As a small child growing up in a wonderful, loving, caring, and nurturing home with two incredible and totally involved parents, I can recall hearing a familiar saying from both of my parents on a very regular basis. The saying went something like this: “Little Pitchers Have Big Ears.” This saying was always released by grown ups as they discussed serious, private, or very personal subjects within ear-shot of young children. This warning was given to the adults as a reminder to carefully watch their words so as to protect the little ones who might be listening from overhearing some undesirable words or expressions.
Now as is always the case,…new, exciting, and never-used-before words uttered in the presence of children are quickly and hungrily picked up through those lovable and well nibbled little ears. What goes into the human mind is there to stay. And, of course, once something is in the mind, one day it will eventually start coming out of the same mind albeit through another portal, i.e. the mouth.
God confirms what I have told you within the Holy Bible in the Book of Proverbs wherein He tells us that “Out of the abundance of the heart (the human mind) flows the tongue.”
Furthermore God again stresses the importance of listening carefully and really hearing what is being said when He states in the Book of Romans that “Faith cometh by hearing,…hearing by the Word of God.”
Now you do not have to be a Seminary graduate to readily understand how important a good listener is in God’s eyes. That is precisely why He equipped every human being with two ears and only one mouth! The laws of physics confirm that you cannot give out that which you do not already possess. Soooo….Listening and hearing must occur first,…only then can knowledge and understanding be given out to other people and shared with them.
Careful and intense uninterrupted listening whenever another person is speaking to you–and trying to impart some of their knowledge to you–is a must if you are to take in and grow from and by the wisdom and experience of other wiser and more astute people of accomplishment than are you. You can always learn something from every person with whom you come into contact,…IF…you first listen to what they are saying and then you decide whether or not you desire to understand more about their topics of discussion.
Now back to anatomy and physics for a moment. The inner ear of any human being is the single most active organ of their body. It is the gateway to the mind, (their spiritual heart) which is the central switchboard of every person,…the Command and Control Center of any human being.
Prayer is the primary ways and means of directly communicating with our Creator, God Almighty. Prayer is the connecting length between man and God.
God has given man the Holy Bible as a concrete, unchangeable, written set of personal instructions as to how to best and most properly live their lives while they are still here on this earth in their fleshly forms.
God gave every person a free will of choice. No one has to listen to or follow God’s instructions. Doing so is a personal choice. However, be advised that there are some very serious and eternal consequences for failing to follow these Divine Instructions.
Physicists tell us that sound waves travel through the air in certain frequencies and wave lengths. The Power that forces these sound waves through the air is applicable to all sound-making objects and appliances. That means that the same sound waves travel at the same speed through any type of air space,…and therefore enter into any human ear in the same manner and way and then are finally seated within the human mind. It must be remembered that God is no respecter of persons,…therefore, what applies to one person also applies in the same way to all other people.
I sincerely hope you are receiving my message loud and clear. Listening is critical for all learning and understanding about life and all that is in it. If one misses the message of having a good life,…of knowing its meaning, of enjoying its existence, and of achieving personal success,… because he fails to learn how to listen and receive the knowledge and wisdom of the ages,…then he or she misses everything that is critically important in life, both now and on into eternity.
Now without having to obtain an advanced degree from a major university of science and engineering,…it goes without saying that outer ears, and inner ears are vital to achieving great and glorious success in any arena of personal endeavor. If it is true (and it is) that all like kind sound waves are identical, then having the ability to listen and hear and thereby increase one’s knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and experience has nothing to do with the actual size of a man or woman’s ears.
God gave every created human being all of the equipment and abilities they will ever need to accomplish His Divine Plan for their lives. However, He left the personal decision to use and develop those gifted talents and abilities up to the individual and their own exercised choices.
God gave you the gift of life both here on earth and on into eternity. Your gift back to God as a thank you for His gift to you,…is what you personally choose to do with the use of your own life while you are here on this earth.
Purposed, focused, and intended careful use of your own ears is the prerequisite for all good preparation for personal success. I can still to this day, (50+ years after my earthly father passed away), still hear his words ringing loudly in my own ears,…“Buckshot if you don’t purposely listen to the words of another person, you will not be able to learn anything significant…and without sufficient knowledge and understanding you will never achieve personal success!”….Oh Pappy,…Thank you for those wonderful words of wisdom and instruction.
The sound that enters little ears carries the same message and power as those same words and sounds that enter into big adult ears. Learn to listen well and you will always be able to mentally grow and thereby achieve more at each and every level of life you reach.
Success is indeed a journey. It is not a destination. And the more you listen and read, the more you will learn and know. You then will be able to apply more than most other people, thereby giving you an edge in the game of life.
Peace and Love to All of You……………….Poppa Bear