Do you know someone or some group who is operating and building their dreams in a business vehicle of their own choice or just in their dealings with other everyday type people and all of their growth efforts seem to be fruitless?
Do you know somebody who is attempting to reach higher levels of living and thereby achieve and earn greater levels of reward and yet they are not achieving their aims?
Do you know of a person or group of people who desire to grow and build their opportunities to the next higher level, but sadly are at about the same or less level of achievement right now than they were one year or more ago?
Do you know of a business owner whose business volume and growth when graphed out is a flatline of “no growth” or “no increase” ?
If you know of such people or groups of people,…please permit me to tell you something I learned a long time ago from a highly successful and very wealthy businessman and personal friend…It is sage advice and is just as applicable today as it was thirty-five years ago when my friend first shared it with me. Are you ready?…here it comes,…… “If nothing changes (inside of your own heart and mind),…then nothing changes (outside of your own heart and mind).” Stop laughing and think about it…“If nothing changes,…then nothing changes.”
Success is always and “Inside-Out” proposition.
If you want to continue to grow and improve,…if you truly desire greater prosperity than that which you presently have,…then something has got to change inside of you!…inside of your own heart and mind.
For that to happen,…personal self growth has to occur. And for that to happen,…you must increase your personal mental input. You must increase that which your are putting into or allowing to enter your own mind. Mental capacity and growth must first occur inside of you! Once you have grown mentally (inside), then and only then will you be able to grow physically (outside).
Mental growth is activated through the books you read, the CDs you listen to, the DVDs you watch, the websites you frequent and the people with whom you associate and from whom you receive guidance and counsel. All of these activities are totally under your own control. Your personal decisions and choices create your personal mental and physical environment.
The best manner and way for you to increase the benefits and related rewards for the efforts you expend in mentally growing yourself is to become a Premier Member to this website,! Premier Membership opens new doors to learning, understanding, and application of the personal knowledge and wisdom you increasingly acquire.
All of the twelve sections of this website contain the best I have learned and been taught from all of my mentors and from my personal experience combined over the past seven decades of my life. All of this knowledge and wisdom is yours for a low monthly fee of under $10 per month. That is the equivalent of two lattes, mochas, sodas, or soft drinks every month. A small cost for all that you will learn and what it will provide you to use personally and in your business operations in the days ahead.
You can only use the knowledge and understanding you possess.
Increase your knowledge and understanding and you will indeed grow yourself to the next higher level of living.
Don’t delay any longer. Become a Premier Member right now! Just click the home page icon and follow the cues.
The gift-giving Holiday Season is rapidly approaching. May I encourage you to consider giving a gift that keeps on giving to those whom you love and respect, a gift of a month’s or more of Premier Membership to anyone you care about and believe the information and knowledge would benefit.
More details on how to do that will be coming next month.
God bless you all as you grow your way to Success….Dave Severn