Reactive or Responsive…What is Best

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Most people whom you know or with whom you are involved in your personal life or your business life have come through or have grown up within the same or similar environment, social system, cultural society, and/or educational system as have you.  In other words, they are very similar in knowledge and understanding and overall preparation for the living of their adult lives.  Of course there are always exceptions to this overall condition, but really there are not many of them.

My personal experience reveals that there are two different manners and styles with which any person can or does live out their lives.  These two ways are diametrically opposed to each other.  They are on opposite ends of the spectrum.  Seldom does a person live their life using a combination of the two different styles.  The types and styles of living are known as being Reactive or being Responsive.

So which type are you?  As you go about the living of your own life are you purposed, methodical, and routine or are you like the catcher on a baseball team,…you just react to and handle any and every thing that life throws at you?…You catch every pitch but only at the time that it is thrown at you.

Permit me to offer you a bit of good and sound advise as you go through this world.  It is far better for you personally to live your life and always be less reactive than it is to just be jumping into action each and every hour of the day as new developments or situations pop up.  Being less rather than being more reactive to the people, events, and happenings of your daily life provides the best way of being easier on yourself as well as all those other people around you.  I will tell you the truth: You will not have to work so long and hard as you live in a less reactive capacity.  This much better position and manner of life will make all of the great difference in you personally and professionally as you live and rise above the need to always be reacting to the things that life is dealing to you, your family, and your loved ones.

You see, special friends, as you begin to make this great change,…this great transition,…in the way that you are living your own life,…as you begin rising high above your internal need to always be reactive,…a great and glorious transformation will begin to occur in your own life.  The effort required to effect such a great change is well worth it.  Making this all important change in how you live your life will enable you to become much more peaceful and effective in all of the ways that encompass all aspects of your life.  

Dramatic differences will begin to arise, dominate, and improve how you develop and interact within your interpersonal relationships.  You will begin to better handle your emotions, your thoughts, and your ability to relate with and to those people around you.  You will begin quieting your own mind and simplifying your life.  You will begin to experience and practice better communication skills and you will start learning and applying much more humility and humbleness than you ever had before.  You will begin to discover greater compassion, kindness, and generosity that heretofore have been buried or suppressed deep within your own heart.  Many other good and great changes will occur in your own life as you transition from where you have been living up to a new and higher level of living.  All of these blessings will enter into your lifestyle as you live in a much lesser reactive manner and way.  It will make a huge difference in all of your life.

Little changes and adjustments as to how you live your life can and will always create great and, often times, enormous impact on the direction and ultimately, the destination you are striving to reach.  It is similar to sailing a ship on the open ocean.  If you are just a degree or two off course at the beginning of your trip or during it,…you will definitely be many hundreds of miles off from where you intended to finish the journey, no matter what type of seamanship abilities you thought you possessed.  The good news is that even if you do stray off course during your journey, by making just a small, yet critical adjustment in the steering of your ship, you would be able to get back on course with very little effort.  Adjustments and Corrections are continually needed as you navigate your life through the many challenges, trials, and tribulations that will happen to you as you journey through life.  

Making small changes and corrections that bring great rewards and blessings back into your life is the key to your own personal success.

In order to be able to achieve this glorious blessing and reward into your own life, it is going to require you to become less reactive and much more  purposed and responsive.  It all stems around you becoming a calmer and more “cool-hand-Luke” type of person,…as you learn how not to react out of impulse, emotion, or fear but instead to respond with calm and cool to everyone who comes into your life as you live it.

It is very difficult and more often than not impossible to eat an elephant in one bite.  However, everyone knows that an elephant can be completely eaten.  But it must occur one small bite at a time.  One day in each of our lives, each and everyone of us will die.  It is a given predicament.  There are no exceptions to this truth of mankind.  The key to long term happiness, peace of mind, and great prosperity (not all financial) lies within your own ability to make and employ many small changes and adjustments as you transition from one level of life to a higher one.

Actor John Wayne said it best: “Life is hard.  If you are stupid,…it is twice as hard.”  But it does not have to be that way.  Personal flexibility and a willingness to make small changes and keep making them is the secret route for you to take to help get you to where it is that you really want to go.  Making small changes is the most effective and productive way to change your life for the better.  You see, these small changes that you make will provide you very great personal benefits and rewards,… including how you think and act and how you relate to the people you see every day, and ultimately to how you interact with the world.

Small changes require very little work and can easily fit into your very busy daily schedule.  If you make and implement such small changes by practicing them, it is for certain that you will immediately begin to see major changes coming back into your own life.  That is promise.   “Give and it shall be given back unto you.” I know that seeing such blessings flowing to you will absolutely amaze you and bless you. 

Here is a truth of life:  Small changes, made consistently, always produce other changes that are greater than you might ever imagine.

Leaders Gotta Lead……………..

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