There are many many questions in life that cannot be adequately answered simply because there is no one answer to some questions which are asked about people in general.
God created man in his own image. But God also gave each of his creations a brain and the ability to make their own free will choices. Let’s face it…although we are all human beings…each one of us is totally different from the other. God designed us that way. You see, it is our individual diversity that will become our greatest strength as we work together for a common cause.
For this very reason no one in all of human history has ever been able to get all people in any organization to ever do everything exactly the same. I would add that anyone who ever tries to get this “One size fits all” mentality organized into an “everybody-does-it-the-same” methodology is merely spitting into the wind……is trying to dig a tunnel into a sand dune. He will never get it successfully accomplished because it has never been done before in all of history.
I personally believe that the freedom to choose how you conduct yourself in all activities across the entire spectrum of life is what really empowers individuals in their labors to become successful. I further believe that one ought to be able to maximize his income centers and be rewarded in direct proportion to his ability to properly perform and to adequately provide for and positively influence other people who he is leading. Of course not everyone can or will prepare and perform at the same level….but that is O.K. Let those who work the hardest and smartest reap the greatest rewards….It is called good old American Free Enterprise.
In taking that position, I fully realize that all people are different….. that they each have their own “giftedness”. But you must also realize that leadership is a developed skill as well, and that any individual may develop such skill with a committed effort. We all know “iron sharpens iron,” so to gain needed or increased leadership skill it falls upon the individual to put himself into a position where he can receive the needed training to raise his skill level. That is precisely what is meant by the well established business saying which states that… “The person you will be five years from today depends on just two things…..(1) the books you read and (2) the people with whom you associate. Those two things are the results of your own individual choices.
You and you alone are responsible to make your own choices. No one can do it for you.
Here is a point I do not want you to miss.
Ideas always have consequences……….
good ideas have good consequences….and….
bad ideas always have bad consequences.
That is why you don’t do things the first time on your own….Talk to someone more experienced than yourself about what you are considering doing before you just haul off and do it. In my business we call this search for good knowledge….. “receiving good counsel from your mentor.”
It has been my experience that if something is going to wipe you out….if something is going to take you down…….if something is going to cause you to self destruct……that destructive something will never be a really big thing….. it almost always will be a little thing initially that to you does not seem to create any harm but…once started… gets out of control quickly and grows into something big that eventually explodes and exposes very bad consequences. That is why you need a good mentor in your life who has the experience under his belt and the good fruit on his tree and who is ready and willing to provide the needed guidance you are seeking. You must absolutely have full trust and confidence in such a person. It is always best if your mentor can be in such a position that he has a financial interest in you as regards the advice and counsel he is giving you.
Now from what I have said, you can see there is a great burden on your shoulders to take the responsibility of preparing yourself and positioning yourself for achieving success in your life. It will take work on your part.
You will have to expend a committed consistent and persistent effort and you will most definitely need to persevere through the entire process before you will ever become successful. Success Has A Price Tag.
Just let me encourage you..It Is All Worth It!! Pay full price and receive double the benefits.
Now to wrap it up, let’s go back the question that started this whole discussion.
Why doesn’t everyone succeed?
To succeed you must have goals and plans. You need an honest and legal business vehicle in which to implement those goals and plans. And you need the proper advice and counsel as to how best to implement those plans.
Success is a journey, not a destination. Success is a process in completing your plan.
Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal.
There are four reasons most people don’t set goals and establish plans:
1. They don’t know how….(they are ignorant of the process, but remember
knowledge overcomes ignorance.Teach them).
2. It’s too much trouble……..(they are basically lazy, and lazy people never
3. They don’t have faith in their goals and plans after they are developed.
………..and lastly…………
4. They begin on a long range basis and this prevents them from seeing
immediate results, so they become discouraged and give up.
If any one or any combination of these things is holding you back from the success you desire. Then you should immediately get with your personal mentor. Go back to the basic fundamentals of building your business and start over………This time do it exactly they way you are instructed to build it. Never forget, the required effort always has to precede the desired results.
Leaders Gotta Lead…..
Sample of Leadership Section
Thanks for sharing Dave! Great wisdom!