Some People Get It…Some Don’t

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The entire world is a dichotomy.  The world, as we know it, is a separate unit comprised of many parts, all balanced and perfectly fit together into a whole completed unit.  Each individual part has been so designed, engineered, and constructed so that it is an integral part of the whole.  Only when all of these separate parts work together, as designed by God,… do things work out as we are told they will within the “owner’s manual,” the Holy Bible.  The same is true as applies to mankind.  God made all things in such a way so that they would all work together for the good of man…whenever man obediently performed in the manner and way that God told him to behave.  This information is all located within the Holy Bible

In order to understand, and believe what has just been said and accept it as the promised Truth of the Creator, one must have a developed “Spiritual Root” to their lives anchoring them mentally, physically, and spiritually into the family of God.  Without such a Spiritual Root, a person will permit fear, doubt, and disobedience to enter their own minds and thereby cancel God’s intended blessings and rewards from ever becoming reality in their physical lives here on earth.  What I am telling you, whether you believe or understand it, is God’s Truth of Life.  What you must come to understand and rely upon is that God’s Laws will either work for you or against you.  Out of ignorance, such Laws will only work against you.  This is precisely why so many people fail in their life efforts.  Remember, you never violate God’s Laws,…you only confirm them.

Without getting too spiritual with you, suffice it to say that when you obediently follow God’s instructions to you,…your level of faith will rise and you will be abundantly rewarded for having been a faithful believer.  Are you beginning to get a better understanding as to why obedience to the Word of God is so critically important to you?

Now, let us bring this discussion back to the physical reality as occurs in people’s lives every day.  There is no mystery why so many people today are in such a mess.  Success in life is not a happenstance….it is a special planned event.  Success is a personal choice, unfortunately so is failure.

However, simply choosing to be successful will not insure that you will actually become successful.  There is a very large element of hard work that must be expended by an individual in the form of doing the right and proper things that must come into play,…if success is to be achieved.  

In addition, there needs to be lots of good old common sense that must be developed and regularly used by the person who is attempting to succeed.  This thing called common sense seems to be the single most and biggest element that is missing in the lives of those trying to make it to the top in their chosen fields of endeavor.

Laziness and unbelief have their roots in the heart and mind of the man or woman who lacks common sense.  Lack of people skills can be traced back to how the person was raised from childhood.  Those folks who lack common sense most usually treat other people with whom they are dealing poorly and incorrectly.  They just never seem to be able to establish meaningful personal relationships with other people.  Consequently they are unable to establish lasting and committed work ethics for themselves and for those other people who are depending upon them.

Success is not an accident.  It is only when things are done correctly and properly that good high quality production can occur.  The old saying that “ignorance is bliss” is simply not true when you are dealing with other people and trying to create good success.  People will only listen to, accept, and follow other people who know what they are doing, who know where they are going, and who treat other people properly and in accordance with God’s Laws.  Remember the “Golden Rule,”…Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.

Allow me to list just a few good thoughts and things that were drilled into me as I was growing up by both of my parents through verbal instruction, good deeds, and proper example.  This list is not all inclusive.  It is not the total of all things that should be done.  It is just a smattering of good old common sense thoughts, words, actions, and deeds that folks who are desirous of becoming successful should well know and use all of the time as they traverse their chosen roads to success:

* Be courteous and generous to all other people,…even your enemies.

* Before criticizing or complaining about another person, walk a mile in their shoes.  Do what they are doing.  Think like they are thinking.

* Always do more for someone else than they would ever expect or imagine you to do.

* Over-deliver and under-charge on your personal promises to other folks.

* Always return a borrowed item to the owner in better condition than it was when you borrowed it.

* Always return a borrowed motorized piece of equipment or vehicle of any size completely washed and cleaned,…with a full tank of fuel.

* If you ever break a borrowed or provided item, have it completely repaired before you return it.

* Never lie, cheat, or steal to or from any other person.

* Always perform any and all of your efforts with and to other people using complete and full honesty and integrity.

* Never criticize other people for doing the very same things that you are doing or have done personally.

* Be kind and generous to all worthy people and causes.

* Respect your elders and your country and the price that was paid for your own freedoms.

* When speaking, always use good and proper English.

* Write legibly and with proper punctuation.

* Be clear and precise with all of your communications to other people.

* Think before you speak or act.  Always respect and obey the Law.

* Always look for the good in every situation that confronts you.

* Always do the wise, proper, and correct thing.

* Use your head…God had a good reason for giving it to you.

* Whenever you are wrong,…immediately apologize to all parties involved, and stop doing anything more that is wrong.

* Respect and obey those who are lawfully in authority over you.

* Always be a person of your word.

If you truly desire to have good and lasting long term personal relationships with other people, Always treat family members as if they were your best friends, and treat your friends like they were family members.  People will always do what they observe those they are following actually doing.  So always lead by example.  Do the very thing you are teaching other people to do.  Let others see you doing what you are instructing them to do.

Don’t boss other people around…..Lead them by your example.

When you use your own head and think before speaking or acting, and you perform all of your efforts keeping the betterment of your fellow man at the forefront of your mind, then your obedience to God’s Laws will insure you future blessings and rewards.

God Knows and He Rewards.

Peace and Love to All of You…………………….Poppa Bear

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Some People Get It…Some Don’t — 1 Comment

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