Every human being is a miraculous creation of a loving God in heaven. It was God Himself who knitted you together in your mother’s womb. It was God Himself, who created you at the instant of your conception, and allowed you to be born.
Your maker, God Almighty, put you together just the way He wanted you. No matter what you think,…GOD MAKES NO MISTAKES! The sooner you can come to grips with that statement of truth, the happier you will be and the simpler your life will become.
God does nothing by accident. He does not create or allow anything or anybody to come into this world without first having a specific plan and purpose for this new life that comes into existence. There is a Divinely Designed plan and purpose for your life that was put into motion the instant you were conceived within your mother’s womb.
It is not an accident that I am writing this blog and it is not an accident that you are reading or listening to it. It is all part of a much greater overall plan and purpose put together by our Heavenly Father, God. His plan will always prevail whether we have a say in it or not, unless we totally reject or refuse to participate in His plan. God’s plans and purposes are always greater than our own. God is under no obligation or requirement to explain anything He chooses to do. We, therefore, are not to question or demand that God explain anything that He allows to happen to us or for us. He does not need our personal approval or satisfaction. Our plight is to trust God for all that we encounter, be it good or bad, and then we are to completely obey His instructions to us either through His Holy Word or through the people, places, or events that come into our life.
With all of this in mind, please permit me to disclose to you another Truth of Life.
At the instant of your conception, God gave you two specific income producing assets,…He gave you:
1. A $10- $200 per hour income generating physical part, i.e. your body…
from the neck down,….and
2. A $1 million+ per year income generating mental part, i.e. your mind…
from the neck up.
Any living thing that exists on our earth must be fed in order to sustain its life. Whatever income producing part of your being you choose to feed the most, and the most regularly, will indeed be the one that produces and funds your lifestyle and its comforts of living.
The straight truth is simple. Feed your body the most and the most often and you will live a $10- $200 per hour lifestyle. On the other hand, feed your mind the most and the most often and you will live a $ 1 Million+ per year lifestyle.
You choose.
For the first 32 years of my life I was taught how to use my physical body to earn a living. I was constantly battling the income robbing forces of man, i.e. taxes, interest, inflation, and out-of-control government regulations, all of which were diminishing my take-home pay. Using this technique to generate a lifestyle only brought me poverty, exhaustion, and unhappiness. Had I continued to pursue that manner of earning a living, I now, as a senior citizen, would be in a most miserable and difficult position,…all of which would have been self-imposed. The biggest fear of senior citizens today, in America, is that they will outlive their income, and finally die in abject poverty…suffering all along the way,… after a lifetime of hard work.
For the past thirty-seven years of my life, I have been taught and trained to feed and nurture my mind,…to develop and use my $1 Million+ per year income producing asset. During that time, I have become financially independent and have earned my personal freedom. What a blessing it has been that I learned how to use my mind while I was still very young!
None of this would have happened had I not fed my mind.
This website was brought into the confines of my own mind by the Holy Spirit of God. It came to me totally form “out-of-the-blue.” I was not looking for it; I did not believe I was technically qualified to develop it. I did not believe that I was qualified or able to write or communicate well enough with other people that anyone would want to know what I had learned from the knowledge and experience I had gained in the nearly seven decades of my life with its attendant struggles. I felt very much like Moses must have felt when God told him, while he was hiding out in the desert, to go back to Egypt and lead his people out of bondage and on to the Promised Land.
I have come to know that we (all of us) are morally obligated to share what we have learned from the other people, places, events, and things that have come into our own lives through our personal experiences. This is how our society, our culture, and our nation will continue to grow. This is how our values and freedoms will continue to be protected, maintained, and passed on to future generations.
Education is gained by learning from your own efforts, victories, and failures. But it is wisdom that makes the real difference in life. First of all, wisdom can be learned from God and His Word. Secondly, wisdom can be learned from the knowledge and experiences of successful people who know more than you do, and who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences with you and thereby enable you to benefit from them.
Wisdom is the food you want to feed your brain, no matter your station in life, no matter your age, no matter your health, no matter your income level. Knowledge and wisdom are the power food you feed yourself in order to prepare for living and enjoying a successful life.
www.DaveSevern.com is being presented to any person desiring to learn more about life and the secrets of living it successfully in the most important arenas of it.
