I Want Everything, But I Do Not Want To Pay For it

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What is happening within our own society? What is going on within the processes being used by teachers, parents, and the educational system as a whole as we pour all of our resources into instructing young minds how to expect everything to be provided to and for them without charge? Who is responsible for teaching our youth the notion that truth isn’t really what is important, no, what is important is getting whatever you want or desire with having any obligation, cost, or responsibility falling on your own shoulders for having obtained it? Things regarding these topics seem to be getting worse, not better. People all over the country and in particular the younger people seem to want everything provided to them without cost, sacrifice, or perseverance. They want the blessings of real success as long as they do not have to pay full price to get them.

As more and more students graduate from our institutions of higher education, fewer and fewer of them are able to find acceptable employment opportunities of sufficient value necessary to provide them a good and enjoyable lifestyle or standard of living. Unemployment is far too high. Too many entry level jobs are being accepted as a last resort by way over-qualified workers. Far too many new job recruits are employed out of desperation in fields or areas no where close to requiring any use of the skills or technical knowledge they were taught while attending classes. Now the greatest loss from this under-utilization of human resources is yet to hit us. The notion of the success principle that states…that which you do not use, you will in fact lose…precariously dangles over the heads of business and economics that will effect us as a nation in the years ahead.

Frustration runs high, disgust is rampant. Even anger is beginning to raise its ugly head. The real impacts, not the theoretical intellectual pretend impacts caused by this “all-dressed-up-and-ready-to-go”… BUT… “no-place-to-go” mentality are beginning to take their toll. It is not good!

Somewhere along the lines of receiving an education from the American government owned and run school system, the average graduate sadly discovers that the employment opportunities available which carry with them significant desirable pay scales all require way too much of that frightening word “work.” And what’s more, all of the very best deals demand for more knowledge, effort, and cost than most want or are willing to pay-the-full-price to obtain! It is the old “I want something-for-nothing” syndrome.

Every month or in many cases every week I hear people complaining that they should have the right to the higher levels of earning and lifestyle as does every one else in this country. Well, the fact of the matter is that they do have that right. But what is missing from the thought processes of these under-prepared souls is that success has a price tag! Until and unless full price has been paid then the right to succeed is not available. When speaking the language of success one must use the correct words if he is ever to be understood. Here is a correct and true statement. There is no such thing as something for nothing.

Now if you are one of those whiney, wimpy, hand-wringing free loaders of which over 50 % of Americans are today, then you already are in full disagreement mode with what I am saying. That is O. K. You have the right to think what ever it is that you want to think. Please permit me, however, the same right and privilege. Too many lives have been sacrificed throughout our history as a free country so as to maintain our rights of free thought and expression.

Success in life is not an entitlement program. Success absolutely demands that one must first prepare himself to become successful and then one must secondly position himself in order to become successful by doing something that will allow real success to occur. Now please listen carefully. No one, to my knowledge, has ever been born as a ready-to-work truly successful individual. The most significant part of the preparation aspect to begin your journey to success is getting yourself properly educated. That does not always demand a formal college level education, but that certainly would well serve you if that is your own choice. Education will never hurt you but it certainly can and will help you along your life’s path.

You will have to pay a great price to get yourself educated both in time and money. No matter who you are, what you do, or what you think, any person alive will have to first learn what needs to do done to succeed before he can actually begin his journey to achieve his desired success. Permit me to remind you that Success is not an accident. Success is a planned event. Success does not attack you. Success is built and achieved over a long period of time. Most importantly, you must first know the “how,” “when,” “where,” and “why” of your desired personal success before you ever start achieving it. The answers to those specific questions are all obtained through getting yourself well educated. That is just the way things work. That is the way it is in America and has been since the formation of this country. It is the foundational cornerstone of our American Exceptionalism. As long as America remains a free country and our free enterprise economic system continues as originally established, then that is they way things regarding achieving personal success are and will continue to be with or without your personal displeasure or approval.

Statistics continue to tell us that less than 3% of the population of this great country will ever achieve total and complete financial independence and its related total personal freedom. I would submit to you that the difference between those individuals who make it to high levels of success, honestly, personally, emotionally, morally, spiritually, and physically rests squarely on the two pillars mentioned above, advanced Preparation and Position.

If you are of a mind set of something for nothing or something great and valuable for little or no cost, then you are headed in the wrong direction. Take warning! What I want you to fully “get” and “understand” as relates to becoming successful is that the most important aspect of the entire process of accomplishment is not what you get from becoming successful, but rather, it is what you become from achieving your own success. What you become as a result of accomplishing your own success is what truly differentiates you from other people. All the money and time in the world is, in my humble opinion, totally worthless to you or anyone else if you do not become a better person, spouse, parent, citizen, and American as a direct result of gaining your success!

Real and lasting success carries with it a great personal responsibility to love, care for, and assist lots of other people, and to help lighten their loads as you live and enjoy the great benefits and blessings that flow to you from the results of your own preparation, position, and labor to succeed. Doing the right, honest, and honorable thing at all times is what God desires you to do with your achieved results of success. Make sure you are using those resources appropriately and for the glory of God Almighty if you desire your success to last and provide great happiness to you and your own family.

Everyone is blessed and benefitted when one more person honestly and rightly achieves and accomplishes great success in their life. Never condemn or criticize another person for achieving real true success. They did not achieve it by doing nothing,… nor did they achieve it by taking away anything from you! You would do yourself and your country a greater service by getting out of their way and giving them a freer environment in which to produce and provide for more blessings and benefits to yourself and to your own countrymen.

Real True Success is always a great and very good thing. But more importantly, becoming a good, gracious, God-fearing, and loving person in the process of achieving your success is what will provide the most blessing to all of the people whom you know or with whom you will come into contact as you grow and build your success to even higher levels in the future. So in all of your efforts to become successful always be willing to pay full price for everything you need or get in your journey up your road to success. Because, when you pay a full and honest price to succeed, it will always permit you to more fully and enjoyably be blessed…as you live out your life with the benefits and blessings of having accomplished your planned success.

“To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required.”

Peace and Love To All Of You………………..Poppa Bear

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