“No summary of the prophets would be complete apart from one last message: Their loud insistence that the world would not end in “universal final defeat, but in joy.” Always, the prophets of the Old Testament got around to a word of hope.
Their voices soar like songbirds’ when the prophets turn at last to describe the joy beyond the walls of the world. In that final day, God will roll up the earth like a carpet and weave it anew. Wolves and lambs will feed together in the same field, and a lion graze in peace beside an ox.
One day, says Malachi, we will leap like calves released from the stall. There will be no fear then, and no pain. No infants will die; no tears will fall. Among the nations, peace will flow like a river, and armies will melt their weapons into farm tools. No one will complain about the hiddenness of God in that day. God’s glory will fill the earth, and the sun will seem dim by contrast.
For the prophets, human history is not an end in itself but a transition time, parenthesis between Eden and the new heaven and new earth still to be formed by God. Even when everything seems out of control, God remains firmly in control.
Some people find no comfort in the prophet’s vision of a future world. “The church has used that line for centuries to justify slavery, oppression, and all manner of injustice,” they say. The criticism sticks because the church has abused the prophet’s vision. But you will never find that “pie in the sky” rationale in the prophets themselves. They have scathing words about the need to care for widows and orphans and aliens, and to clean up corrupt courts and religious systems. The people of God are not merely to mark time, waiting for God to step in and set right all that is wrong. Rather, they are to model the new heaven and new earth, and by so doing awaken longings for what God will someday bring to pass.”
Philip Yancey
Grace Notes
The holy word of God, The Holy Bible, was written by many different God-inspired authors over a period of roughly 1500 years, in several different languages and contained in to 66 different books. There is not one contradiction in all that the Bible says…did, is, and is going to happen to those inhabitants of this earth. The Bible is God’s holy love letter of instruction to all those who believe in Him and what He tells them to do.
The main problem today is that most people on earth profess that they do not believe in God, and all too many who claim to be believers in the Lord God, really don’t read His Word and feed on what It has to say, and therefore do not know what it is that they should be doing. It is out of their personal ignorance of what God tells them to do that they deny, question, or rebut what they hear other people say is going to happen to them as a result of their ignorance or rebellion to the instructions of their Creator and Father God.
The world and it’s inhabitants are all clearly discussed within the pages of Holy Scripture. Everything from Creation, to successful living methods and ways, completely through to the destructive end times of the world as we know it, is all laid out and openly discussed under the direction of the Creator of the Universe! In the estimated 7,500+ years of existence of this earth beginning from creation (The Book of Genesis) all the way through to the end of the age (The Book of Revelation), God’s Word has accurately foretold of events, people, activities, and kingdoms that would come into being, what they would do or fail to do, and what would be the final result of their existence. Hundreds of different prophesies have been given to us through the Bible. Not all of them have yet been fulfilled. But regarding those which have been completed, everything predicted actually happened precisely as it was first foretold….without any variations or changes! It is for this very reason that we (mankind), can fully rely on the accuracies of the Holy Bible. God Almighty is never weak or uncertain. He is a God of absolutes. He knows no “grey areas” of life. What He tells us is accurate as has been proven throughout history by men, mathematics, science, archeology, geology, and any other methods or ways that can accurately prove what is written about. You can totally rely on what God tells you within the Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible is the only book ever written that accurately and precisely predicts the future….No Exceptions!
Now, for the really good news as foretold by all of the prophets concerning those who choose to believe in God and trust His only begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, as their personal Lord, Master, and Savior,…permit me to say to you that the end of the (our) created world as we know it does not end in catastrophe for Believers. Oh no, when the end of the age actually arrives, and the pain and suffering begins to be experienced by those of us still living, all we believers will be snatched out of the carnage and suffering and our spirits will be taken to heaven to rule and reign for all eternity by and with Jesus Christ through an event known as The Rapture.
For those who reject Christ and do not invite Him into their hearts as Lord and Savior, they will face and bear 3 1/2 years of misery, pain, and suffering beyond your capability to understand or believe. There after the spirits of those unfortunate souls will be cast into a “Lake of Fire” to spend and suffer through the horrors of hell for all eternity under the violent and miserable hand of Satan.
If you do not understand or have any idea about what I am speaking, I can and will only urge to immediately get with a known Christian Believer, a person who personally knows and has a developed personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask them to explain to you just how you too can have a personal relationship with Christ. Ask them to lead you through the Sinner’s Prayer and thereafter accept Christ into your own heart and mind.
You either believe or do not believe in God. If you believe in God, you naturally must believe in His written word, The Holy Bible. There is no such thing as partial belief. If anyone ever says that they believe around 99% about God Almighty, then they are actually telling you that they really don’t believe in Christ…..99% belief is actually 100% unbelief! Believing in God and what He has done for you is an all or nothing proposition.
Permit me to tell you that it takes far more belief and faith to reject God and His plan for your life, than it takes to actually believe and accept Him into your heart.
God created heaven and earth and mankind for His own good pleasure. All of the angels in heaven rejoice every time a single soul comes to accept Christ as their Savior, and thereby insure their eternal place forever in the new heaven that will survive the trials and tribulations of the end of the age.
God has clearly revealed Himself and His predicted future in many different and varied ways for all to see and come to know. I exhort you to learn His truths, accept what He says, and become a “Born-Again” Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Such an act on your part will firmly establish your future in heaven as a joint heir with Christ.
There is definitely Good and Positive News for all those who believe in Christ….God never ends anything He created and put into place on a negative. Your future has never looked brighter.
God’s Greatest Blessings to All of You…………….