Be A Person of Your Word

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I can call myself a coliseum,…but that does not necessarily make me a coliseum. I can call myself a good person or a leader of other people,…but that does not necessarily make me a good person or a leader of others. Words, speech, declarations,…whatever you want to call them are extremely powerful,…but it is the actions a person takes immediately after he or she has made such bold statements that really makes all of the significant difference.

It is so much easier to say something than it is to actually do it. That is precisely why so many folks are such great talkers, but fall way short as regards being real leaders. “Idea men” are always doing most of the talking in any sort of desired future benefit project or reward program. However, it is the workers, the actual walkers-of-the-talk who become the ones who make the projects work and who earn the greatest rewards from their consistent efforts.

The single most important thing relating to the words that you speak is that those words are good and true,…and you mean exactly what you say.
It is your character and reputation by which you are known between and among other people that counts most in your life as a leader. Such character and reputation is a direct product of how and what you speak,…and what you actually do after the talking is over! When your word is good, everyone knows they can count on you to fulfill that which you said you would do or complete. When someone else knows that they don’t have to check up on you because you said you would do something, then productivity and profits always go up and the workforce stays happy and content. This is always the very best of all situations and conditions from which to operate. Growth is happiness. Happiness is Success!

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, problems that occur by and between human beings whenever they are working together to accomplish a common goal or cause is trustworthiness and/or reliability of each other. Whenever people doubt that which they are communicating to one another or knows from previous experience that a particular person says one thing and then most usually does something entirely different or fails to do anything at all, then why would anyone ever trust or rely upon the commitments such a non performer would ever make? Good question.

Trust is the very bedrock of all productive and growing interpersonal relationships among people. Without trust, no real and lasting friendships will ever be built. If trust is not established between or among people, then there is no foundation upon which to build productivity and long term success.

Honesty and integrity are the first two building blocks of all interpersonal relationships among people. These two character traits must exist in and be demonstrated by both parties to a relationship or there will never be any lasting relationship. Whatever a person says he or she will do or promises to do,…really amounts to nothing unless or until they actually perform (do) what they said they would do. Actions will always prove what the real intent of a person is,…whenever a task is required to be completed.

On the other hand, whenever a person does what they said they would be or would do, it is a great blessing to all involved parties to the relationship.
Being a person of your word, i.e. being 100% accountable for your words or actions, is the best and proper manner and way in which to live and conduct yourself. Being a person of your word builds confidence, not only in yourself but also in other people with and to whom you are being 100% accountable. As you grow and mature in your work efforts and commitments, whether you like it or not…or whether you understand it or not, you are creating and establishing your own personal reputation. Other people who don’t personally know you, most often get acquainted with you by and through your reputation. Your character, morality, and integrity are always communicated to other people through your reputation. People most usually describe you and your conduct by referencing your personal reputation. Always remember, Positive attracts and Negative repels.

If you are in a leadership role or you are attempting to become a leader of other people,…proper behavior and high personal moral standards are prerequisites to all leadership roles or positions. In the long run of things, followers will only follow a leader who is totally honest with them and who lives their life with complete integrity and high morality. The only way that is possible is for the leader to be a person of their word. Real leaders say what they mean and mean what they say. Followers will not stay in support of or permit a non involved, non performing individual to be or remain their leader. Weak people who are followers often times will continue to follow an uninvolved or nonperforming so called leader, but only until the organization or group in which they are involved eventually dries up, disintegrates, or self destructs.

There is no such thing as absentee leadership.

True leaders stay in the growth mode of life. They are actively involved in the activities of growing or building the cause, idea, organization, or business that they are leading other people to build or grow. Any individual who thinks or claims to be a leader of people will always be creating new growth personally, assisting their followers to grow to greater levels of achievement and production, and constantly edifying all of their sub leaders whenever a possibility to do so arises. Of course, the best place to give such edification is always when the leader, the sub leader, and the affiliated followers of the sub leaders are all gathered together at one point in time, in one location. The best of all situations happens whenever the Chief Leader tells the followers of a sub leader how good of a leader the sub leader is, while they are all in front of the entire organization. This very act is the single most important thing a Chief Leader can do to transfer leadership and power from themselves to their sub leaders and thereby give their approval and blessing to all of the organization for continued growth and increased productivity.

No one person or group will stay in the Chief Leader role forever. To have a Success, there has to be a Successor. It is the wise and learned Chief Leader who truly understands and then does what I am now discussing. Only the wise and learned Chief Leader will become the one who builds and passes on a great legacy, who today prepares their existing sub leaders for greater roles and responsibilities in the months and years ahead, and who empowers those self same sub leaders by constantly praising and edifying them in front of the entire organization.

Success is not an accident. Success is definitely a planned event.

Successful organizations that last and continue to grow on into the future are the ones which are lead by real leaders who pass on their knowledge and wisdom to each coming generation. Success always begats more success.

Leadership is mostly developed. It is a learned personal skill. It all begins with a person being ready and willing to lead other people by their personal example of honesty and integrity at all costs. It all begins with a person being good for their word.

Leaders Gotta Lead…………….


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