Age is simply an issue of mind over matter…if you don’t mind, it really doesn’t matter.
Age is a relative thing. It is as much a state of mind as it is a physical fact. The old saying is still true today…You are as young or as old as you mentally perceive yourself to be. Age is really a state of mind. Think young and you will speak and act young. The same applies to old.
One of the worst things you can say or think is that you consider yourself to be too old to do that which you truly personally desire to do. Thoughts precede every word you wind up speaking and every action you wind up taking. It is for this precise reason that you should watch very carefully every thought that you allow to come across your own mind.
One fine day several years ago, I read a story about a remarkable elderly woman named Eula Weaver. Her picture appeared in a local newspaper and she was wearing her jogging suit! Now that in itself is not so unusual, except that this woman was eighty-eight years of age at the time. Now, what would you think would happen to your and your life, if you happened to be seventy-seven years old and were, all of the sudden, totally paralyzed? What thoughts would be going through your head? Perhaps you might think: “Well,…this is it, I’m at the age when people die.”…or,
“It must be God’s Will for me to pack it in, I’m only three years short of eighty. This is it!”
Well, as I stated earlier,…Age is as much a state of mind as it is a physical fact.
Eula Weaver did not think bad or ugly thoughts about her age or physical condition…She kept a positive mental attitude about her situation and quickly decided to go to work about changing things around for the better in her life.
You see, Eula Weaver, suffered a stroke at seventy-seven years of age and was completely paralyzed, but,…She didn’t give up. “I could hardly walk at all,” she said. “The Doctors gave me two choices. One, to spend the rest of my life as an invalid; or two, get out of bed and start walking–no matter how much it hurt!” That is when she decided to get up and get out of bed and start walking….every day. And today, eleven years later, and two years short of ninety, she is running a mile every day!
There is another old saying that is as true today as it was when it was first coined. It goes like this: “If you think you can,…you can. But if you think you can’t,…you’re right!” Good, right, and proper outcomes of individual effort are always in direct proportion to the positive or negative mental attitudes and mindsets of people who are attempting to do them. Think right and you will speak right. Think right and you will act right. Think right and you will become successful,….just as long as you are willing to work and stay working until the job is done.
Really successful people always keep their minds and thoughts on the outcomes they desire to accomplish. They never allow themselves to get distracted away from the consistent and persistent work ethics required to be performed in order to achieve the desires of their hearts. Positive, steady and purposed work efforts consistently applied always produces great and rewarding results….to the person who is performing.
So, remember,…It makes no difference what the facts are; it makes no difference what the masses of people say; it makes no difference what the criticizers are telling you,….it is never too late to begin again. You are never too old to start over. It is always too soon to give up; it is always to soon to quit; it is always too early to stop producing good results with the use of your life.
Productivity is the basis of all true happiness in life. You will be the happiest in your life when you are the most productive. Creativity produces happiness. And happiness and peace of mind are indeed the primary ingredients of real and lasting Success. It all begins with you. There is no such thing as surrogate success. It is one of those things that you have to do for yourself. Period!
Thoughts produce words. Words produce actions. Actions produces effort. Effort produces results.
If you truly desire different and better results in your life than you have today,…then simply begin the process of changing by developing and maintaining new, better, and different thoughts than those on which you have presently been focusing and dwelling.
Change your thoughts,….change your life. You are the person responsible for and in charge of making the required changes.
Never forget the true statement about creating a successful life for yourself and your loved ones: “If it is to be,…it is up to me!”
Peace and Love to All of You…………………..Poppa Bear