One of the major principles God uses in and for His creation and one which is always in play and operating is that of “Entering and Leaving.” Everything and everybody “Leaves” an environment in one condition or circumstance and “Enters” into a new environment as they live out their life here on the earth. This ongoing process is always in place and operating for every individual brought into this world from the moment of their birth until that of their physical death. In short, you leave the womb and enter the outside world. Later on you leave infancy and enter adolescence. Thereafter you leave adolescence and enter into adulthood, and so it goes on and on throughout your entire life. Lastly you leave this earth on this side of eternity and if you have chosen to become a Believer in Jesus Christ, you enter into heaven and into the presence of the Lord and Savior to rule and reign with Him forever.
This Life Principle also applies to many other things than just your personal life. As a youth you leave your home and enter preschool; then you leave preschool and enter elementary school. You leave elementary school and enter middle school. Thereafter you leave middle school an enter high school and then leave high school and enter college. The same process applies to your personal form of life support through the type of work you decide to pursue. God’s Principle of Leaving and Entering carries on through all of your efforts and energies expended as you pass through this life here on earth,…on this side of eternity.
One fact concerning the application of this God Principle is that it applies to every person regardless of what they personally think, believe, or do. How (your personal condition) you leave one environment will directly determine how you enter the next one.
To enter the new environment well,…you must insure that you leave the previous environment well…To enter well, you must leave well. This is an absolute Truth of Life.
Life is lived on many different and changing levels. Picture, in your mind’s eye a staircase. Each step can be likened to a new level of life. Every person on earth will live their physical life in a series of moving through different levels, either moving forward and up, or….moving backward and down,…totally depending upon the choices you make and the actions you take. Of course the best goal of your life is to continuously be moving upward and onward. In order to insure that is the path of life you personally choose to take, you must keep yourself in a growing and learning mode so as to take in more and more usable knowledge and wisdom that can and will be applied as you grow and move forward. Of course, doing that requires an expenditure of continuing time, effort, and resources,…which is why so few people really ever do it.
Success and your personal destiny is totally a matter of personal choice. By taking great pains and making personal sacrifices, and by always being merciful and full of God’s grace, your upward and onward path of travel through this world will be made much easier.
No man or woman ever “lucked” their way to success. Success is a planned event. Your proper thoughts, decisions, and actions taken will best prepare and position you to become highly successful. Of course, proper and accurate timing will also play a critical role. Success is defined by successful people as the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal. Success will occur at a critical focal point in any person’s life when opportunity and preparedness meet. Preparation for success must be in place or the individual will miss the chance to grasp and embrace the opportunity.
That is the way it has happened in the past throughout history and that is the way it will continue to happen in the future. There are no accidents in life,…just a whole lot of good people unprepared to grasp a good opportunity when it is presented to them.
As concerns the Principle of Leaving and Entering, permit me to tell you that just as life is lived in and on different Levels, a person will move from one level to another in and through a series of Stages. The stage you are living with and in right now, at this very moment, are all part of God’s methods and conditions of personal preparation which will enable you to reach the next higher level of living that you are attempting to achieve.
God will never give you more challenges, circumstances, or problems than you are able to handle. Never run from the ugly or negative things that you perceive as happening, hurting, or hindering you from reaching the next higher level of living that you are presently pursuing. All such obstacles you face are simply situations and challenges that God has placed in your path to (1) make you stronger, (2) make you wiser, and (3) to empower you to be able to resolve the issues and to conquer those things which are preventing you from moving higher up the ladder to your own success.
Don’t ever get angry or mad at yourself or at God for your particular situation or condition. Whatever those conditions are, they will all work together for your own good if you will only continue to work at overcoming the obstacles, growing yourself mentally and spiritually,…all the while keeping a positive mental attitude.
At the moment of your personal conception, while you were yet being formed inside of your mother’s womb, God was conceiving and preparing a great and glorious plan for your personal life. It was and remains a very good plan. Simultaneously God preassigned your life to last here on earth for a specified and pre-numbered length of days. When your pre-numbered days are up,…they are up,…and your life will, as God planned it,…expire precisely on His time table. He makes no mistakes and His timing is always accurate and perfect,…no matter what we individually feel or believe about it.
It is not a sad, or cruel happening. It should be a joyous spiritual event. The most successful day of your life on earth should be your final day of living.
God’s Will for your life is what He predetermined to be the way that you were to have lived while you were alive. You only get one shot at it and somewhere around 75+ years to accomplish it. That little piece of information should well give you all the more reason to always do the right and righteous thing while living your life.
God gave us all the correct and accurate personal instructions that he wants us to understand and then do as we live out our own preassigned days here on earth. They all appear in His love letter to each of us. They are recorded in the Bible,…Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
Part and parcel to a person’s ability to discover God’s Will for their own life, is to first come to know and thereafter develop a living personal relationship with God Himself through accepting His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord, Master, and Savior. You must personally invite Him to come into your life. No one can do that for you….No one! This is accomplished through a process known as becoming a “Born-Again” Believer…a Christian.