The bi-weekly blog, posted every other Saturday morning is free,…no charge. Anyone can read or listen to it and benefit from its contents. It provides the reader or listener a taste of the content, direction, and intent of my writing. Every discussion will always be bold and to the point.
I have come to know that there are only two ways a person can learn:
- From their own broken nose,…or
- From someone else’s broken nose.
Permit me to ask you…which way is the least painful way for you to learn?
The most significant content,…the meat and potatoes of information,… the “here is what you should know and how you should do the right things in life” is all found in the Registered Member section of the website. Every month, in addition to the two free blogs. Twenty-two (22) other very significant messages, teachings, and discussions will also be posted. Woven within these other messages will be the knowledge and wisdom that has been learned and gleaned from many years of experience by some of the wisest men and women on earth. What they have individually and corporately learned will be shared and discussed in great detail.
The purpose of this website is to educate, instruct, and equip people who desire to learn and know more than they presently know. The information presented in this website is for those folks desiring great success in life, and who want to learn how to lead themselves and other people with whom they have become affiliated.
The content of the Registered Member section of this website is broader in scope, deeper in content, and more focused on the processes of achieving the desired goals and dreams of the readers and listeners who choose to register.
The Registered Member section of this website is made available for a nominal fee. The knowledge, wisdom, and understanding contained in this part of the website will be well worth the investment in yourself.
The issue that must be resolved in your own mind is how much you value yourself. Are you personally worth the monthly membership fee? Are you willing to invest in yourself? Do you truly want and need to know more than you presently know about life and how to successfully live it?
You are an adult. You alone are the one who is responsible to make your own decisions as to how and where you spend or invest your resources.
You might want to look at it this way,…Would you be willing to invest $18 in yourself,… in your mind, and from the information and data you have accumulated from the investment of your resources in this website, then utilize what you have learned to generate an additional, say, $500 a month or more in profit, savings, and income tax benefits to you? Would you be willing to invest a minor amount every month to learn how to be a better man or woman, a better mother or father, a better husband or wife,…a better person,…a better American? Do you desire to develop and live a happier and more fulfilled life?
Would you care to learn more about:
- Developing a long and deep spiritual root to insure eternal salvation?
- Helping other people know the “Truth of Life”?
- Having a better marriage?
- The correct and proper usage of the English language?
- Real and actual history of America?
- Influential men and women throughout world history?
- To be a bigger and better leader of men and women?
- What real manhood is all about, and how you achieve it?
All of this and more are the subject matters I reveal to Registered Members.
There are no free lunches in America. Things worth having and knowing are worth paying for. My research and experience gained over the past thirty-seven years working, associating, and learning with and from some of the world’s greatest leaders, wealthiest people, and most influential men and women will be provided to you as a benefit for being a Registered Member. You may have that information, knowledge, and wisdom without having to invest a huge amount of your own personal time and resources researching and discovering for yourself what I have made available to you through this website.
Being a Registered Member gives you the ability to print all posted articles, blog included. You may share what you are learning with your children and grandchildren, extended family, friends, neighbors, and other associates who may be in need of this valuable information and experience. Don’t be stingy. Share the blessings and benefits you receive with other people who can also benefit from what you are learning. Part of the real blessings in life is sharing that which you are learning with other people who don’t know, but who need to know, the Truths of Life. If you desire to have your own blessings doubled in magnitude, all that is required of you is to share what you have received with other people who need and can benefit from the knowledge.
The question begs to be asked,…how much are you personally worth? Would you invest a little in yourself today, so that you may learn how to be truly successful, wealthy, and wiser tomorrow?
Success does not attack. Success comes to those who are properly positioned and prepared to become successful.
Success comes to those who:
* Have the knowledge and understanding needed to change, grow, and
become more than they presently are….and….
* Are willing to be used by God to love, serve, and assist their fellow man,
no matter their age, geographic location, social position, or financial strength.
Successful people make a lot of money and they make a lot of things happen. Failures,…make a lot of excuses. Which one are you? Which one do you desire to become?
Peace and Love to All of You………………..Poppa Bear