Successful People Make Things Happen – Failures Just Make Excuses

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God made the world in which we live totally symmetrical.  For every left…He made a right.  For every positive….He made a negative.  For every good …He made a bad.  What is the opposite of Success?….You guessed it….Failure.  In this life you either do one or the other.  There is no middle ground.  There is no fence to sit on or worse to straddle.  You either are pregnant or you aren’t.  You either are awake or you aren’t…Just he honest with yourself….You either are successful or you aren’t !  There simply is no middle ground.

There is no acceptable excuse that can be used with which to justify failure in the United States of America.  You are a free citizen in a free country with the right to choose how and where to live your own life.  

Let’s take a good honest look at the word excuse.

I have heard it said that excuses are the lies we tell ourselves to attempt to justify our own lack of performance as we attempt to hide from responsibility or accountability.  Make sense?

An Excuse is the skin of a lie……. stuffed with reason.

There is no acceptable excuse that can be used to justify failure!

Now please do not misunderstand me.  If you are looking for a good excuse that you can use to avoid involvement or performance, you know that any excuse you use will work.  Your free will of choice applies to all of your own decisions.  Just remember that it is only the actual “doing” of the work or the “performing” of the effort that actually gets the job done.

Excuses avoid doing the required work to accomplish a project.

Excuses are the language of failures.

Doctor David J. Schwartz, in his book, THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG, says:

“Go deep into your study of people, and you’ll discover unsuccessful people suffer a mind-deadening thought disease.  We call this disease excusitis.  Every failure has this disease in its advanced form.  And most “average” persons have at least a mild case of it.

You will discover that excusitis explains the difference between the person who is going places and the fellow who is barely holding his own.  You will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses.

But the fellow who has gone nowhere and has no plans for getting anywhere has a book full of reasons to explain why.  Persons with mediocre accomplishments are quick to explain…“ why they haven’t,”.., “why they don’t,”… “why they can’t,”….and…”why they aren’t.”

Study the lives of successful people and you’ll discover this: all the excuses made by the mediocre fellow… could be… but aren’t….made by the successful person.

Are you the accomplisher of success…..or…..are you the maker of excuses?

Successful people are those folks who are willing to do …….what the failure refuses to do…

Which one are you ?

Leaders Gotta Lead…..


Sample from Leadership Section


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