I am always astonished and absolutely amazed at how easily the vast majority of people in our country today will give up on themselves, their own dreams and goals and even their own family. I have never understood it and am always saddened for the members of the family involved when I see the male,…can’t really call him a man,…who is supposed to be the head of the family,…refuse to better or improve himself and his family’s position whether it be financially, morally, emotionally, or spiritually, once an opportunity to do so has been presented to him (them),…and he (they) turn it down or refuse to act on it.
What kind of a person, once given the opportunity to improve and better themselves,…would turn themselves down, would refuse themselves a chance to grow and become more than what they presently are,…would continue to commit financial suicide,…even after being shown how to succeed and meet all of their own needs?
If a person is looking and needing to improve an area of their life that needs immediate improvement, and is presented an honest opportunity to improve the area(s) in need, and then he rejects taking advantage of the the chance to make things better,…then you really need to pity and feel sorry for him, not for yourself. You see, refusal to accept a ways and means to solve a major problem or improve a life’s position is in reality a refusal of oneself. People who refuse to better or improve themselves…turn themselves down,…they are not turning you down. You are just the presenter of the good opportunity.
Two questions please….How can a real man who needs help to change things for the better in his own family, when once given a honest and legal opportunity coupled with the help, guidance, and assistance to accomplish the needed changes,…refuse to make the changes? What kind of a man would refuse to help and improve himself and his family?
There is a tremendous amount of ignorance and misunderstanding throughout all of our country, its population, and its economy. There is also an equal amount of ignorance and misunderstanding among the people of our nation who attend or who do not attend church services on a regular weekly basis. Please permit to share with you a few thoughts accumulated from my nearly four decades of successful business operations, spiritual development, and working directly with other people.
Without question, as a Born-Again Christian Believer, I full well know that God does not want any of his children to be poor, down-trodden, underprivileged, sick, or without means to care for themselves and family. He gave everyone an ability to work and earn their own way in this world. Granted, some folks have more talents and abilities than do others, but almost all have the ability to earn and provide for their own keep. Furthermore, God has amply supplied all the people of the world with an abundance of food and water from which to sustain themselves, if they will work to harvest these God-given supplies.
God clearly tells all of us what His explicit purpose and desire is for us.
It is all recorded in The Book of 3 John, verse 2 NKJV:
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
Things just can’t get any clearer than that, can they? God wants you to prosper and be in good health just as your soul prospers through gaining more knowledge and wisdom from the Word of God and the Truths of God. Herein is clearly stated that as you grow in the Truth and Grace of God i.e. soul prosperity first, then financial prosperity and good health are sure to follow and flow back into your own life.
Based upon this line of thought and reasoning, how could anyone, especially a Christian Believer, ever think that they are to be and remain in poverty. There is no glory for God in a believer being broke and poverty stricken or even just barely getting by in life financially or otherwise. There is no honor in being less than wealthy, particularly in America, the Land of Opportunity. There is no honor and glory brought to or for God when one fails at providing for all of the needs of his own family. God through His Love and Grace brought you into life as a free American. You have been educated and brought up in the greatest and freest nation on earth. You have been given by your Creator your own free will of choice and decision making. You live in a country that operates in the free enterprise system of economics in which the operation of small and profitable businesses is the foundation for all of the blessings and rewards our God can and does bestow upon us.
Using only your gifts from your Maker, and drawing on the knowledge and wisdom you have gained from your formal education, you have everything you need to become a highly successful, extremely productive, and joy-filled American Citizen or Foreign National. The missing link, the only unknown for the equation to balance,…the only question mark is YOU. Will you go to work? Will you step out of your comfort zone and into the fringe of fear? Will you take advantage of a good opportunity whenever it is presented to you? Never forget this statement: You don’t ever have a chance unless and until you take a chance!
Now hear this…..God does not like it whenever a believer fails financially or through self imposed ill health, and then finds fault or places blame for such failure on any one or any thing other than themselves. Don’t brag about “failing for God.” He gains no benefit whatsoever when one of His finest creation fails, stumbles, falls, and cannot meet his God-given responsibilities. Honor and glory to God can only come from victory and the achievement of His designed purposes for your personal life.
As a Christian Believer you have no shame or embarrassment for achieving your own success and becoming financially independent. God used mostly the wealthiest men and women of great achievement, great possessions, and great personal production to accomplish His plans and purposes throughout all of the Holy Scriptures. God truly does want you to be successful, wealthy, and in good health. That way He can and will use you the most to accomplish His Will on the earth.
Concerning the tithe,….wouldn’t it be better if you could double or triple your current level (amount) of tithing? Well, then why don’t you take advantage of a honest and legal ways and means to increase your earnings and be able to do just that very thing?
God really does want you to succeed. He even goes so far as to tell you what He will do for you as you become a healthy and prosperous example for other people to witness, learn from, and duplicate. It is all written in Psalm 37, verses 3–4 NKJV:
(3) “Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
(4) Delight yourself in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”
Think through this last statement long and hard. Ponder your own life and the example you continually exhibit to others as they observe you living and using your own life in the service of your fellow man and to the glory of God. Remember the old adage: People do what people see.
If we are ever to change and greatly impact our own world, then our lives must be successfully and productively lived to the point where our own example of how to live right in the eyes of our Creator speaks louder than any words we can ever mutter in our own behalf.
Don’t ever try to justify why you are failing in life and thereby not being the right example for others to witness. God does not like any human being, especially a believer, and especially one living in the United States of America doing or living like that. He truly does want you to be financially prosperous and be in good health. The key to permit that door to be opened unto you is for you to increase your faith, your belief, and your understanding of the Truths of God and of His Word…..that is to say,….to increase your soul prosperity first!
Above all the things in life, God wants you to increase your soul prosperity and you will thereby increase you financial prosperity and physical health to a much higher and better level. Everyone thereby benefits!
Peace and Love to All of You……………………..Poppa Bear