Where Do Real Men Come From?

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Are you up to and ready for real man-to man talk?  Do you feel you are able to take a nose-to-nose straight-talk discussion as to who you really are sir?  My intent, throughout this discussion, is not to tear you apart or put you down.  Oh no, quite the contrary, my desire to lift you up, give you hope, make you begin to realize just how much God can still use you to help other people as well as yourself!  Always remember….It is always too soon to quit,…and…It is never too late to start over!

Sadly, today, because of an out of control secular society and pop culture, young boys are missing out on being taught, led, and trained as to how to become a real man.  Our nation’s greatest need is to have more real men leading the way in all of the areas of life, i.e. physical, political, financial, emotional, and spiritual!

Now settle down all you who are already disagreeing with me, even if only after two simple paragraphs!  Quit trying to think, formulate a rebuttal, and still continue to read or listen along to me.  Remember the human mind cannot do more than one thing at a time.  Just listen or read.  Don’t try to do anything else just yet.  Think and formulate your responses only after you have heard me out.  Please.

We as a nation of free men and women are tragically failing in the single most important area of our societal development.  Because there are so few qualified teachers and/or fine examples for observation by our young boys, most of our masculine youth grow up to the age of majority and never see, hear, watch, or learn from a father figure, the requirements necessary to becoming a real man.  The fact is that children learn from observation.  I once read a study from the Stanford Research Center that stated that 89% of what a human being learns is visual.  Do you see why having a real man around the house being an example from which their sons can observe and learn is absolutely essential in order for God’s Hand to work its wonders and transformation of this little boy into a man.  

Let us now take a long hard look at what little “Willie” is learning today from his visual observation of his environment and from the other “males” he observes.  Please notice that I did not call them men.  A new study was just released which stated that over 40% of the American households have working women (mothers) as a primary breadwinner and financial provider.  The flip-side of that statement is that those same households have a male (father) as the primary caregiver and nurturer of the children who are being raised in this sort of environment. 

That translates into 40% of the male babies being bottle fed, nurtured, cuddled, taught the basics of life, and kept clean as well as fed by dear old stay-at-home-dad.  This is…whether you like it or not,… or agree with it or not….a complete and total reversal of God-given roles by almost half of our population.  You have heard me say many times before, that “there is no right way to do the wrong thing.”  I am further going to tell you that there is going to be incredibly terrible future consequences to these totally rebellious actions taken by this country’s general population.  Pathetically, these actions are all being condoned and supported by governmental leaders at all levels within our nation.  Right is always right….and…Wrong is always wrong!  Government laws and regulations will never be able to change that truth. 

Let’s take our examination a little further.  Our young kids are starting to be  “farmed-out” at earlier and earlier ages to Pre-School and Kindergarten.  They spend as much or more time out of each week in an outside-the-home environment than they do within their own homes.  What kind of nurturing or learning comes from that sort of a situation as regards how to have and hold together a good nourishing family home?  Do not forget that the fact is,…that the human being is a product of his mental environment.  He will become like that which he (1) hears, reads, or sees and (2) like those with whom he associates….teachers, classmates, and other authority figures.

Because private schools are more expensive, as well they should be,….most of the population of this country elects to place their progeny into government owned and run public schools.  Keep in mind that due to the “progressive” tolerance policies of our national government, almost “anything” can be and is taught or exposed to these young, tender and easily influenced minds…regardless as to whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, godly or ungodly.  

Talk to any teacher in the Public School System and they will advise you that personal discipline or punishment for out-of-control or unruly students, whether in word or deed,…is nonexistent.  Students can and are saying and doing just about anything they so choose to do!  Guns and death and other related violence within the confines of the public schools is totally out of control….just watch the nightly news!   Now listen closely……what kind of an example is your child being exposed to and consequently being prepared to do and be,… after they move on out of primary schooling and on into secondary classes? 

A quick review of the way all too many high school students conduct themselves in public should amply provide you with all you will need to draw a proper conclusion.  The use of hideous fowl language and actions, immodest or even totally offensive dress or lack thereof, and the nonexistence of any kind of good social manners or people skills by our teenagers, even when in public places, is for the most part completely atrocious!….Think about your own children right now…..do you recall the old saying…“monkey see,….monkey do!”  Example is and always has been the best teacher.  Who is teaching your children,……what are they learning,….and what will they demonstrate as an example to their future yet-to-be-conceived children.  What do you think future Grand Pa, and future Grand Ma?

