Can You Handle The Truth?

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I don’t know what your real and true personal thoughts are surrounding this country (The United States of America) and what is going on within its leadership and boundaries,…but I do know what mine are! Whenever I take a long and thoughtful look at the practices and policies of the great institutions of America: the politics, the financial system, the legal system, the educational system, the Free Enterprise system of economics, the manufacturing processes and systems, the military system, the banking system and the halls of Congress and the White House,…I get sick to my stomach.

I am an educated and experienced history student, a former CPA on a national level, a former high level employee, and a mature and long-experienced business owner and operator. I am also an involved and consistently educated voter and a follower of current events within my country and around the world. In short I am a very concerned American.

As a free man living in a supposedly free country, I full well know the major price that has been paid in blood over the 240 years that have passed since our ancestors (The Colonials) fought and won our own independence as a result of the Revolutionary War. America is a nation born out of battle and adversity for survival. It is a nation that continues to war with outside and internal adversaries over the years following our Declaration of Independence. The price that has been paid by the proud and seriously committed members of our personal families and our society is the shed blood that they left on the scarred battlefields and beaches of the world.

Freedom Isn’t Free. Freedom has a Price Tag.

Over 35 years ago, I watched a short film about an American classroom that was taken over by the communists somewhere is our country. The teacher of the youthful junior high school class depicted in the film was a female committed communist. She entered the classroom with kindness and good social manners. She was strict and very good at what she was teaching these American teenage students. The class started out calm and cool, but all too quickly after beginning,…the undermining of American exceptionalism and its political system, together with its policies and procedures became the negative and highly damaging main thrusts of what was being taught to these young highly impressionable minds. Not long into the film, the teacher was openly and mercilessly tearing apart the foundational pillars upon which this nation called America stands for and is all about. The film ended with the students all voluntarily assisting the communist teacher in shredding the classroom American Flag and pitching it out of the second floor window! Mission accomplished.

Total destruction always begins small and with complete innocence. Every preprogramed step plotted by the adversary is nicely camouflaged and sandwiched in between lies and half-truths. And then pretty soon without fanfare or announcement the poison has been swallowed and destruction takes over. Not long thereafter,…death overwhelms the innocent entity or organization of people. History books are replete with stories and accounts of such a terminal condition or activity. Death however is always permanent. Once it is achieved, the story ends…there is no recovery on this side of heaven.

I am not trying to scare anybody or give cause for fright. I will however tell you the truth that this described situation is what we see openly being played out in our country and its population today. Since imminent death is the final outcome of these ungodly satanic type attacks within or on our beloved nation and its people, I just want to give my personal observations as to what I see as great and present danger to you, me, and everyone else who calls themselves Americans.

Now the best and quickest way to insure complete destruction from an outside negative force is for the qualified and educated people involved in the final outcome to haul off and do absolutely nothing to prevent or inhibit the negative forces from being unleashed.

Fear and its paralysis effects cannot be overcome by inaction.

Action is the best and only thing that conquers fear.

Now I am not trying to make this blog into a “bully-pulpit” but I am a U.S. Citizen, I am an overseas military veteran, I am a college graduate, I am a formerly nationally licensed professional, I am a taxpayer, I am a registered and regular voter, I am a Christian Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I full well know the great price and sacrifice that has been paid by those who have gone before us throughout our illustrious past for the precious personal freedoms that we citizens have been afforded…And I have earned my constitutionally authorized right of free speech…bought and paid for by our Founding Fathers and patriotic forefathers…not foolishly contrived “politically correct” secular and man-defined verbiage. Those freedoms are not to ever be taken for granted or taken lightly. Our U.S. Constitution is the overarching power and authority for all of the machinations of our government and social institutions. No man, woman, or any other person is “above-the-law”! Everyone living within the boundaries of this great nation of America should count it a great and wonderful blessing and privilege to live here and be a lawful citizen. The rights and privileges afforded to the legal citizens of America are second-to-none compared to the other countries of the world.

Now whether you like it or not,…whether you agree with it or not, and whether you think you do not have to comply with it or not,…as an American you are under the authority of our Constitution. Period, That’s It! If you are in great opposition to the rules of the Constitution,…legally do something about it. Prepare yourself and position yourself to get elected to Congress and begin proceedings to make amendments that can be incorporated into the changes to which you are committed, and in which you truly believe need to be made. Don’t just sit back and complain. Get involved and make the changes….yourself!