Here are “the facts,….nothing but the facts.” There is only One True and Real God. He is Jehovah, The God of All Creation…He exists in three separate and living spiritual beings. He is The Triune Godhead of The Holy Bible. He exists by and through The Father, (God),The Son (The Lord Jesus Christ),and The Holy Spirit (The Invisible Spirit of God). There is only One Mediator between God the Father and sinful man. That Mediator is The Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible clearly tells us in The Book of John Chapter 14, verse 6, NKJV:
(6) “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ ”
So the salvation of the soul of man, thereby guaranteeing his place in heaven and throughout all eternity to rule and reign with Jesus Christ after his physical death here on earth, is strictly dependent upon his having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ while he is still alive….before his moment of physical death arrives.
God Almighty reiterates this great Truth of Life in The Book of 1 Timothy, Chapter 2, verse 5 NKJV:
(5) “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and
men, the Man Christ Jesus,”
Having and knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior is the highest level of living a man can reach while he walks on this earth….so says The Holy Bible.
With all of that being said,…when life is lived as directed by God in accordance with His instructions through the Holy Word of God, then great joy and happiness, contentment and prosperity, coupled with love and generosity should and will come flowing back into the believer’s life.
The work done with the use of a person’s life while alive here on earth, when it is good, right, and proper not only makes for a happy and complete life for yourself and family, but also one that will give blessings and benefits to many other people and families who live and exist beyond the giver’s lifetime. Work and benefits that are produced beyond the grave of an individual based on how he or she lived and on what he or she did while he or she was here on earth is known as a family legacy. They will live on forever if those works and benefits are made in doing God’s service and if they are performed for the benefit of all mankind. Such an accomplishment can and does only happen to those blessed few folks in life who live an intentional life and live it on purpose for God Almighty. Such people are indeed rare.
Just such a man lived and walked and worked in and on this earth for the past three-quarters of a century here in the northwestern United States. He was my dear friend, business associate, personal mentor, and personal confidant. He and his wife (Ron and Georgia Lee) greatly impacted and influenced me and my family. Their effect on us will last now and forever, even into eternity when and where we will all be reunited one day. I am so grateful to have been brought together with these two people through and by the grace of God. They have completely changed my entire life and life style through an amazing set of circumstances that simply could not and would not have happened except in the circumstances Almighty God allowed to occur in our lives.
Ron and I were two completely opposite persons and personalities. Except for the business opportunity that he offered to me in 1977, we would have most probably never met or crossed paths. What brought two strangers together 39 years ago had to be Divinely inspired and ordained. There is no other explanation. We were able to live and work together because of the mutual love and respect that existed between us. Even when we disagreed, we accepted one another’s position or point of opinion. In 1977 when I first met Ron, he possessed and enjoyed what I was yearning to find and have for myself and family. He was financially independent, personally free, and totally at peace with himself, his family, the world, and with God. I wasn’t,…but I certainly wanted to be that way. And becoming so was something I was willing to diligently work for to achieve.
We both grew together and he and his wife helped my wife and me build a large international and highly prosperous business. We traveled the world together, raised our families together, became Christian Born-Again Believers almost together. We laughed, smiled, prayed, and suffered together. Ron and Georgia Lee were and are just that kind of good people. They are truly givers of themselves, their knowledge and understanding, their time and energy, and their resources. They have always given freely and generously to other people with whom they are involved or to causes and purposes in which they believe. Their reach extends far beyond my wife and me,…far beyond their combined physical grasp. Literally hundreds of thousands of other people around the world have been touched, influenced, affected, and changed because they had the good fortune to have been personally “touched” by these two incredible people,…Ron and Georgia Lee.
I am just coming out of the large memorial funeral service for Ron Puryear which was held at the Spokane Opera House in Spokane, Washington on the first day of July, 2016. We have all been in attendance at this special venue many times before over the past four decades. It is a special place flooded with wonderful memories of friendship building, great and fun times and events, and precious spiritual moments and experiences. It is quite fitting that such a service as this be held in such a historically important place for the Puryear family. It was in this very site that the all encompassing global business headed by Ron and Georgia Lee was initiated. It is back here, nearly forty years later, that we gather as family, friends, and business associates to hail the accomplishments and service of this great man, and to say good bye to our old friend. We will see each other again on the “other side,”…in eternity. We never say good bye to one another. Because were are mostly Christians, we simply say “See you later,” or “We will see you on the other side” or “We will see you soon.” When you know what the final chapter of your life is going to be as a Christian, then there is really no need to get all fussed up about what is happening to you today. Just relax and be at peace within your own heart and mind. God has personally promised to lead you through this thing we all call life. I exhort you to do precisely that…Allow God to lead you!
Thank you Ron Puryear for all that you became here on earth and for all you gave to other people to assist and help them achieve higher levels of living their own personal lives. You definitely will be sorely missed,…but you will never be forgotten!
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”
We will all see you later on.
God tells us in His Word that Love is eternal,…that love never dies. With that truth in mind, I say to you,
I Love You, Brother……………………..Your friend,….Dave Severn
Enjoyed finding this today and reading your words Dave..,
God bless you Dave for that beautiful eulogy!