I Am Working Hard, But Am I Being Effective?

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CAUTION…..You are about to enter a zone that may aggravate or irritate you.  Certainly it will cause you to think.  Hopefully it will force you to take a long hard look at what you are doing, how you are doing it and what your efforts are producing.  

Only the right job will produce the right results.  Wrong jobs may produce results, but they almost always are not the results you are attempting to achieve. 

I have learned from hard experience that there is simply no way that the wrong or incorrect expended effort will ever create or produce the right results or end product.

I have also learned from that same experience that there is no possible right way to do the wrong thing. 

Right is and always will be right.  The same is true for wrong. 

The wrong job done perfectly is still the wrong job. 

So if you want to achieve the right and correct results from the work and effort you are putting forth, then you must insure that you first know and understand what the right effort is and that you expend only the correct effort in your attempts to achieve the desired results you are seeking.  Right Effort equals Right Results.  Life is not “Rocket Science.” 

Well then, you might say,….if success is so simple….then why do so few ever achieve it?  Oh please,…..spare me.  If that is what you really and honestly believe, then you are suffering from a very bad and negative attitude.  Unless you change it, you will never achieve success even if someone else creates it for you.  How sad.  You see dear ones, if you possess a negative bad attitude, no matter how long it took for you to develop it, you are in trouble to begin with as concerns ever trying to become successful.  Positive attracts.  Negative repels.  Successful people attract others to them and influence those other people who are so attracted.  It goes without saying that if your negative bad attitude continues to repel other people with whom you come into contact, then it is totally unlikely that you will ever develop any kind of leadership or influence in those other people’s life.  They will never be around you.  You have driven them away.  You will never be able to influence them.  Consequently you will never be able to lead them.  No leader….no Team…no success. 

Anyone can succeed,….yes anyone!  

There are too many amazing success stories of less fortunate people, i.e. those with deformities, handicaps, infirmities and the like, who were counted down and out, who were discounted as hopeless, who were written off or given up on because some other heartless, godless person decided for them that there was simply no way possible for them to become successful.  These “rejected ones,” against all odds, when presented with an opportunity that they could embrace and perform went on to stun the rest of the world.  They used what ever gifts and abilities they did have and used them as best as they were able to use them to achieve great success in their own lives.  They were just looking and searching for their “One Chance” in life which would permit them to develop their own God-given talents and abilities.   Their “One Chance” in life allowed them to soar above the crowd just as they physically or mentally were.  Everyone….no exceptions….has God-given talents, abilities, capabilities and strengths that can be developed, honed and used for the benefit of their fellow man and for the glory of their Creator, God Almighty. 

May I say to you that God does not make any junk.  Never has God allowed a human being to be conceived and born who was without a preplanned Godly purpose for their extended life.  We were all fearfully and wonderfully made.  Holy Scripture confirms that fact.  God, The Creator of the Universe, makes No Mistakes.  His purpose and timing is always perfect.  Anything He creates has a plan and purpose for its life,…if only it is given the right, workable chance to accomplish it.  

If you want people that you are leading or who are following you for any reason to do a good job, tell them what you want and encourage them to succeed.   

If you want those very same people to do a great job, tell them what you NEED and GIVE THEM PERMISSION TO FAIL. 

Human beings, God’s handiwork, are simply incredible, talented, resilient and well-able people who want and need to be loved, encouraged, cared-for and uplifted. Whenever a “leader” serves people by providing and filling those human needs, those very same people will rise up and achieve that great purpose for which God created them!  That is the way it has always been.  That is the way it has always happened. 

God’s word will tell you what type and kind of results your time, energy, effort and resources are producing.  His Word tells us that we will know what kind of tree we are raising by the fruit that it produces.  He goes on to say that a good tree will only produce good fruit.  Likewise, a bad tree will only produce bad fruit.  

The point to this discussion is really quite simple…….Inspect the fruit that is being produced on your own life’s tree.  If it is good fruit….continue on, persevere, keep on,… keeping on.  Go for it! 

If it is bad fruit,…. stop producing it right now!  Make some immediate changes in what and how you are investing your time and money.  Change whatever needs to be changed, so that you can begin producing good fruit. 

Success will only come from Good Fruit seeds! 


Peace and love to all of you……Poppa Bear


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