Some of the most brilliant of minds accomplish or create very little for the benefit and care for other people simply because they never convert their knowledge into useful application. Having a brain full of knowledge that is never applied doesn’t get very much accomplished. The key to having a wonderful, happy, and productive life is for you to use, share, and give away all the knowledge and understanding that you have accumulated and experienced over the course of your life.
For some strange, almost spiritual, reason or cause man just doesn’t have a great desire to share his blessings, wisdom, and knowledge with other human beings. Stinginess is not an admirable character trait. It is so not the manner and way that our Holy God wanted you to live your life! Stinginess is a mindset of living your life from a mind set of scarcity rather than from abundance. God is not a god of scarcity. He has come to the earth to give us life more abundantly!
God designed your life to best be lived,…by you living it in total obedience to His guidance and direction. He laid such directions clearly out within the pages of Holy Scripture. Now, “God will always give you, His Creation, the nut, but He will not crack it for you.” In order for you to get the blessings, benefits, and rewards (the meat within the nut), you will have to learn the “how-do-you-do-it” and crack open the nut for yourself……otherwise you gain no long-term future benefit. God will never do for you what you are most capable of doing for yourself. He never has liked a sluggard, i.e. a lazy person. The busiest people always get the most accomplished and the most ambitious folks are always the ones who help others the most.
Now here is a Truth of Life you should always remember. The more you know, the more you can give to serve and love your fellow man. BUT you first must learn what and how to do something before you try helping others correctly. The gist of the subject is clear….you cannot give away that which you do not first possess. Learn what to do before trying to do it…or before trying to teach other people how to do it!
God will bless you greatly if you will first learn His Word through reading it and studying it on a regular basis (daily) and then, taking what you have learned and applying it into your life so as to live by giving, loving, caring, and serving other people, all for the glory of God. It is always best to give freely without any attachments, i.e. without expecting a return. God is very specific and focused on desiring his children to help, serve, and love other people. A headful of knowledge never put into use is worthless to the God who created you. On the other hand, the person who most uses and applies the knowledge and understanding he as acquired (regardless of the quantity) and is the most productive with it, is always the happiest of all people.
Here is what the Lord tells us regarding what we are to do with the knowledge and wisdom we gain from our study of His Holy Word. It is all recorded in the Bible in The Book of James, Chapter 1, verses 22–25, NKJV:
(22) “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving
(23) For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is
like a man observing his natural face in a mirror;
(24) For he observes himself, goes away, and immediately
forgets what kind of a man he was.
(25) But he who looks in to the perfect law of liberty and
continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of
the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”
You love all the other of God’s creation by caring for and serving them. By uplifting them with positive spoken words of affirmation and encouragement. You strengthen and help prepare them for their future life by praising their efforts and their attempts at difficult tasks, not by criticizing them or through ridicule. Be an “Uplifter of Others”…God really likes to see that sort of service lived out in the lives of his children.
I remember a story I read a long time ago that sums up what I am trying to tell you:
Sandy was a wonderful and good young Christian woman and was always quick to volunteer whenever a call went out for a Sunday school teacher for the five-year-olds. It was in one of her classes where she met Bobby.
He was a very likable little boy but rarely smiled, showed little emotion, and greatly lacked self confidence.
One Sunday morning while the five-year-old class was coloring a Bible scene of shepherds on a hillside, Bobby became very upset and frustrated at his own efforts to color well. He then became very angry at himself and wadded up his coloring paper, and then tore it into four different pieces and threw them all on to the classroom floor. He then jumped up out of his chair and crawled under the large craft table in the center of the room and began to cry. Sandy, his teacher,…thought, “I go where he goes!” And she immediately crawled under the table, where she found Bobby muttering and whimpering, “You’re so dumb, You can’t draw anything good. You can’t even color inside the lines.” Bobby seemed very surprised to see Sandy there under the table with him.
Sandy quickly said, “Who said you always have to stay inside the lines? Some of the smartest, most creative kids I’ve ever known didn’t color inside of the lines.”
Bobby stared at her with wide eyes listening carefully to her every word. This was obviously a new idea to him. Then Sandy said, “I like your picture. May I tape it back together and keep it?” Bobby was stunned but finally said “Yes, I guess you can keep it.” While Bobby watched, Sandy carefully taped the four wrinkled pieces back together, and just as carefully put the repaired picture into her satchel. As Bobby returned to the craft table, Sandy, overheard him say, “I really like coloring!”
Oh the power of laying a little of God’s love on another person. Little random acts of kindness will always mean a lot, especially to “little people.” Whenever your actions speak louder that your words everyone with eyes get to observe the good that you do for other people. And whenever you take action, rather than just observe or give orders, everyone sees who the real true leaders is.
Peace and Love to All of You……………………..Poppa Bear