To Succeed…Do What Successful People Do

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All real and lasting success occurs in the fringe of fear. Real success in any field is always in a minority position. The road to success is never crowded neither are the beaches of the world.

Fear or the threat of fear,…paralyzes the vast majority of people. It stops them in their tracks! It usually ceases most all productivity. People who experience fear of any kind almost always come to a complete halt in their forward motion.

Consider this….If all real success occurs in the fringe of fear,….and most people halt all productivity when they get scared…..Then how many frightened people ever succeed?….The facts are,…not very many!…2% or less.

The Social Security Administration tells us every year (remember they issue every American citizen a Social Security Number at birth) that from their inception in 1935 up to and including the present,…that 98% of the U.S. population will end up dead or broke by the age of 65. Now, even without a college degree from any institution of higher education anywhere in America, any thinking person can understand the simplicity of this published statistic….2% of the population will achieve true and lasting success in The Greatest Country On Earth!!! Sad…terribly sad….isn’t it!

Let us examine these results a little further. Permit me to define real success as complete and total Financial Independence and Personal Freedom. Remember that money will not buy happiness….no one ever said that it would. But money will in fact buy time. Now if your real desire is to be financially independent and personally free,….that is to say, living your own life without worry or concern as to how much things cost and how long things take to be accomplished,…would you agree that such a lifestyle would be a pretty great way to live?

Take a brief moment to pause and think this provided information through as it concerns you personally right now. Be honest with yourself. Is that the way and manner you are living your life today?……Financially Independent and Personally Free? Happy? Generous? Carefree? Stressless?

Would you be experiencing the stress and strain in your life today if you were financially independent and personally free?

Now let us make two pretty wild assumptions for the sake of exercise:

(1) If you get every promotion you expect where you are presently working,…and

(2) If you get every pay raise you personally and honestly believe you deserve and have earned,…..

Will you ever be able to achieve Financial Independence and Personal Freedom doing only that which you are presently doing for income?

If your honest response is “NO”, then you had better wake up right now and pay very close attention to what I am telling you.

Most people today, who find themselves in the senior years of their lives, are extremely worried and concerned about their lack of personal financial resources. Sadly after their most productive years have passed them by, they discover that they don’t have enough income on which to live. It just seems that somehow, as they lived their lives, they forget to save and put enough money away on which to live after they ended their working careers. The biggest fear of senior citizens today is that they will live longer than their money will last. At that point in time, it is most difficult to do much about the problem, as far as solving it,…is concerned. The clock of life simply cannot be turned back. Their situation Is…What It Is!…Not too good.

Further examination of the Social Security statistics reveals that those folks who ended up in the sad predicament just described above i.e. “old and broke” had two things in common: (1) They worked “hard” all their lives to earn their income, and (2) They worked for someone else, i.e. they held a job. When you do that, you become a “slave” to the Free Enterprise System of our American economy.

Take one more moment right now and self examine….How and what do you do to generate honest and legal income on which to provide a living and lifestyle for yourself and family?

Here is some very sad, but factual truths for you to consider. The number one way that our colleges and universities in America teach our children to earn money, on which to live, is to gain some good knowledge and information through a good education and then go out and get a good job and work “hard” all of their lives. They can then retire at age 65 and live happily after enjoying their children, and grandchildren, and traveling the world living and enjoying all of their dreams!

Sounds so good, right? But, the facts do not support the “Lie.”

I find it very interesting that The Creator of The Universe does not ever use the word “Retirement” in His Holy Word in reference to a man ceasing his labors, in order to establish himself an income, on which to live and raise his family.

As a matter-of-fact, God tells us in His Word, that we are to labor six days and do all of our work, and on the seventh day we are to rest. His Word gives no cut-off date for our labors.

Retirement is a man-made word and a fleshly, worldly term. Man created it for himself to give himself approval to be totally disobedient to God’s instructions! Interesting…..very interesting,….Do you think our God would ever reward disobedience?

Is it any wonder how man, in total disobedience to God’s Word, has messed up our economy and the people who make it operate.

Our institutions of higher learning teach our children how to do for income the very thing that will enable them to work hard all of their productive lives so that they can become economically destitute……so that they will be “dead” or “broke”….or both….by the tender age of 65. May I suggest to you, that this educational Lie is really a “ploy” to get the senior citizens of our country more and more dependent on the government and it leaders for their sustenance.

I know what I am talking about because it happened to me!….or at least I recognized it was happening to me when I was only 32 years old. There was no end game. My contemporaries who became “seniors” never actually retired, they just stopped working for the firm and started another job somewhere else as a “second income.” They made up some sort of a story to the tune of they needed a little extra “something” to keep them from becoming “bored.” Then they told everyone else that they had “retired” so as to hunt, fish, or golf away the remainder of their lives…..Thank God my eyes were opened before I became a senior citizen!

Enough about failing……..

Let us now look and the other side of the equation……the precious 2% who do make it to the top,….who do become financially independent and personally free!

These type folks also have two common characteristics:

(1) They have learned how to work “Smart” instead of hard,…and

(2) They are participating in the American Free Enterprise System rather than being a slave to it. That is only possible,….by Owning and Operating Your “Own Business”.

You will be taught only how prepare yourself to get a job in college.

You will not be taught how to develop and operate a business of your own!

You don’t know…what you don’t know.

There is only one way that I know of, (which I have learned from my years of experience) to work “Smart” in America and throughout the world. That is to Learn, Understand, and then Apply, in your life, God’s Laws of Success.

God’s Laws apply equally to all people. Since He is no “respecter of persons,” His Laws will then obviously apply exactly to you!….just as you are,…as they have applied to everyone else throughout all of history.

But, remember, for God’s Laws to work for your benefit,….you must first learn and then know the Laws,… and how to employ them.

To my knowledge there are only two ways for you to learn about God’s Laws of success:

You can either:

(A)  Read about them…..They are all outlined in The Holy Bible or also in the multitude of Positive Mental Attitude books or Success Principle books that are on the market today…..or… can

(B)  Learn them…..from another qualified person who knows about them and who has successfully applied them in their own lives and who is willing to teach them to you.

Sadly with a 2% success rate in America today, you will have to be very fortunate to find a qualified person to teach them to you…..But….that is exactly how I personally learned them!

This website, was established and published to help educate, equip, and teach to other people who want to learn precisely what those Laws of Success and how hey are to be employed. This knowledge being given to you is the wisdom of the ages. It is what the great successful people of the past and present have done and/or are doing to accomplish their own great success.

May I exhort you to immediately become a Registered Member of this website. Doing so opens new doors to your personal learning, knowledge, and capabilities as to how to create your own personal freedom and financial independence.

My advice to you is to be prepared to be a good listener to other people who have succeeded…and…most emphatically pay very close and careful attention to any other person who may ever offer you an “opportunity” to begin to own and operate for a profit a business of your own.




1. What you want to accomplish with the use of your life.

2. When you want to achieve it.

3. What you are willing to give up in order to accomplish your dream.

4. You must be willing to associate with other successful people who can assist you in achieving your dream….and finally….

5. You must develop a PLAN that will produce the necessary funding to enable you to turn your dream into reality.

All then that remains for you to do is to simply PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK YOUR PLAN…..through to completion.



Peace And Love to All of You……………………Poppa Bear

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