If you are here and you want to be there,…if you are broke and you want to be rich,…if you are sick and you want to be healthy,…if you are negative and you want to be positive,…then something or some things need to change in your own life. You are the needed catalyst. You have to be the first one to change or to start the changing process.
Most people have an internal desire to want to change for the better. They would much prefer that good changes occur in their lives as compared to bad changes. The interesting thing is, however, that most of the people who desire to make big positive changes in their lives are either unable or unwilling to make huge, grandiose, and significant changes first to themselves. The effort required to make these great changes happen is simply too much for them to handle (in their own minds). They view the mountain of change they are facing as simply being too high or too steep. They allow themselves to be defeated mentally before they are even willing to give change a chance to occur. The seemingly most used excuse for not making necessary changes in people’s lives is that they are just too terribly “busy” and cannot free up the inordinate amount of extra time that they just know it is going to take them to effect the change(s). It is really quite amazing how mankind will justify in his own mind all of the myriad of reasons and causes as to why he cannot do something instead of all the reasons why he can do that very same thing. Could it be an issue of improper word usage? Could it be that most people are lazy and make excuses to themselves as to why they are unable to perform? An excuse is nothing more than the skin of a lie stuffed with reason.
There is another thing you need to keep in mind whenever you observe or are involved with people who are making excuses. There are so many of them (excuses) because they are so easy to make. It really takes little or no effort to make an excuse. They can be made from the reclining position. There is no blood, sweat, or tears expended whenever an excuse is served up. Oh and one final thing…whenever you are making excuses remember any one you make will work.
The fact is that we all have the same twenty-four hours each and every day. No one person is allotted more time as each day begins than are all the others on earth. You and I have the same amount of time every day. No one individual has enough time to do everything that he or she would like to do on a daily basis. Therefore, if the really important things in life are to be accomplished before day’s end, then a person has to make time available every day to get the job done that is required to be finished. It is all about setting up priorities in your life each day as to what is critical to be completed and what is not as vital. A fact of life that must never be forgotten is that all of the big things, big projects, and big accomplishments that you have or are trying to accomplish right now are nothing more than the summation or an accumulation of many different little things over a period of time. You see, if your mouth is not big enough to eat the steak in one big bite, then take a whole lot of smaller bites! Doing things this way produces the same results…a completely eaten steak.
Let me use an example to solidify my point. Most people would like to be in better physical shape and condition than they presently are. They know without question that they should exercise in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle. No doubt about it! But, they also know that doing such daily exercise is going to take a great amount of time that they think they don’t have. Hence out flows a great excuse from their mouths justifying to themselves as to why they are not able to exercise this day or week or month or more. So procrastination (a killer disease to all success) sets in and the day gets spent without any exercise. Making excuses is very simple and easy to do, and therefore people are much more eager to make excuses than are they to make something great happen in their lives.
It takes some “guts” to make sound quality decisions and follow them up with your own personal action,…with your own personal performance. You can’t be lazy,…you can’t be a mouse,…you can’t be a wimp and become successful. BUT YOU CAN CHANGE! The people in life who make it to the top in their chosen fields of endeavor do so because they possess self confidence, they are not afraid to work long and hard, and they are not afraid of failure. They full well know the price that is to be paid by them so as to achieve their desired success. And they are eager and willing to pay it.
Now back to my weight loss example…….
If you want to lose weight and get into better physical condition right now,…not some sweet day off into the future,…then YOU must get started right now, just as you are,…not waiting for any people, events, or circumstances to change or improve or be more favorable than they presently are. Immediately once I have made the decision to get into shape, there will always be a confrontation with distractions, situations, or other negative encounters that will work against you beginning your work-out efforts. Expect it. Plan on it. Know you will experience it. Just make sure that you don’t scuttle your own ship. Do not become your own worst enemy. Do not undermine your own plans or purpose. Once you have made your decision to do something…start doing it immediately!
Here is how it can all work for you, no matter how terribly busy you are or think you are. If you want to get into good physical shape and you have definitely decided to do just that, but you know without question that you are not going to be able to take two hours each day to exercise, that is perfectly all right….Are you willing–or in fact delighted–to carve out of your daily schedule an extra 20 to 30 minutes in order to become and stay physically fit?
You see, friends, by willingly giving a small amount of time each and every day to get into shape,…in the immediate present and particularly over the long run of time, you must know without a doubt that a small amount of time each day will accumulate and make a huge positive difference in the quality of your day. The truth is that every man or woman always will be positively benefitted and rewarded when they improve both their physical and mental condition.
Now listen to me,..this statement of truth applies to personal physical condition as is detailed in the example I am using, and it will also work in every other area of your life in which you desire to change and improve,… whether you believe you are qualified or not. You see, no man is born as a mature expert. Every person of great accomplishment started small. He began as a neophyte. He studied, learned, prepared, and positioned himself as he grew into the position he now occupies. The application of all of his teaching, training, and knowledge over long time periods is what got him to the place he now enjoys. The very same thing will happen to you if you make wise choices, are obedient to your instruction, and diligently and passionately pursue your own dreams, goals, and purpose.
Here is a point to remember. When you have to make tough and difficult decisions or perform tasks or work habits that appear to be well beyond your own known talents and abilities,…just step out in faith and begin doing what you know to be necessary as best your are able. Start small. Start by taking little steps. Start by committing short time periods in which you are to perform. Then, over extended periods of time, follow your training, knowledge, and expertise. As soon as you are able, increase your committed work ethic. Start the accumulation process of lots of little things and accomplishments. You will soon discover, as have all those highly successful people who have gone before you, that very soon a very great BIG THING will have been accomplished in your life.
You truly can be as successful as you desire to be as long as you are willing to consistently and persistently work towards achieving those things in life that you desire with all of your heart.
Peace And Love to All of You……………….Poppa Bear