Solve Your Problems,…Don’t Just Watch Them

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One thing I know for sure is that nothing is going to happen when it comes to solving problems unless and until someone takes some immediate action towards solving the problem(s).  Problems usually do not solve themselves. They don’t just one day go away.  A human being most usually is required to become the catalyst to begin the solution process.  Asking for volunteers to go to work and solve the problem seldom gets you very far along the solution path.  The process of solution most often begins when someone is commanded to take charge and solve the issue, or when there is no one available to solve an existing problem but you.  Action must be taken before further damage is done or when you “have to” solve the problem or else you and maybe some others will be destroyed. 

A preacher once told me something that has remained in my memory bank for many years.  He said, “You will act, perform, or produce whenever your desperation factor exceeds your embarrassment factor.” 

Most people are procrastinators.  They wait for someone else to do that which needs to be done.  This bad habit starts way back in a person’s childhood.  Do you remember your personal reaction when the first grade teacher asked those who knew the answer to raise their hands, be recognized, stand up and recite it to the whole class? …no hands were raised….no one voluntarily stood up.  That just seems to be the way most people respond. 

Bad habits retained or left uncorrected just get worse with passing time. 

The opposite of that fact is also true.  Good habits get better with time.  

The toughest problem that confronts most people today is the lack of money.  It is nothing new.  Money problems have been at the forefront throughout history.  You are not the first person to encounter them.   All the solutions you can find to legally solve your money problems always involve Energized Action…You, no one else, has to act…You have to do something towards correcting your own problem. 

The discovered solution to any and all problems that you will ever face will always be initiated with thought.  In other words, solutions to the various problems that you as a human being will face will be solved by first using your own brain.  You will need to think!  You will need to prepare a plan of solution first,….before you put the solution process into action.  Aren’t you glad God gave you a brain.  Aren’t you pleased that you have learned or are learning how use your brain,…how to think with it?  

Now hang on, don’t jump ship, stay aboard throughout the entirety of this discussion or you will miss out on some valuable information that will greatly bless you if you know it and understand it.  

Money, as well as anything else, can be attracted to you by your thoughts.  Think about anything long enough with concentrated focused thought and it will appear on your horizon.  Once that happens, your continued focused thoughts will begin to lead you to the ways and means of acquiring the object of those thoughts.  It is indeed a very strange thing this brain of yours and how it works. 

The truth is that those people of very large financial means always have and always maintain a serious “money consciousness.”  They all Thought wealth long and hard well before they created and/or achieved their wealth. 

Napoleon Hill called this phenomenon The Law of Harmonious Attraction.  Simply stated it says this law of harmonious attraction translates all human thoughts into their kindred material counterparts.  That fact alone should be plenty enough to cause you to very carefully watch your thoughts.

All that said, permit me to remind you that the human mind attracts to one the exact material equivalent of that which one thinks about most often.  Do you now clearly see that $ucce$$ actually (1) starts in your mind,…and…(2) begins with a thought?  I certainly hope so.

The problems in your life that you are facing can all be solved if you, by using your own brain, first determine your desired best case solution and then begin to focus your mental energies on completing that solution.

It is always the same technique no matter what your desires.  Here it goes:  Get the picture of what you want firmly envisioned on the screen of your mind’s eye. Continuously keep telling yourself that you are going to get it.  Whenever you speak these positive affirmations, speak out loud so as to put your inner ear to work so as to increase your faith and belief.   

Now remember, don’t think it is going to come to you if you merely indulge in a period of watchful waiting.  Go To Work, always keeping your goal in mind.  Then start saving some of your money. say,  10 to 20 percent of your income each month if possible.   If that much is not possible, then begin saving every month whatever the maximum amount that is possible.  It needs to be something each and every month!  Do you see why budgeting is so important?

Let me add the most important point at this conjecture, assuming that you really want to be blessed by God and truly become successful.  The first disbursement from your income every month should be 10% of your “gross personal increase” in the form of a tithe to your local church…your spiritual storehouse….the local place where you are spiritually fed.

Even if you have to curtail or reduce your lifestyle or your level of living, always keep in mind that every dollar you save out of your weekly or monthly pay, is a step nearer to the fortune that is going to be yours in the future.  Consider it such and save as many dollars as you can.  The more you save, the faster you will build that fortune. 

The next step is to invest your savings into solid proven things that are increasing in value.  Put your savings wherever they will remain safe and secure and will appreciate in value.  Never put your savings at a great risk of loss,…no matter the potential for gain.  Communicate with those people you know who are of great means.  Find out from other successful people where they invest their personal wealth.  You just have to ask.  Have no worry, trepidation, or fear,… these people you will discover will be most cooperative and well impressed at your “guts” and “intelligence” in asking them for good sound advice.   Put your savings where they will work advantageously for you.  Put it into things such as safe and solid things of proven worth, precious metals like gold and silver bullion coins, low maintenance real estate or in a business of your own.  Learn how to safely invest in those things that are going up, like inflation.

As your investment portfolio grows under your money consciousness, you’ll be agreeably surprised to find that the more you have, the more you will accumulate.  You will find this experience to be exciting and stimulating. Other opportunities for profitable investments will come to you from many unexpected and unknown sources, but don’t make the mistake that many people do and follow the get rich quick deals or the “you can’t lose with this one” mentality.  Make sure that you get good and sound advice from the experts before you invest one cent!

As your profit rises, be a good steward of your money.   Keep it working for you as you continue to work for it.  Properly tithe at least 10 %, continue to save at least another 10%.  Spend 40% on the business building expenses or reinvestment activities, and finally reward yourself when the time is right with the final 40% going to your own dreams and goals.

Follow this guidance and you will see your money problems and all other problems begin to disappear.  Which, as I recall, was the original plan, right?

Oh how happy we all will be!  Financial Independence,….Here I come!

Peace and Love to All of You……….Poppa Bear 


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