Have you ever ridden a Roller Coaster? If you have, you well know the thrill and excitement the ride gives you. The ride can actually be kind of scary at times. You know how fast you are hurtled along the rails on which the “train” is moving and you know the exhilaration your body experiences as you catapult through the up and down maze of tracks suspended far above the ground. It is the “UP” and the “DOWN” movement that provides the greatest fun for you. The “butterflies” that spin through your entire being are proof positive that you are at special times really “High” and moments later, you find yourself really “Low.” Life is very much similar to that roller coaster experience.
As you journey along life’s path that lies before you, there will be lots of ups and just as many downs. There will some extreme highs and just as many extreme lows. Life is indeed a roller coaster of people, places, and things that will come into and pass out of your personal life. Some of these experiences will be more intense and impactful than will be others. But one thing is for certain,…all the events, circumstances, and situations that you will face in life,…are all being permitted to happen to you, whether they be with you or against you, for a much greater plan and purpose than you will ever experience from their individual occurrences to you.
God has a planned purpose for your entire life. You cannot escape it, but you can refuse it. Your God-given free will of choice is what will determine whether or not you benefit or suffer as a result of how you react to and/or handle (manage) all such events that pop-up or come crashing into your life as you live it out.
The real secret to overcoming all these different events and personalities that inflict you or lighten your load, as the case may be,…is the quality and the quantity of your personal Emotional Stability.
The steady, on-going, consistent and persistent efforts rendered by your labor and your work ethic is what will make all of the difference in the world when it comes to your achieved level of success. Lots of people truly do desire great success to come into their own lives. Sadly most of them will never work long enough or hard enough to ever accomplish those desires. Why?…They simply do not mentally possess and dwell upon their desired dreams and goals. The Dream that enables real success to occur in a person’s life has to be big enough, clear enough, and important enough to the individual that it arrests and holds his or her full attention all the time! The dream is the catalyst that keeps the individual’s focused attention to staying on course. The Dream, when it is the right dream, will always prevent an individual from becoming distracted or derailed with the application of their work ethic. Such a Dream will keep a person on task and committed to accomplishing it for as long as it takes to get the job done. This is the precise reason successful people define true Success as the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal. It is a process and it is accomplished over an extended period of time.
The internal self motivation created within the heart and mind of the individual is what provides the required self-discipline to stay at the needed work effort, and to consistently perform it,…until the job is done and the dream has finally been realized.
If there is little or no significant size and importance of the dream that a person possesses, that self same person will most likely get distracted in their on-going work habit. Such a mistake will most usually cost them their entire dream and desire for their life.
As we all age and mature in our own life journey,…we will experience lots of phases or stages through which we all must pass. Just remember that every obstacle you encounter or situation for which you suffer has been approved to happen to you by God Almighty. It has received God’s “Approval” stamp as it came across His desk. These type events are allowed to occur to you so as to further educate and prepare you for a much greater (and more invisible) reason or purpose than any of us ever understand at the moment they occur. Please remember, God makes no mistakes!
The real key to negotiating your way along your life’s path is to develop and use a strong and deep Spiritual Root to your own life. When you believe and come to know that there is a power much greater than yourself, and you know that there is a God who created you,…it will be much easier and more comfortable to maintain your personal emotional stability and then to trust and obey the instructions your Creator provides you.
Please do not make this job of developing a Spiritual Root to your life any more difficult than it needs to be. Our God is a God of simplicity. Above all else, He wants His children (Believers in Him) to daily communicate with Him through prayer and Scripture reading, and then to trust and obey His directions to each of us as to how to act and live.
Never does God expect or demand perfection from us. He only asks that we do our very best at the work effort required to complete the missions and causes which He directs us to achieve. Never forget,…if God has given you a dream, then He has already given you all the talent and ability that you will ever need to allow you to accomplish your dream. You have within you all that you will ever need to turn your dream into reality. You, however, must choose to be obedient to the instructions He gives you.
So, if you have decided for certain, without any excuse or hesitation, that you are going to be successful and convert your personal dreams and goals into reality, then…Get Started….Right Now,…right from where you are. Mentally prepare yourself for the long haul. The journey you start should already be determined to be finished before you begin it.
Be ready for the ups and downs. Resolve that you are going to make it. Begin from right from where you are, and never give up! You will make it if you will but stay on task until the job has been totally completed.
Enjoy the Journey.
Peace and Love to All of You………………Poppa Bear