It is amazing when you stop and really think about why the same old…same old… stuff… just continues happening to us in our lives without any sign of improvement. If another year has expired in your life and you are at about the same place….physically, mentally, and spiritually…or less… than you were this time last year,…then It Is Time For A Change!
There is no call or reason for you to look or point to others as to why you are, where you are. There is no place or time for you to pass the cause or blame on to anyone else other than yourself. God gave you your own brain to make your own decisions which in turn will govern and direct your own actions or lack there of.
Now hold on for a moment, before hauling off and once again making a bunch of foolish emotional loud-mouthed vows to change, to start over, to begin anew….Just slow down,….come to a quiet place in your life,….get all by yourself where you cannot be interrupted,….and think (ponder) things through. Have a talk with the “man in the glass” i.e. the man in the mirror. Ask yourself some serious questions relative to you as a man or woman…as a husband or wife…as a father or mother, and as to your personal and family responsibilities and God-given instructions for their care. How are you doing in relation to these type things? Are you growing and increasing in these areas or are you decreasing and slipping backward?
You see, friend, if you are falling far short of the mark in being a good high quality human being,…of being a responsible, loving, caring, and supporting spouse,…of teaching and training and being a good example to your children as to how to be a good quality adult,….then I tell you the truth,…you are going to have a mighty struggle and most difficult time trying to build your own business and lead other men and women toward success.
The facts are simply this: People Do What People See. If you are coming up wanting or coming up short of your target time after time and no further progress or achieved success is being demonstrated in your life, then it is going to be most difficult to convince other people to listen to or to follow you anywhere. The other people are looking for leadership from you. They are looking for answers,…not more unanswered questions…The example you set for them to follow will tell them whether or not you are practicing what you are preaching to them or you are just blowing a bunch of smoke in their direction.
The world is looking for and crying for more Leaders, more good successful examples,…more people with dreams and goals and a demonstrated track record that they are passionately pursuing those dreams and reaching their set goals. What do other people see whenever they observe and evaluate you and your actions? Does what you are telling them to do successfully show up in your own life?
Here is one of the most blatant and frequent problems that I have observed in other people’s lives as they attempt to become successful. This observation is particularly obvious when they are trying to build a successful business of their own without having any previous experience in building or operating a profitable business within the confines of the Free Enterprise system.
Too many people just start…quick start…their business enterprise. They dive right in to the throes of building their business without really knowing what to do, when to do it, where to do it, and how they are to get it done. They do not put enough fore-thought into what is going to be required of them. They do not evaluate whether or not they have enough or sufficient knowledge and expertise to build their business. If their capabilities are insufficient, they do not make a quality decision to start and stay at whatever is required to gain the knowledge and abilities to grow and build bigger business as they are learning what to do.
As a consequence, they too often meet with failure, after failure. If their people skills are low or weak, they destroy relationships with business prospects before they can get anything good going in their direction. If their personality needs improvement and they don’t improve it, they drive prospects away faster than they can attract them. I could go on and on and on, but, suffice it to say….There is always a reason why things are working favorably or unfavorably for you or against you.
The last time I checked, no one has been given the responsibility or assignment to make you, make good decisions or to be a “mother-duck” to you and fill all of your needs for you.
Personal responsibility comes into play whenever you are in the process of building your own business.
If you desire to have the nut properly screw onto the right-hand threads of a bolt…you best turn the nut in the “right” direction. Otherwise you are going to be a long time working hard and accomplishing little, if anything.
The truth is that anyone can be successful and make big things happen for themselves and their family,…BUT…for that to happen, they MUST properly perform the correct work habits that they have been taught by someone who has achieved the success levels that they are attempting to achieve for themselves.
Once you have been taught what and how to do the required work to accomplish the desires of your own heart, then all that remains to be done is for you to go to work and to continuously stay at work for as long as is required for you to accomplish what you set out to do.
All success begins in your own mind. It begins with a decision that you are going to become successful. That you are going to learn what needs to be done and that you are going to do it…not just try to do it. Thereafter you need internal motivation (self-motivation) which will assist and keep you on task until you reach your set goals. The motivation, most usually, is called having a big dream.
The Secret of all SUCCESS lies in the second letter of the word. No need to waste time and resources looking for it anywhere else!
Peace and Love to All of You…………………..Poppa Bear