Whenever your personal plans, desires, or prolonged efforts are delayed, postponed, or completely cancelled, how do you react? How do you handle failure, set back, or termination of your position or performance?
Whenever the timing to your desired efforts and expected results does not work in your favor you must learn to stay clam and carry on; stay cool and keep working. Delays are simply a real part of all of life….You cannot control the timing of other people’s work pace and/or work results. If it truly is success that you are attempting to achieve, you must be emotionally prepared to put a positive spin on every delay you encounter.
So when delays strike you, stop, calm down, pray. Take a time out! Check your connections with God. Ask yourself why is this delay happening to you. What is its real purpose? Is this new business venture why you were really born? Is this change of direction really part of God’s plan and purpose for your life? Is this new and daring dream that has come into my mind what God really wants me to passionately pursue through to completion?
Yes, the price of success will include expenditures of time and effort as well as money. But don’t be surprised in the days and years ahead to look back and see that the toughest problem you faced was “waiting for the moment,”…was being patient during the delays while other things, events, and people were being prepared so as to make their contribution to the success of your whole mission. Always remember that you are not in control…God is! His timing is always perfect, even if we don’t necessarily like or agree with it. He wants what is truly best for you,…not necessarily what you think is best for you.
Are you dealing with frustrating delays right now? Keep in mind that God Almighty is placing such delays in your path so as to teach and prepare you for more important and greater things that you will need in the future. God never gives you anything that you cannot handle. Whatever comes before you in the struggle of living your life, God has already granted you the power to handle and overcome. So relax, stay calm, and keep on keeping on,…keep on paying full price,…keep on working through
the problems and challenges because that is exactly how you get all the way through them to their other side,…and on to victory! You see,…you did it! You finished it! You achieved what you set out to do! You didn’t quit, walk away, or throw in the towel on yourself and your dreams. I will tell you a great Truth of Life—Timing is everything! And God’s timing, not your own, is always accurate and perfect.
So plan to stay on task for the long haul. Hang in there! Never give up!
Your battle cry should be Never, Never, Never Quit! If for any reason, you do quit, you will be abandoning the base that you have so far built,…and then what? You’ll never be satisfied, pleased, or content if you quit doing and being what started out as real pleasure. Use your head. Welcome delays. They just may be God’s gift of Grace, increasing your chances of eventual success giving you a broad and toothy grin or smile.
Look back! See how many really good things have happened to you since you were born. Take the time to add up all of your accomplishments from all of your yesterdays, and I promise you that you will be very surprised to easily see how far you have come,…to see that you have come from nowhere to somewhere!
Look around! Take a moment to see how many really good things are happening to you today. Pause to enjoy all of the great blessings that God has poured over you.
Look ahead! Imagine how good things can happen or can keep happening in all of your tomorrows—if you will only keep the faith and continue to passionately pursue God’s purpose for your life.
Permit me to tell you that God’s delays are not failures to you as an individual. God’s delays are minor (and sometimes major) corrections and adjustments to the pace of your journey on your own road to success. You cannot see into the future and make determinations as to what people or events are happening and whether such actions are to be of any good and beneficial effect on your planned activities. Only God can do that,…and He regularly does.
Patience is the greatest of all character traits of truly successful people. This fact alone should tell you why there are so few really successful people. The good news is that you,…no matter who you are,…can change, make adjustments, begin again in a new direction. You can grow mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and thereby prepare and ready yourself for the real benefit and blessing that God had originally designed for you to achieve.
Perseverance, consistency, persistency, and emotional stability are the main ingredients to complete a successful recipe for those precious souls who have made the decision to step out away from the crowd, stand up and be responsible and accountable, and begin a new journey to the place where they truly do want to go in life. Are you one of those type people? Are you one of those 2% of the population who will, in fact, completely accomplish their chosen success? The answer to that question, dear friends, lies solely within your own heart and mind.
Remember the powerful words of Holy Scripture as they relate to those who are willing to be used in the service of God…“The harvest is plenteous,…but the laborers are few.” There are lots of great and glorious blessings for the taking in life for those who will step up to a higher level of living and serve their fellow man as they simultaneously serve their Living God.
Peace and Love to All of You…………………Poppa Bear