Ehphesians 3 : 20-21 NKJV:
(20) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
(21) to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
We all were created by and now serve a great and mighty God fully capable of fulfilling all of our needs, if we but totally trust Him and walk in accordance with His laws and instructions. It sounds so simple to do,…and it is,…if we don’t make it complicated by adding a bunch more of our own personal twists, turns, spins, and conditions onto our selves, our decisions, and our related actions. God designed our lives to be relatively easy to live if we are obedient to His Instructions.
Faith = Belief + Trust + Obedience
Now please remember this simple formula and learn to practice it constantly as you live out your own life. Every time you stray away from living your life in total faith, you bring on your own misery and suffering. God wants you to be happy and productive. That will not happen for you until and unless you, as a believer, are living in faith. It is not always easy to live your life in total faith, but it is always very much worth living life in that manner and way!
The short stories I am sharing with you through these articles of discussion are not made up or concocted out of the blue just for the sake of making a point. Rather they are true stories I have previously read or been told over the past 37 years of study and learning that have impacted me to the point of arresting my attention. Whenever such events happen to me, I have made it a practice to write such stories down or make hand written notes concerning their content so as to have these stories available for some future use. Such is a case in point with this following story attaching to this discussion.
To empower and enable God to work His mighty Hand in your life for your personal benefit, you must first come to know Him personally, i.e. become a “born-again” believer in God. Once that has occurred in you, as a new believer, you then have an automatic power source that will enable you to do things that you did not know you could do! It will soon become obvious to you that such a new power is coursing through your body and your life.
God has promised all of this to you through His Word as is recorded in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 19, verse 26, NKJV:
“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’ ”
Please allow me to share with you an astonishing fact of life that you will soon learn once you have been “Born- Again.”
You can accomplish more in one hour with God than you can in one lifetime without Him.
Allow me to share with you a short story as regards our subject of discussion.
Rick and Pamela were an industrious young married couple who worked very hard and were attempting to build a valuable estate as a source of financial security as well as a source of wealth that could be passed on to their future planned family. Rick was a highly qualified dentist and had been in practice for twelve years. Rick and Pamela owned a commercial building, half of which Rick used for his dental practice. For all twelve years of his dental practice, the couple had experienced little or no difficulty in renting out the other half of the building to good tenants who promptly paid any and all rent due. Rick and his wife had grown very much accustomed to receiving their monthly rent payments and the extra income they brought in to help pay their ever-increasing bills.
Then one day for no apparent good reason, their tenant ceased their business operations and promptly moved out of the building terminating their rental agreement. Economic times were “toughening up” and try as they may, no qualified new tenant could be found. Other landlords were experiencing the same “nothing-is-renting” lull period.
Economic pressures were beginning to mount. The rental income was sorely missed. These pressures were beginning to spill over into their marriage relationship as they always do.
The life-saving floating ring to this couple was that both of them were indeed, Christian Believers. They realized the importance of their walking through this pressure packed situation in total faith.
To ease her financial worries, Pamela started swimming laps at her local YMCA pool. One day when she was feeling especially distraught and anxious, she decided to start praying as she swam, using the letters of the alphabet to keep the count of the number of laps she completed. She focused her thoughts on adjectives to describe her God as she swam her laps. Starting with the letter A,…“You are the Almighty God,” she prayed on lap one. “A benevolent God,…a beautiful God, she prayed on the next lap, and then, “You are a caring, creative, can-do God.” By the time she had completed the 26 laps, an hour had passed and all of her initial fears had disappeared and were gone form her thoughts. She just knew from then on that God would provide, just as he had promised.
In what seemed like no time at all from the conclusion of her swimming time at the YMCA, a physical therapist called Pamela to say that she had seen the “For Rent” sign in the window of the vacant commercial office building, and she desired to take a close look at the available space for her newly needed office. As things worked out, the available space was perfect. It was just what the new therapist was looking for and wanted. So, the new therapist and her partner signed papers and rented the vacant space that very day.
Pamela confides that she still, to this day, prays while she continues to swim laps at the YMCA pool. “After all,” she says, “I’ve discovered God’s goodness stretches from A to Z!”
The Apostle’s words as recorded in the Book of Philippians, Chapter 4, verses 11-13 NKJV say it as clearly as anyone needs to hear it:
(11) “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in
whatever state I am, to be content;
(12) I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound.
Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full
and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
(13) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
You can always depend on the Lord, your God. His promises are good and can be relied upon as He promised to never leave you or forsake you.
Peace and Love to All of You…………………..Poppa Bear