The Catalyst That Causes Change

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When I was a small boy, somewhere in the neighborhood of the sixth or seventh grade in school, I received one of the most wanted Christmas presents I ever had…a complete chemistry set. It was big, it was beautiful, and it was, all inclusive,…everything a young scientist-to-be would ever want or need to conduct incredibly important and significant chemical experiments which just might one day change the world. The chemistry set had a periodic table listing all of the elements known to man (at that time), a detailed set of instructions as to how to safely use the different samples of chemicals and elements, what to mix and what not to mix as you were conducting your own experiments, and most importantly what you were never to mix together because of the potential danger that could happen to you caused by a chemical reaction gone amuck. Finally, there was a set of eye-goggles for protection of a person’s vision. Oh the joy and excitement of it all!…Move over Mr. Einstein, there is a new boy, a new scientist,…in town!

By the time I got to where I could perform certain chemical experiments that actually meant something,…that actually had a significant visual effect,…I began to run out of chemical samples contained in small little glass bottles. There were no resupply or replacement bottles of chemicals. To be able to continue to produce life changing, “mad scientist,” chemical experiments that would one day change the world, I would have to buy a brand new chemistry set and that was simply out of the question because it was not financially feasible for me to do that. Hence, my dreams of becoming a serious chemist began to fade away and eventually ended. When you don’t have the proper ingredients to complete the recipe, there is no real need to continue to try to make things work without the necessary things you must have in order to make them work.

Life can be like that in the same way. All too many times people get excited about doing something that they think or even know will improve their lives, finances, living conditions, or other such demands and needs. However, after beginning their quest to accomplish these new “things” they all too soon discover that there is a lot of hard and arduous work involved on their part, before they will ever be able to achieve whatever it is that they think they want or need. They get scared or disillusioned,…they get tired or overwhelmed,…and they begin to face the reality that successful people are not “lucky,”…they are ambitious and internally driven people who simply will not be stopped until they accomplish what it is that they are attempting to achieve! In order for the recipe to work and produce the right results, all of the proper and required ingredients must be available and in place!

You don’t “luck” or “quit” your way to the high levels of success…you consistently and persistently work your way there.

As it is with all chemical experiments, in order for the chemical reaction to take place, the mix of chemicals needs to have a catalyst added to the it. This catalyst is some special additional chemical that initiates and speeds up the process of causing the chemicals of the “mix” to combine and produce the desired chemical reaction. In other words, the catalyst is an agent of change.

The same is true in your own life. The only difference is that in the living of your own life,…YOU must become the catalyst ( the agent of change) in order to make the desires of your heart become reality.

That can and will only happen when you step up and take over the responsibility of making things happen in your life rather than just sitting back and waiting for something to happen or somebody else to do the required work.

It is precisely for this very reason that the secret of Success always lies in the second letter of the word…SUCCESS. You are the real secret to your own personal success!

All of life is totally dynamic. Things, times, people, events, and circumstances are always in a constant state of change. Time waits for no man. Flexibility and adaptability are the main keys to becoming highly successful. If you are too slow to change, or simply refuse to grow and change and become more today than you were yesterday,…then you will in all probability get left behind, left on the side, or left in the barrow pit of the road to success. I do not really believe that is what you want for yourself or where you want to be found.

The only way to insure that you get to where it is that you desire to go is for You to… Change and Grow,…and become more today than you were yesterday.

I was once told a story that I would like to share with you about a very affluent woman. The story is about how this woman was forced to make some critically needed changes. Trouble, tragedy, and pain are all part of life. For reasons we don’t always understand, God allows these difficult things to happen in our lives so as to cause us to grow, to change, and to grow closer to Him.

A story please……….

Mercedes was an art collector of very rare and valuable artifacts from the ancient world. She was a good person, had a lot of friends,…but she was most aloof and all too self-centered a majority of the time. She felt, because of the rare and precious ancient possessions she held, that she was a little more important than are most other people. She actually believed that “things” or “possessions” were what adds or subtracts the real value of an individual. She was operating and living her own life in a wrong and improper manner and way. She was living an illusion, incorrectly believing the false pretense that “things” are what really makes a person valuable and important….Here is what happened to her.

One fine ordinary day in her life she experienced a great personal tragedy. Life around her all but collapsed. An earthquake almost completely destroyed her beautiful mansion. Almost all of the artifacts she owned were displayed throughout her palatial home. Her “thought-to-be” things of great value that supposedly gave her life great value and importance, were sadly discovered to be meaningless….without much value as she discovered their “remains” strewn all over her “used-to-be” home.

This fine woman came face-to-face with a great truth of life: Trouble never leaves you where it found you.

Months later, after the clean up was completed and reconstruction was beginning to take place, this disillusioned woman realized she had been living her life built on a faulty foundation. She stopped and thought about what had actually happened to her. It was then that she realized that she had so very many blessings in her life that had nothing to do with her possessions or artifacts. She became very thankful that she was still alive and physically unhurt. She was healthy and mentally sound. She was in direct control of all of her personal capabilities. And, most importantly, still had a living and loving family on which she could always rely. This wealthy and self-sufficient lady suddenly realized that she had to grow beyond her immediate problems,…she had to make some greatly needed changes and adjustments to her thought processes and the way she lived her life,… and then make the greatest change of all,…by realizing it was her family and her God who were what really are her most valuable possessions.

She commented, “These things that I thought added the greatest value to my life, don’t mean nearly as much to me now. Oh, I still love them. I am not planning to throw away any of the things that I still possess. But I now truly do know what a person’s true most valuable possessions are. If there ever was a fire in my home, as I was evacuating the house, I wouldn’t take that Chinese porcelain vase or statute as I would have before. Do you know what I’d take?….The family pictures!”

When tragedy hits, personal values change. The family becomes most important–the husband, the wife, and the children. This is all so because of God’s original design of every person’s value system. Always keep first things first, and the most important things,…the most important.

When your values change,…your life changes!


Peace and Love to All of You……………..Poppa Bear

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