades itself openly and unashamedly as a display against and a challenge to traditional masculinity.  

What is the result of mature adults and American citizens of allowing this to happen?  What happens if we don’t begin to stop the onslaught of this disaster to our youth?……Loss of all manhood is what will happen!  Floundering ignorance, and an out of control legal system that has forgotten its foundational underpinnings of fairly and properly interpreting and enforcing the laws granted through our Constitution to our Christian-Judeo nation are the two main culprits.  Ignorance and the all-to-cumbersome legal system serve as the main catalysts to fanning this already roaring fire.  The average person in this country seems to be content to avoid getting involved in correcting the problems.  May I give a word of warning please…..Don’t go to sleep on your watch.  Even a small leak in the vessel while far out to sea, if left unattended or uncorrected, can in fact be responsible for the sinking of the ship.  WAKE UP, AMERICA!

The sanctity of marriage is being lost and forgotten. Many men today are obsessed with sex.  They viciously treat women as toys to be discarded just as soon as things don’t work out or when things get complicated in their personal relationships.  The lifetime commitment of the marriage vow seems far too restrictive and so it is disregarded and walked away from by the uncommitted half of the marital union.  One woman may have several husbands over her lifetime who collectively helped her produce many different half brothers and half sisters, further weakening the bonds of the family unit.

Weak, confused, insecure and ignorant to the ways of life, young males grow into adulthood, father several children outside the boundaries of wedlock all which serves to magnify the size and magnitude of our manhood problems.  Something has got to stop!  Something has got to change!

You may disagree with my comments, but that does change the truth of them.  I am only reporting to you what the facts support.

Let’s quickly review some documented facts about our nation’s youth, especially our male youth today in America.  

Males, (I cannot call them men, because they do not conduct themselves as such) today in America, between the ages of 18 and 34 are the biggest users of video games.  According to 2007 Nielsen ratings, 48.2 percent of males in  America  spent an average of 2 hours and 34 minutes a day at some sort of mindless video device or console keyboard.  That equates to approximately 3.2 days per month which is 38.4 days per year.  Wow!  over a full month of totally unproductive time wasted every day, week, month and year accomplishing nothing significant!

According to the same Nielsen ratings in 2009 men spent an average of 4.54 hours per day watching television…producing nothing and, in my personal opinion, simply numbing their minds as they mostly cannot even remember what shows they watched the previous night.  That time frame equates to watching T. V.  5.67 days a month which is 68.04 days per year.   No wonder people say they are so extremely busy and stressed out that they just can’t seem to get anything important done or even started.  How far backward has technology taken us as a society?  C. S. Lewis had it right when he said, “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”

Idle time is evil time.  Idle hands give an open door to the devil to come into our hearts and minds to derail, distract and destroy us from ever getting to the most important things in life we need to accomplish,… and from doing something good for the generations who follow us. 

Know what your real priorities are and stay focused on completing them until they are in fact totally accomplished.  Lost opportunities need never be lost if you are prepared for success and ready to act on it instead of wasting your time watching a television set or playing an infant’s video game.  

It is time to take down the “children-at-play” sign from in front of your house and put up in its place a “Men-At-Work” sign.  You will definitely be glad you did!

Leaders need to lead as a real man would lead.
Men need to be men….real men!

Be A Real Man and Always Act Like One…………


Sample from Manhood Section

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