Knowing Your Personal Purpose Gives You an Anchor That Holds You Steady Through All of The Seasons of Your Life
The two greatest days in a person’s life are:
1. The day they were born, and
2. The day they discover why.
The facts of life are just that…facts,—not maybes or mights or could bes. God’s Will for your life is indeed your predesigned personal purpose for living, giving, helping, and assisting other people as you persevere in the accomplishment of your known personal purpose…whether you believe that or not.
Your personal cause is your personal purpose. God’s Will for your life is your personal purpose!
Your life’s purpose is given you at the moment of your own conception. It is hidden deep within your spiritual heart (the brain) and once it is identified and put into action by and with the Holy Spirit of God you will fully understand and come to know what that particular purpose truly is. It will become clearly identified to you without any doubt or question. You will know that you know that this newly identified purpose in your life is indeed God’s Will for your life. If you have any wonder about, doubt, or question as to whether or not this newly identified “idea” or “revelation” is God’s Will for your life, then you will know that it is not!
God’s Will for your life, causes you to become cognizant of its importance and significance and it obligates you to become obedient to it’s calling on your life. IF…you desire and intend to become truly successful.
All truly successful people regardless of personality, geography, education level, or personal decision live their lives intentionally.
They don’t just give life a “whirl.” They are decisive people and their personal purpose is always at the forefront of their minds and thinking.
It is most interesting to understand that learning what is God’s Will for your life is the catalyst that puts your thoughts, ideas, words, actions, and efforts into gear…into motion.
The old human nature adage proves this truth of life to all who pay attention: (Evaluated Knowledge) X Action = Power.
The knowledge to which I refer is Revelation from God—Your Life’s Purpose.
When you finally discover the real purpose for your life here on earth,…you are really ready to begin living your life as God Himself designed it to be lived.
Fact: Living is giving, and the more you give, the more you shall receive! This is God’s Law not man’s law. You never violate God’s Laws, you only confirm them!
Once your personal purpose in life is clearly identified and targeted—your mental focus is then locked-on to what it is that your committed energy and efforts will be expended in achieving. This committed effort will energize and sustain you in performing the necessary work required to reach your life’s purpose. This necessary work ethic needed to accomplish your personal purpose will no longer be viewed as “work” but rather it will become a Labor of Love. From that point forward you will receive far more in satisfaction from your efforts than you will consider actual work and tiring effort expended!
The real secret to the accomplishment of personal success is the purposed and focused persistent and consistent applied effort doing the required steps or things necessary to accomplish the desired end. This particular outcome can only be achieved through the continual development and application of your personal SELF DISCIPLINE.
There are one dozen (12) distinct categories of Disciplines that the intended and committed individual needs to develop and apply in all their thoughts, speech, and work efforts. These are not just good ideas. They are clearly identified and established with and by the intended purpose of the involved individual!
These twelve areas of Self Discipline are as follows:
1. Godliness
2. Purity
3. Marriage
4. Fatherhood
5. Friendship
6. Mind
7. Devotion
8. Prayer
9. Worship
10. Integrity
11. Tongue
12. Work
Sure, I agree that this is a lot of territory to cover, learn, “tweak,” and then apply. But this is precisely why not all people achieve personal success!
Each of these 12 areas will be completely explained and discussed in separate articles within the individual discussions in the Leadership and Spiritual Believers Sections of this website.
If becoming personally successful (becoming financially independent and personally free) was all that simple and easy, every housewife and employee in America would be multi-millionaires!
Freedom Has A Price Tag
Such a great and significant accomplishment should well require (demand) a Herculean effort. Because as you will well come to recognize in your personal journey to the achievement of true personal success, every candidate will have a full price to be paid. It is in the paying of that full price that personal character is founded and developed. And,…your personal character is the foundational cornerstone of all great achieved success.
I urge you to carefully review and write down these precious twelve types and kinds of Self Discipline. Put this list in many different locations around your work place and home. Put them in strategic places where they become easily viewed and reviewed every day. Then begin to develop these wonderful personal characteristics. They won’t come to you easily. Developing them will take lots of time and hard prolonged effort, but it will be well worth it those who master them.
Expand your knowledge of what it is that you want to know and use, so that you can then activate your new found knowledge by putting it into play…learned knowledge is evaluated through your personal efforts and abilities to gain it. Once you have it,…then…wallah!
(Evaluated Knowledge) X Action = Power
Peace And Love To All of You………………………Poppa Bear