The true and real foundation of all successful accomplishment in life is establishing and then building and strengthening good interpersonal relationships over long and lasting periods of time. One is simply too small of a number with which to build a great and successful business operation on this side of heaven. The fact is that you simply cannot become truly successful all on your own. The combined times, energies, efforts, and resources of many other people are needed to put your successful operation together and to keep it together and growing. Building an organization or business operation is really only about 30% of the work required. The balance of 70% is the really important part… holding the organization that you built together and keeping it growing!
I would ask that you cut me a little slack during the “set up” phase to this discussion and not jump to any pre-drawn conclusions about any area of discussion until you have completely finished the article and have seriously thought about the things discussed.
Nearly 4 decades ago I entered into the world of free enterprise here in America. I was formally well educated, highly disciplined, had good “street smarts” and had many valuable years of evaluated personal leadership experience. I was not a neophyte of sorts. As God’s Will would have it, I, by the grace of God, was fortunate to get involved with the “Giants” of the business industry in which I was becoming a part. I knew who I was and what my capabilities were. I full well knew I would eventually assume a great leadership role in my newfound business operations. I humbled and submitted my self to those in positions of authority over me. I kept my mouth shut and listened and learned from the “masters”…even when I was in violent disagreement with them and their exampled efforts to teach other people how to build huge and profitable business operations. I performed and produced at a very high level.
As I grew and matured into limited leadership roles within the overall business industry in which I was a part, I begin to notice that the very same problems that faced me were identical to the regular business as usual problems that I had faced years prior to the initiation of my own private business operations. In other words, the things of business and its political motivations had really not changed as much as I thought they would change, or believed that they would change.
From these broadened experiences I learned two most critical truths of life:
1. You don’t really know that which you don’t first really know.
2. Everything else in life changes on a regular basis,…except that God, Sin, and Human Nature never change.
Now please bear with me. I am about to tell you some very great truth about mankind on this earth. God created man from the dust of the ground. God made man. God is therefore greater than man. The Creator is always greater than that which gets created.
Common sense Logic causes any thinking person to conclude that if a human being really wants to learn more about man and woman he would be much more well advised to study and draw his knowledge and understanding from the Author of the Written Word of God, i.e. the Creator of the Universe, rather than from some written or spoken words or learned knowledge produced by a man or woman regarding what is important to learn and know about a human being and how they react to any type of given or induced stimuli. In other words, to learn more about the operations of the finished product, one is best advised to go directly to the manufacturer’s manual. The manufacturer’s manual and the guide to human behavior are both specifically and clearly given to the human race within the pages of the Holy Written Word of God,…The Holy Bible.
Now I am well aware that last statement will rattle and may even anger some of you who don’t know any better, but that is not my problem. What I have said is the absolute God’s Truth of the matter. So, if you are not happy with what I have just spoken to you, take your unhappiness to Your Creator, God Almighty. Openly and thoroughly discuss it with Him. I am not going to change what I have said, and I know God is not going to change what He has told mankind down through the ages of time. So the burden of change is on your own shoulders. You work out your own problems with your own Maker. That is the way that God intended things to work since the Creation of mankind in the Garden of Eden.
Permit me to tell you an absolute Truth of Life. This truth is applicable to all mankind regardless of who or what they think themselves to be, where they live, what religious practices they follow, or how smart or not-so-smart they personally may be. There is only One Creator God. While there are many different types and kinds of religions within the ranks of mankind, there is definitely only one God. There is only One Head of everything on the earth!
Anything with two heads is a freak of nature.
The same God who created me, also created you, whether you like that or not.
We all are instructed to live in obedience to and under the authority of the written Word of God, known as the Holy Bible. Living any other way is nothing short of disobedience to the Creator of the Universe.
Throughout the entirety of mankind occupying this earth, Creator God is the ultimate source of power and might and righteous living. Any one or any religion who refuses to accept this bold stated truth of life is bound for misery, suffering, gnashing of teeth, and ultimate self or external forces destruction. If you disagree with what I have just said, you don’t know very much about the history of the world and you have just exposed your ignorance to the world.
You see, The Bible tells all the world how to live and be blessed by God. It tells us all how and why we human beings were created in the first place. And It tells us where and when we all came from…The Holy Bible contains no mention of evolution of mankind from any other species. The Holy Bible boldly tells us that God-intended reproductive birth can and should only come from the ability of one man and one woman (through the exchange of bodily fluids) to procreate a new life through the conception and birthing of a baby human through the physical body of the female.
The Holy Bible is a Book of Absolutes. This is why so many other rebellious people do not like to even talk about the Bible. It seems that It is simply too restrictive and limiting for mankind to have to live by or to have to live with.
Every since the Garden of Eden and the Fall of Man, mankind has always been at odds with his own Creator. Sin entered the world through the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sin entered every conceived child of man and woman, since the Garden of Eden, through the blood of the original Adam. Every birthed child since the Garden of Eden has flowing within their own veins, the original sin from the original blood of Adam. It is for this reason, that every human being actually born anywhere in the world under any particular set of issues or circumstances is born a sinner…born separated from God. We are all sinners! Every person on this earth will spend the rest of their life from birth searching for and accepting the “Only Way” to be reconciled back to a personal relationship with the One and Only Living God, their own Creator. That of course can only be accomplished through becoming a Born-Again Believer in The Lord and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
God is never confused. He indeed is a God of Absolutes. Our One True God is not a God of several different options or methodologies. He boldly tells us in His Word, in the Book of John, Chapter 14, verse 6, NKJV:
(6) “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me.’ ”
It is for these very direct points of discussion that this website, is filled with so many cross references to the Written Word of God.
The one single thing that separates the Holy Bible from all other books ever written since the beginning of time is that it is the only book on earth that accurately and completely predicts the future. These accurate predictions all come to us through a multitude of Biblical Prophesies.
The Truth of Life is required for lasting success to be accomplished on this physical earth. The Truth of Life is required to be in place for the achievement of eternal success forever. I think it is about time we openly and truthfully talk about the Truth of Life…Jesus Christ.
Don’t get mad…Get educated. Learn some new things so that you really do know about those particular new things. Learn about the things that you previously did not know or had only very limited knowledge about. Remember the words of Jesus as recorded in the Book of John, Chapter 8, verse 32, NKJV:
(32) “And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you
It is the knowledge of the Truth and then the subsequent application of that learned knowledge that is what will really set you free.
Peace And Love to All of You……………………..Poppa Bear