Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, noted author and successful businessman once said,…“You are not ready to really live your life until you truly do know what you want written about you on your tombstone.” May I say to you that such a situation will never happen to you unless and until you finally figure out and come to know who you really are….Do you really know, who you really are?
What I am talking about has no relationship to what you are, what you do, what your education level is or how smart or not-so-smart you are. Coming to know who you are has everything to do with you searching for and then discovering who you are “in-Christ” and what God’s true plan and purpose for your personal life really is. Make no mistake about that which I am speaking. You are a created human being. Your God, the Creator of the Universe, fearfully and wonderfully knitted you together within your own mother’s womb. The process required nine months of intricate planning and effort to complete. God does not make mistakes or errors. He has never created anything on this earth without giving it a plan for its existence and an ultimate purpose for it to achieve while it lives on the earth. You very comfortably fit into this preplanned bracket and planning program.
There will always be detours in your road of life, lots of bumps and ruts, and many things and people who will attempt to distract or derail you as you travel along your own path. The one thing that will always keep you on track, always keep you on line, and always keep you on the road to your own personal success is knowing who you really are,…and knowing what your God-given purpose in this life really is!
Now it goes without saying, that in order for you to know who and what you really are and where you are going with the use of your own life, you must have already developed a personal relationship with the Living God of the Universe. That situation and relationship can only come from accepting the Living Son of the Living God of all heaven and earth, i.e. Jesus Christ, into your own heart and mind which is accomplished by you becoming a “Born-Again” Believer in Christ Jesus.
We have discussed how such an achievement and relationship is established in several other previous Blog articles, Leadership, and Spiritual Believers discussions within this website. If you desire to discover the process of becoming a “Born Again” Believer in Jesus Christ, you need to become a registered member of and take advantage of the rights and privileges of searching all past posted articles for your review, perusal, and study. As a Registered Member of this website you have access to all such archived articles and discussions.
Once you have properly established a personal relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, you will have then become a member of the Family of God with all accordant rights and privileges. Such rights and privileges include your rightful place in eternity and your own personal God-given inheritance in heaven, after you have passed from this earth via your own physical death. You then know the final chapter of your life. As a Christian Believer you are fully assured of spending eternity with the Lord in heaven.
Everything else that happens to you while you are alive on this earth pales in significance to your eternal salvation….You then will truly know who you really are, in Christ. Your future inheritance and reward are in place and await you at an unknown future date.
From this point forward, all that you must do is discover God’s Will for your own life and then live out your life loving and serving your fellow man and loving and serving your God,…all for the ultimate glory of God.
When you know these two things as relates to your own life (who you are in Christ and God’s Will for your life) then you will simply go about the living of your life and the accomplishing of your life’s purpose in a joyous and peace-filled manner and way,…no matter the circumstances that arise.
Life is not designed to be complicated…don’t make it that way!
Never allow your sense of self to become associated with your sense of job. If your job vanishes, your self doesn’t.
God never desired for any of His creations to become disillusioned discouraged, or distracted. Those are all situations that are self-imposed. He clearly tells us such within the pages of His Holy Word, in the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 1, verses 3–4 NKJV:
(3) “What profit has a man from all his labor
In which he toils under the sun?
(4) One generation passes away, and another generation comes;
But the earth abides forever.”
If you are truly searching for your own personal success, you must insure you first know precisely what it is that you are searching for and what it looks like…before beginning your search. The great author, Ms. Bessie Anderson Stanley gave the world a beautiful and all inclusive definition of real success in 1904. This definition has remained totally correct and completely appropriate for well over a century, and continues to remain such. She wrote:
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.
The truth of life is quite simple. Our true sense of identity–which gives our life meaning and a genuine sense of success–is not bound up in tasks, deadlines, projects, or earned positions. It lies in relationships–the day-to-day associations we have at home, in our community, and in our church–as well as our relationship with our Heavenly Father, God Almighty and His Son, The Lord, Jesus Christ. It is,…as we relate to people–family, friends, colleagues, and business associates–that we develop a true sense of who we really are.
You are indeed ready to begin your personal journey to your own success once you finally come to grips with Who you really are, Where you are really going, and What your life’s real purpose truly is….all the while you are alive here on this earth.
The sooner you resolve and discover the answers to these three major questions about your personal life,…the greater will be the accomplishments you achieve as you live out your own life while you are here on this earth.
Peace And Love to All of You………………..Poppa Bear