Hello dear friends and registered members of www.davesevern.com.
Next month (May 2015) will mark the second year anniversary of the publication of this website. I will post the 500th article to the Registered Member website during the month of May! It has been two consecutive years of at least 16 monthly messages since we began publishing this website.
First of all I want to say Thank You to all you readers and listeners for your kind support. Everything posted to the site is fully researched and documented. You can confidently believe all of the information you are reading and to which you are listening. I also want to personally thank you for all of your comments, messages, E-mails, and other communications. They have been extremely beneficial to all who have had the opportunity to read them.
I am excitedly and anxiously looking forward to many more informative and educational articles and discussions in the coming months and years.
I am however always seeking new and better ways to communicate with you supporters. I seriously need and am requesting your personal feedback as relates to the website itself. Do you like the “Look”, the format presentation, its organization and layout, the ease of access to the information presented, the type and style of the downloads i.e. the PDFs, the MP-3 audio files, and the audio mix and match blogs and other articles? Please provide any feedback you may want to suggest to me as to how I can continually improve this website and my communication efforts to and for you.
Registered Membership is so much more than just what is contained in the blog section of this website. Sign up as a Registered Member and you will soon see what I am talking about.
If you are not a registered member, there is a free limited access option which allows you to see everything included within the website except the complete other article postings or downloads. Check out this free limited access option right now. See what you have been missing. There is no commitment whatsoever connected to this limited access option. There is no financial information required.
I would kindly and respectively request that you give no feed back or comments to me on Facebook.
Please write comments in my posted articles or blog comments section or send an E-mail to contact@davesevern.com
There is so much to pass along to you that I have accumulated over the more than 40 years of experience I have gained from living and working with so many different and varied people. My hindsight can and will be your foresight,…if you are wise enough to become a Registered Member.
I patiently remain at your service.
Kindest Personal Regards,
Dave Severn