I think that the mature godly Christian leaders of this country have had about all they are going to continue to tolerate.  Things have got to change!  It is totally obvious our present system of schooling our children and it’s present governmental agency overseeing it requires complete abandonment and replacement with a better one that teaches values, manners, and truth!  If government and/or social leaders and educators of this great nation of ours, for which so many other men and women sacrificed their very lives to secure, are not willing to take charge and change things back to the right, proper, and godly manner and way that God created them to be,….then some major type change needs to be made and immediately implemented.  It is to be lawfully and legally done through the proper mechanism established through our U.S. Constitution, i.e. the ballot box!  There is an old saying that goes like this…”If nothing changes, then nothing changes.”  I would recommend that you remember that old saying when it comes time to cast your ballot….regardless of party affiliations, or hair-do or breadth of smile from each candidate.

If changes are not made, and made immediately, then the misery and suffering our citizens will have to endure will just continue to grow worse and more severe as each year passes.  Governmental actions that do nothing more than “kick-the-can” further down the road, passing off their responsibilities to future generations to have to deal with and be buried by overpowering mountains of financial national debt is the ultimate demonstration of incompetency and complete disregard and disrespect for those souls coming along behind our current leadership.

Now let us return to the example that is the primary instructor of our youth today in America.  From pre-school through mostly junior high school the majority of teachers and authoritative administrators are women.  There are of course good people in all of these positions, but they are handcuffed as to what they can or cannot teach, say, or do.  Remember, people do what people see!  Young males see all education comes from mostly women,…with few exceptions.  Most authority usually comes from women.  There are few, if any, enforced rules.  Any kind of improper or rebellious social behavior goes unpunished.  Student’s logical conclusion….What the heck,…I can do anything I want with impunity…Hot Dog!  Is there any wonder why it is getting to be more and more difficult to find well trained, educated, submissive employees to fill the ranks of our workforce and who will do as they are instructed?

Children watch more television than anything else, particularly when both parents have to work.  Idle time is evil time.  “Anything” and “everything” can been seen and/or experienced on T.V.  Young minds home alone after school, without any supervision, but before mom and dad get home, have poured into their brains most everything wrong, improper, and ungodly.   What an impression….of the wrong things.  

Disrespect for all authority is exhibited by members of government, including the highest offices of the nation.  Promiscuity and illegal activities are exhibited by people in leadership roles throughout the country almost on a monthly basis.  Television, popular dramatic and comedy shows, belittle the man as the head of the family and exhibit how a woman is the strength of the home and should be the leader of the family.  Verbal abuse of the father of the house is rampant.  Disrespect for dad and his position is in every scene.  Dad is the bumbling idiot of the house.  Mom is the leader of choice by all of the family members….including dear old dad.  Is it any wonder that our young boys are totally confused as to who they really are and what their masculine roles really should be?

Godliness, righteousness,…yes,…Christ-likeness,…is what real manhood is all about.  God created man in His likeness.  God wired man to be the leader and the head of the family, and in a broader sense the head of society.  It is the way and manner that all civilization began and existed down through the ages of time.  It all began in The Garden of Eden at the time of Creation.  Man’s role and all of its responsibilities were squarely placed upon the man’s broader and stronger shoulders to be carried forward and properly performed so as to teach by example the Right Way to do things.  Men, like it or not, that is your God-given assignment.  You and you alone will be held totally accountable in the days ahead as to what you personally did to accomplish your assigned mission.  Sorry, you cannot delegate, reassign or exchange your God-given role for that of another human being….no matter what anyone or anything says you can or cannot do.

God Almighty created the world and all that is within or on it.  (See the Holy Bible, the Book of John, Chapter 1, verses 1–5.).  As Creator, God, made for man all of the rules of living and existing with and among other people.  He made us all individually and has told us how to properly live and be productive with one another.  Man (the created), as lessor of God (the creator), is the culprit who has changed all the rules around to satisfy and justify his own selfish and ungodly wants and desires.  As pertains to man, there is no AUTHORITY in the entire world that can be used as justification or basis other than GOD, ALMIGHTY.

We are to live and act in total accord with the ways He has given us, if we are to be blessed and maintain our good and proper social order.  When the Man is right with God, the wife will always fulfill her God-given role, which is to complete and fulfill her man.   Once those two relationships are in correct order, then the family will fall properly into line behind the mother and father.  Life will be joyous and fulfilled with harmony and happiness in the home.  God placed the responsibility for all of this to happen upon the Man…When the man fills his responsibilities, then all else falls right into line for the completion of an ordered and balanced society that God intended.  The right and proper example is now correctly in place.  Other members of society will then able to learn and grow from what they see and observe, and finally happiness and harmony reign.  The end result,….our godly society begins to reproduce good and proper leaders to run our government and our society….just as it used to do for over 7,000+ years of history.  Oh the joy of it all! 

Remember……There is only one thing that God can use to make a real man…..that, of course, is a Little Boy.

Be A Real Man and Always Act Like One………

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