You Can Become A Miracle Worker

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I see and believe it to be a real tragedy within our society today that so very many of the people of this country view and hold themselves in such LOW self esteem.  The vast majority of people within our borders have very low and unhealthy self images.  They just don’t seem to value themselves very highly at all.  I do know this,…if you don’t value yourself,…if you don’t think that you count for very much,…if you don’t really know who you are and how extremely important and valuable you really are to yourself and to the world,…then you will not be able to grow yourself (your own life) to any significantly higher levels of achievement and success than you are experiencing today.  

Please know and understand that you are an individual miracle of God!  As a purposefully created miracle, you have within you the capability to be a true miracle worker! 

The truth is that everyday of your life… you are involved, associated, and participating (either directly or indirectly) with many other miracle workers.  This is true even when you are all by yourself.  (You are going to have to think about that for a moment). 

That is right.  What I said is correct.  You walk by these Miracle Workers everyday,…every time you leave your own home….or for that matter, even when you are in your own home.  These type people are usually cleverly disguised as every-day, normal, ordinary people living their lives as best they can.  What makes them that way?… you may ask.  Permit me to explain.  These people are normal on the outside, but extremely different and unique on the inside.  You see, these Miracle Worker type folks are purpose driven people.  They know their own self worth.  They know their God-given purpose for their existence.  They fully understand that they are “image bearers” of the Creator God and that their life’s purpose is to love and serve other created human beings and to love and serve their Father God all for His glory… not their own.  Because of their knowledge and understanding they are able to live their lives and pursue their dreams and goals with great and focused passion.  For this reason they are easily recognizable once you learn what to look for and identify. 

Permit me to share with you a few of the identifying personal characteristics exhibited by all of these Miracle Worker type people: 

  1. They almost always wear a wide and toothy smile spread completely across their faces.
  2. Their eyes dazzle and twinkle full of life and excited positive expectation. Whenever you speak with them their gaze is focused and locked on to your eyes.
  3. They are interested in you and listen carefully whenever you speak to them.
  4. They are always willing to help and assist you first, before tending to their own needs.
  5. They are loving, caring, compassionate, and courteous people.
  6. They possess and exhibit respectable social skills and good, well behaved personal manners.
  7. They always make themselves available to help and serve you,…the other person. 

Now allow me to ask you a question.  Have you seen, observed, or lived around any such people within the last two years of your life….and all the while did not realize just who or how great these folks really are?  May I ask you to pause just a moment and jot down their names so as not to forget them.  Then over the coming week, make certain that you find them, get around them, or personally contact them and express your gratitude and thankfulness for them as people and for their actions and contributions in service to their fellow man.  Your words will indeed bless them,…but more importantly, your words will doubly bless you! 

Miracle Worker people view all that they do personally for themselves as well as for others as their personal full time ministry.  They delight in loving and serving other people.  They are always the first to help and assist their fellow man in whatever it is that he is doing or attempting to do.  These Miracle Workers are always full of joy, peace, and love.  They are happy people and they wish to help those other people around them to be just as happy and joy-filled.  They always are wearing their name badge….a big smile! 

An interesting side note is that whenever you are around one of them, after your encounter ends, you will always be left with a feeling of peace and calm while simultaneously feeling totally rejuvenated,….renewed.  These special people have the God given ability to make you personally feel as if you are the single most important person on the face of the earth! 

These wonderful Miracle Worker folks clearly demonstrate the truth of life which is that…everyone matters.  They know that a person does not have to make a lot of money in order to be able to make a really big difference.  They bear witness to the fact that all one needs to do to become a difference maker is to start right where they are and begin to magnify the positive and the good in all situations and in all people! 

Miracle Worker type folks do not wait for someone else to do things.  They don’t waste valuable time standing aside waiting for others to volunteer and take action to meet a need or serve as part of a problem’s solution.  They act right now….they do not procrastinate.  They perform!  

Miracles happen when ordinary people take extraordinary action! 

Miracle Workers start immediately making a big difference in their own families, living rooms, cubicles, offices, neighborhoods, and communities.  They get busy working on the possible…not on the prognosis,…not on the unsolvable,…not on the impossible. 

All Miracle Worker people know and live out this Truth of Life:

They know they cannot do everything…but they also know that what they can do does not have to be done perfectly…but that is all right, is O.K.  The secret is to make a beginning right here, right now, with only that which you presently possess.  These people know without any question or doubt that by simply beginning,…it will make  all of the difference in the world! 

The old Chinese proverb plainly tells us the truth of the ages:  “A journey of one thousand miles begin with the first step.”  Whatever happens or whatever needs to be initiated has to be started by some one.  Success is not a spectator sport.  Someone, somewhere, needs to take the initiative and begin the process of accomplishment. That someone is never the introvert or the person who sees himself as the failure or the weakling.  No, the one who starts the ball rolling, who begins the required work effort as best he is able, is always the Dreamer, The Miracle Worker Type Person.  The one who sees himself as more than able to begin with just what he has right from where he now is located.  He is always the person who has a positive, healthy self image and knows himself not to be perfect but to be ready to act when the opportunity to do so presents itself to him or her. 

Whenever a leader is needed….stand up, speak up, and act right now, right from where you are located! 

Peace and Love to All of You………………..Poppa Bear

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