I personally am sick and tired of the whining, belly-aching, crying foul and demanding all other lawful and free citizens agree with you and your position, and that somehow you are so very special that the remainder of Americans just grant you your wishes as demanded and then pay for them, so that you won’t have to. Look it,… those of you who are so terribly disgruntled with our nation and its elected leaders, just remember this truth of life…no one is begging you to stay in America. Our all too open borders work both ways. You can always leave America and go wherever it is that you think is better!

The biggest problem facing America today is the Career Politician. In my opinion there is no place for them within the halls of congress….any branch! They are set in their ways of cronyism. They believe they are privileged and do not have to live within or under the laws they pass for the rest of the population. And they actually believe that they are so smart and intelligent that they know what’s best for the rest of the population to do and act…NONSENSE!…Nothing could possibly be further from the truth. I personally know of no man or woman who is so bright and brilliant that they are required to hold any elected office for more than two terms….Not one person. I have personally observed that a person who get elected to political office, accomplishes their mission, and then spends the rest of his or her life spending taxpayer money to keep being reelected. Over long periods of time, such a career politician just loses their effectiveness and productivity….while at the same time begin to think that they are elite and must stay in Washington D.C. as a career.
I say,…two terms maximum and then go home!

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say or provide for the financial rewards that the career politicians have voted for themselves to receive. The present policy for a politician is to get elected to one term and then be paid for the remainder of their life the salary they earned when they were elected. Such a deal! Financial rewards under our own free enterprise system should be earned through performance…not position, seniority, or longevity. It is indeed a shame that a person with meager means can get elected to a high office within our government system and then become a multi-millionaire by the time they leave office. Such is most often the case. It is not right. It is not what the founders of our nation ever had in mind.

The two primary purposes of government as subscribed by the U.S. Constitution are to (1) tote the mail and (2) protect the seashores and borders of our country. These two roles clearly show that the original intent of our Founding Fathers was to raise a nation to be run and controlled by an extremely limited government intrusion. What in the world has happened? The arrogant government bodies, agencies, and workers actually believe and act like they and they alone have the right to boss around, direct and manipulate, and fine or imprison the very population that they were originally hired to SERVE?

If “we the people” don’t wake up and get ourselves educated as to just what is really going on within our nation and what needs to be done to correct things that we have left unmonitored,…it all too soon will happen that we will lose our blessed nation and fall under the tyrannical demands of a Godless socialist/communist type other country of the world.

Dividing the secular and the sacred was never God’s plan. America was founded as…“ One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All.” It is totally and completely impossible to separate real success from God Almighty, the Creator of the Universe and everything on or in it. So I tell you the truth precious friends, Unless and until we truly do once again become one nation under God, we will not be one nation over anything!

Are you willing to do your part?
Peace And Love to All of You……………………Poppa Bear

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Can You Handle The Truth? — 8 Comments

  1. Such wisdom Dave. Thank you so much. I wish you would run for President . We need a Godly man in the Whitehouse . Blessings to you

  2. I was raised strictly democrat, unions, ect. for half of my life. In hindsight I knew little, except thank God I still had an open mind.

  3. Dave, this is totally awesome. If we don’t stand up and vote for a conservative leader we are doomed as that film portrays, I have seen that film and it is ugly. One person running for President is a business builder and knows how to get things done on a large scale and has a great family supporting him. The other person has never accomplished anything in her life for the good of our great land, and lies and cheats her way with her husband through life. It seems the younger voters don’t care about being accountable to their fellow Americans. If this far left liberal person ever gets in to office again I think this country is doomed.

  4. God Bless you sir you couldn’t be more right. There are many in America that agree and are trying to use the process the Founding Fathers put in place to reign in out of control government. Check out and you will see you are not alone.
    God Bless,

  5. Thank you, bearer of truth! Every word! I will forward this to my team and to my friends. I am blessed and privileged to write a column in a monthly magazine. I have been fitting it into my schedule for over ten years. Sometimes i felt harried hitting my deadline until one day I read something I shall never forget. It did not even say who penned it, but it has guided my writing ever since. “I write to influence people I will never meet.” You just know when God has gifted you with a little extra wisdom. It’s not meant to brag about but to influence people. You, my friend have received a double portion.

    Your blog is wonderful but certainly will never replace having you speaking to us, ‘alive and in charge’! I am in the San Francisco Bay Area and you are sorely missed as a speaker. I pray for your health and your happiness! You so deserve both. Thanks for sharing.

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