Are you aware of the fact that there is a sure-fire, never-can-fail method to achieving everything that you desire to accomplish with the use of your life,…No matter who you are,…No matter what you do,…No matter whatever is going on with you right now…All things are possible for you to accomplish. What say you? What is it? What is this method that I can use?
Dave, are you telling me, just an average person,…me, a person with little if any formal advanced education,…me, someone who doesn’t care that much about other people, and cannot even communicate well with others,…that yes I am still able to achieve my heart’s desire…that there is still a way that I can become highly successful?
Follow along with me through this entire discussion and you will soon see exactly what is required of you and what needs to be done in order for you to achieve your heart’s desire.
Burning Desire is the generating power of all mankind. The things in life you are attempting to accomplish must be far greater than things that you would like to have or that would be nice if you did have. Things you want to possess in your life must be far more important to you than just merely “wishes” or “wants.” Until a highly desired accomplishment becomes an absolute need in your personal life, you will never do or give whatever it takes to possess it…Period! That is just human nature, and it never changes.
You and your personal value system are the determining factor as to whether or not you will give your “all” to accomplish and achieve the work required to turn your needs into reality. Now let’s make absolute certain we are agreed that we are only talking about things, accomplishments, and desires that are honest and legal and that do not violate any of God’s laws or your fellow man’s rights. If you truly desire to become very successful, then everything we say, do, or even think must be grounded and rooted in the foundation of honesty and integrity. If it isn’t, it will, in the long run of things, eventually collapse and all will be lost. Let’s make sure that you use your energies and talents to build the “right” things in life. They are the only things that, in fact, will last and survive.
You simply cannot violate God’s Laws and ever expect Him to bless you and your life. He will not do that for you or for anyone else! Right things last…wrong things don’t last.
So, now back to this sure-fire method to accomplish the honest, right, and proper things you desire. Well, it is not too difficult which is why anyone can do it.
You simply start by identifying what it is that you have a burning desire to pursue and accomplish. Clearly and specifically write it down in your own hand writing. It must be completely and very clearly identified. The second requirement is for you to discover what work efforts (large and small) are required to be accomplished so as to turn your desires into reality. The last remaining step to be achieved is that you now start employing the knowledge you now possess and you start using only those talents and abilities God has given you just as you are,…All you do is start doing the necessary work as best you are able and take it all one step at a time.
Perseverance at the correct work ethic and making adjustments as they are needed will then take over control of your work efforts. As long as you stay on task at the required work effort, you will accomplish your mission to achieve the desires of your heart….as long as you don’t quit,… as long as you never give up,… until the job is completed and you possess what it is that you were working to accomplish. Period!
Does that sound too simple to you…maybe that is because it is a very simple and easy approach to use. The only danger one has to insure doesn’t happen is that the performer doesn’t make something very simple become very complicated by adding to their work effort a whole lot of extra work tasks that really are not needed. This is why you need a good, qualified, personal mentor to guide and direct your thoughts and efforts in the pursuit of your dreams and goals.
The real “secret” to most all significant accomplishment as proven throughout all mankind’s history is for a single person to get highly motivated within their own heart and mind and stay motivated every day until you achieve your God-inspired goal! A consistent and persistent work ethic towards the desired end of your accomplishment is what separates the successes from the failures.
Well just how do you do that, you ask?…I have already told you! Get started! And keep at it one step at a time and one day at a time for as long as is needed to accomplish your mission! Don’t make the simple things complicated.
But…but, Dave, you ask…what if nothing is happening that is supposed to happen,…what if I cannot see any tangible results,…what if…what if….what if….Stop it Already!
FAITH is a noun–but for it to work for you, it must become a verb….it must become an action word.
There are two types of motivation…internal (self) motivation and external (outside, caused by others) excitement and motivation. Success is an inside-out proposition. Internal Self Motivation is the one thing that is needed to drive you to accomplish what it is that is the burning desire of your own heart.
While external outside motivation can excite you, its effect is short-lived. You can only stay externally excited for about three days at the maximum. Only internal self motivation will carry on in your own spirit and mind for a long term period.
The internal self motivation needed to get you up on your feet and get you going in the required work habit and keep you going regardless of the obstacles you may encounter–is what FAITH is all about!
Exercising your personal faith and reading and speaking in an audible manner God’s powerful Bible verses every day of your life will release inner emotional powers from their imprisonment within your own heart and mind.
Sub-conscious emotional restrictions that exist in your own mind will bind and repress the incredible potential emotional strength that lies dormant within you and every other person on earth right now! Only you can release that internal bound up power. Stepping out in faith and doing the things I am telling you to do whether you can see visible results or not is the magic key that brings forth the release of these emotional cords that have been holding you back. Once such a release occurs, you will begin to feel as if you are internally “power-driven.” You will sense that you are “upward” bound. You will begin to experience tremendous emotional health, energy, and power being released within you.
All this is what you will experience as you convert the power of FAITH from an noun to a verb within your own heart and mind. It all happens to you as an individual miracle creation of the magnificent Creator of the Universe. As you persevere, you will finally experience the incredible, powerful, Truth of the Promise of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Holy Bible, the Book of Matthew, Chapter 17, verse 20, NKJV:
(20) “So Jesus said to them, ‘Because of your unbelief; for
assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed,
you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and
it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.’ ”
If you simply will follow the instructions I have given you in this discussion, and read and feed on the Word of God for a little while each and every day, you will develop a tough-minded, strong and abiding faith. Never forget that faith never starts all on its own, It must first be activated by you. Always remember as you are reading the Word of God to read it out loud. Reading it this way activates your inner ear (the most active organ of your body) which is the gateway to your own soul. Reading God’s Word out loud cements it into your own mind and puts you into total obedience to the Instructions and their related blessings God promises you that will happen because of your obedience to what He is telling you to do. He lays it all out in His Word in The Book of Romans , Chapter 10 verse 17 NKJV:
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of
I tell you the Truth….there is great generating power in the spoken word which is produced by using your own tongue.
Such a developed faith will equip and empower you to go through tough times, personal suffering, and great internal growth all the while maintaining and growing your life with tremendous creative and surviving power!
Oh yes, the sure-fire method of accomplishment works for everybody, everywhere, everyday. All you need to do is to employ it!
Peace and Love to All of You……………..Poppa Bear