A Real Leader Does Whatever It Takes To Finish The Job

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Anybody Can do Their Best
God Helps us to do Better Than Our Best

(20) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly
above all that we ask or think, according to the power that
works in us,

(21) to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all
generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Ephesians 3 : 20–21 NKJV

God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, has more and greater power than does man. It has always been that way from the beginning of time, and it will always stay that way all the way through eternity. Man, however, all too often does not want to believe that significant truth of life. For some unknown and very strange reason, man in his own stupidity, most usually thinks that he alone is the most powerful and influential created being on the face of the earth. This is not only incorrect thinking, it is also complete foolishness. God’s ways are not man’s ways. His ways are always greater, higher, and more powerful than are man’s ways.

It is indeed the wisest of men who learns early in life that since the Creator is always greater than that which gets created, so it must be that God is the One who is greater than man. For this reason man is to be in total submission to God since He is the greater of the two beings. All of the great power in life comes to an individual through their total submission to,…never through their rebellion against,…their greater authority, Almighty God. Once man realizes this truth and then completely submits himself to the subordinate position in comparison to his own Creator,…then and only then will God Almighty begin to pour out His power, strength, and might onto and into the submitted believer. This is how things are divinely designed to properly work in the course of all human interpersonal relationships. If you truly do desire peace and happiness to dwell within you all the time, you would be wise to never forget what you have just learned. Success in life is not an accident. Rather, it is a planned event. Success is diligently worked for in order to be achieved. It is a long-suffering process of continual accomplishment. It is achieved over an extended period of time and occurs at a more rapid rate when the person attempting to achieve it does not complain, criticize, or condemn other people or events as he attempts to accomplish his own lasting success.

You see dear friends, since God is the greater of the two,…when compared to man, He must also, by definition, have more strength and power than does man. Whenever a human being relies solely upon their own talents, abilities, and strengths they will be sorely disappointed,… because often times man’s strengths are simply not sufficient to complete a given mission or assignment. But when a man is wise enough to believe in and fully trust the greater power of God at work within himself, then there is always more of that creative power available to man from which to draw and therefore be assisted by the power of God Himself in all of his own efforts and work ethics.

Submission to the greater power and might is the secret that unlocks the doors of God’s power to any person who really believes in God and in His mighty strength. All of the great power on earth is unleashed through the power of man’s submission to the greater power of God that works within him.

A story please……

A wise, well educated, and experienced business woman named Jane awoke one morning totally exhausted and dripping with perspiration. Her high fever had just broken and her body was aching and hurting everywhere. She was completely drained of personal physical strength. Jane had accepted and was scheduled to deliver a keynote speech to a large gathered crowd of business women later that night. As she lay on her bed with a splitting headache, negative thoughts raced through her mind about how ill she felt. She simply could not imagine how she would be able to speak that night to all those excited women. She had no power left within her own body, and yet, what was she to do? She was the only speaker scheduled for the annual business women’s leadership convention that night. She was the main event. There was no one else to fill in for her absence. Someway, somehow, she had to muster enough strength to be able to deliver her speech. There was just no other way around her dilemma. If she were to cancel at the last minute it would not only have created somewhat of a crisis, but she felt that it would also negatively reflect a failure on her own professed faith that God heals and helps those of His children who are afflicted and are suffering….Instead of canceling her scheduled speech,…she quietly prayed to her Father God.

Throughout the day, Jane felt no better. Still, mustering all of the energy that she had, she dressed and drove herself to the convention meeting hall. She had reached her physical limit and was now operating on the “extra” power of God at work within her body. Every five minutes or so, she found herself thinking, “I cannot do this. Only by God’s help will I even make it to the lectern.” Every step, every action, and every movement she took required a major and exhausting physical effort on her part. She could readily tell that her fever had returned and was getting worse as the time approached for her to deliver her speech.

Once behind the lectern, however, she immediately found that she somehow had energy to speak a sentence, and then another, and yet another. The more she spoke, the stronger she grew. She spoke with great vitality and clarity of thought for nearly an hour. Her delivered speech finally ended with great effect and impact to all who were there. She received a resounding applause from the standing ovation given her by the crowd in great appreciation for her delivered message.

Immediately upon her return to her home, however, she collapsed into her bed where she stayed and slept for a continuous 18 hours. After a full recovery from her illness, it was obvious to Jane, that it was not her strength and power that helped her through the highly successful night. She later said, “What I could not have possibly done in my own strength,…I did in His strength.”

There is always a greater and more powerful strength at work within each believer than they ever realize. God’s Power is always at work within every believer, if they will but call it forth by beginning to act with all the power they themselves possess. You as an individual must first use up or exhaust all of your own talent and ability before you can ever expect God’s strength and might to come into play for you. Man extremity is God’s opportunity.

Leaders Gotta Lead…………..

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