Do you really know who you really are? Does your speech, your actions, and your interpersonal relationships truly reflect what you honestly say you believe?
God’s Word clearly tells us not to deceive ourselves. And yet far too many men and women who call themselves Christians are proven to be hypocritical and dishonest by what they say, what they do, and how they live out their lives.
I am not judging anybody or anything with my statements. They are simply my personal observations from over four decades of working with people.
Your example is always on display for all the world to see and listen. As just a matter of course of living out your daily life, you tell all those around you and with whom you come into any type of contact, exactly what it is that you truly believe. The Book of Wisdom, The Book of Proverbs, plainly states that, “Out of the abundance of the heart (spiritual heart) flows the tongue.” So what that means is that what actually comes out of your own personal belief system ( your personal spiritual heart ) will always reveal through your own thoughts, words, and deeds precisely what you think about most often and what you truly believe. What you think about the most, what you speak about most all of the time, and what you actually do to yourself and for other people with whom you associate is the self same thing that you truly do believe deep down in the hidden depths of your personal spiritual heart.
Every thought you have, every word you speak, and every action you take was and is preceded from a created and generated thought deep within your own mind. And you alone are in full command and control of your own thought processes. That is why you will speak what you truly do believe!
Success is indeed a planned event. It is not an accident. It is indeed a journey, it is not a destination. It is a process that takes place over an extended period of time. True and real lasting success is built and accomplished by the thoughts, speech, and actions of people who are patient and willing to continue to work for their desired success even when nothing of significance appears to be happening.
Now any human being will either believe that there is a Creator God or there is not. If you believe that there is indeed a Creator, then you will also believe in His written Word. There is no such thing as partial belief. You either believe or you do not believe. Partial belief is in reality no belief!
The Creator is always greater than that which is created. This is precisely why there is no argument for question to the realities of life. The Chicken had to come first, because eggs do not lay chickens!
Using this same logic and understanding, you can easily see why there is either belief or no belief in the existence of a living God. A person who believes in his spiritual heart that there truly is a real and existing God Almighty is known as a Believer. A person who does not believe in God is known as an Atheist.
An Atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support.
Now I am not judging anyone. I am only telling you what God’s Word has to say about the unbeliever. It is all recorded in the Book of Psalms, Chapter 53, verse 1. NKJV:
Folly of the Godless, and the Restoration of Israel
(1) “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity;
There is none who does good.”
I once read a short story about a woman who had done a thorough job of deceiving herself and whose actions readily belied what she claimed to be. Once you pass from this earthly life at the instant of your physical death, you will have no other chance to get your real belief in God right. This decision to become a true Believer in God Almighty, must be made by you before you die. If you don’t make the correct decision, the instant you breathe your last breath, your soul will go straight to hell forever.
A story please…….
“One Sunday morning a plainly dressed, scholarly-looking man went into a local church in the Netherlands and took up a seat near the pulpit. A few minutes later, a woman approached the same pew. Upon seeing this stranger occupying her regular seat, she curtly advised him that where he was sitting was “her seat” and asked him to immediately leave it. The man graciously apologized and quickly moved to one of the pews that were reserved for the poor people of the congregation. There, in his new seat, he devoutly joined in the worship service and then left without further incident immediately after the service concluded.
When the worship service was over, one of the woman’s friends asked her if she knew who it was whom she had ordered out of “her pew.” “No,” the woman casually replied, “only some stranger, I suppose.”
To the woman’s great dismay, her friend informed her “It was King Oscar of Sweden. He is here visiting the Queen.”
People who refuse to acknowledge the existence of God simply aren’t aware of Who is walking beside them day by day.
We certainly can refuse to recognize Almighty God, but that does not mean He ceases to exist or that He stops reaching out to us with His great love. Although the Lord may remain invisible to us now, while we are here on the earth, He is indeed more real than anything we can see with our physical eyes.”
Please permit me to tell you a great Truth of Life:
Only those who invite God into their own spiritual hearts and establish a personal relationship with Him while they are still alive here on earth, will earn the right to enter the kingdom of heaven and spend eternity with God, after they physically die.
Please make that personal decision and take the required action today!
Peace and Love to All of You……………………….Poppa Bear