In keeping with the purpose of this website, i.e….educating people with the truth, and equipping other folks preparing them to achieve the desires of their own hearts, it now comes the right time for another, as promised, current events discussion.
Permit me to quickly review my qualifications for the things I am about to tell you. My background comes not as braggadocio, chest-puffing, or ego-inflating diatribe. Totally the contrary,…I am sharing these thoughts in an effort to teach, educate, advise, and/or awaken, as the case may be, the readers and listeners and all those folks who would share this discussion with the other people they know. I am herewith attempting to wake people up in this world. It is my desire to encourage people of our nation to start doing what has been glossed over and left unattended for far too many years.
We are, as a nation, almost at the point of no return. The un-American, ungodly, and unlawful choices, decisions, and actions taken and/or employed by the preponderance of nationally elected liberal men and women, regardless of their political party affiliation have been wrong, atrocious, unfair, and extremely harmful to the legal citizens now living in America and most sadly to those people who gave their last full measure of life in service to their country.
Permit me to say to you,…any person, no matter who they are or what office or position they occupy, who knowingly or even unknowingly violates (by their decisions, actions, and efforts) their personal “oath of office” or who violates the U.S. Constitution,…has no business being allowed to continue to carry on their efforts as an elected official. Those who break the law, who speak with less than a truthful tongue, who undermine the stability of our nation, should not under any circumstances be allowed to continue on as elected officials. The process of impeachment was established as a resolution to these type of people and their problems and challenges.
If a person does not respect the law and its consequences, then I assure you they will never obey the law or fear its consequences.
May I most correctly and respectfully tell you the truth. It is the U.S. Armed Forces,…it is the Military Serviceman and Servicewoman who gives America its freedom….it is the soldier, sailor, airman, marine, and coast guardsman who fights for and who is victorious in battle that provides the freedoms of all Americans….not the politician,…not the elected official!
True and actual history proves that the three-piece stuffed (mostly empty) suits are always the people who start and lose wars. Military men and women are the ones who fight and win the battles and wars. They are the ones who subsequently serve up and insure that freedom goes to all those who live under the banner of the country for which they serve.
As far as I am personally concerned, no man or woman should have the right and privilege to be the Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces (our military fighting machine,…our primary force to protect the seashores and boundaries of our nation)…if, they have never worn the uniform of a warrior and protector of the freedoms we have as Americans…if they have never actively served and offered to put their own lives in Harm’s Way like all of the other uniformed men and women who fought and died for our great nation. To me, as a veteran, that is just good old common sense. An active serviceman or servicewoman, particularly a combat serviceman, is going to have a most difficult time following the orders of an inexperienced and uninvolved military commander, particularly when their life gets placed in great danger by following such an order.
First things first,…I am a very proud seasoned senior American citizen. I am a college educated professional C.P.A. I am a U.S. Armed Forces veteran officer (Viet Nam era). I am a very successful business owner and operator of a global operation. I have traveled the world and have first hand experience and exposure as to how the other nations of the world exist and operate. My wife while we were stationed in Europe (Germany) was a Department of the Army civilian, and was a personal secretary for the director of the Military Assistance Directorate (the military group that sold U.S. military weaponry to our allies). I know and understand how things work. I am an active business and social leader of people. I was married to and was deeply in love with the same wife (my college sweetheart) for over 42 years before she lost her battle with cancer and went “home” to be with her Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ. I am the earthly father of three wonderful adult children, and the totally and actively involved (loving-every-minute-of-it) Grandpa of four beautiful and blessed “gifts-from-God” grandchildren. I am a Bible Believing, Blood Bought, Born-Again Christian Believer…I am extremely serious about my beliefs, faith, and personal relationship with my Lord and with many other people around the world. I am and have been a life long student of world history. I tell you these things only as a reference and basis for the strong and difficult things I am stating in this discussion. As a final note regarding my qualification on which to base my words,…I also “walk with a limp.”
I had a most wonderful, blessed, and successful up-bringing and was raised by a former U. S. Navy Chief Petty Officer who was also a very successful businessman and leader. My stay-at-home blessed mother played a huge role in nurturing me and preparing me for the life that lay ahead. There was great discipline, praise, and when necessary punishment and correction employed by my parents in the rearing of their three children. My siblings and I were taught and trained up in all aspects of knowing and demonstrating, the truth,…personal honesty and integrity,… and particularly personal responsibility and accountability. Laziness, bad behavior, improper social skills or speech, and any form of disrespect were simply not permitted or tolerated in our home or related interactions with other people. Patriotism was a most high priority in our family life. World War II survivors cared a great deal about America and about what this nation stands for and for the great price that has been paid over the years so as to maintain the freedoms we all enjoy. I was taught to say Yes Ma’am, and Yes Sir. I was taught not to wear a cap, hat, or any other headgear when inside of a building…any building. I was taught to listen whenever I was spoken to,…not to speak unless requested to be part of a discussion. I was taught that whenever the American flag passed by I was to immediately stand up at attention in reverence, remove my cap, and place my right hand over my heart and cease any talking to anyone…until after the flag had passed.
We are warned as a nation of free Americans by the great leaders of the past, that people who do not learn the lessons from the mistakes and errors of their own society and from the other nations of the world are always bound to repeat them. It never fails. History proves, without question, almost all of human inhabitants of this earth, learn absolutely nothing from history. That is precisely why we individually and as a nation continue to make the same stupid mistakes generation after generation. Wake up America!
Here is some truth for you to ponder. The real and true cost of war is not just the great loss of life as represented by those who were killed in action or even as collateral damage. No,…the greatest cost of fighting a war is all the great children who do not get conceived and born and become creative and contributory citizens and leaders because their “would-be” parent(s) were in fact killed in some sort of a military conflict or battle before their conception could occur. That is the greatest loss….that which did not happen all because a human being sacrificed their life in some sort of a military conflict.
History records, and further personal study confirms, the United States of America has not fought a military conflict or true war with any other nation or power group with a predetermined purpose and preplanned conclusion since World War II was fought, won, and finally concluded in September of 1945. The reason is simply because World War II was the last war in which the military commanders, within the military theatre of operations,…not the politicians,…actually made the decisions, gave the orders, and fought the battles with the primary purpose of winning the war!…of totally and completely defeating the enemy. General Douglas McArthur, one of the greatest men America has ever produced, said it best when he addressed the U. S. Congress after his forced retirement by then President Harry S. Truman, from his many highly decorated years in service. The General of the Army (five-star) very correctly said: “…There can be no substitute for total and complete victory!”
When politicians, particularly the ones who have never worn a military uniform, run a military embattlement, are given the authority to run the military operations, these self-appointed inexperienced self proclaimed warriors never fight to win…They simply make what they think are workable battle decisions and subsequently allow a few thousand or tens of thousands to be killed, and then sheepishly attempt to establish some sort of “peace agreement” with their hostile enemy force. Such stuffed-suit political leaders never get it. They just never seem to grasp the indisputable fact that if you do not fight a battle for the express purpose to win it,…you will lose it! In war,…real war,…you must defeat the enemy or he will for certain defeat you! If you do not believe that truth, it is only because you do not know world history very well, nor do you have any deadly military confrontational experience.
War is serious business! War is extremely dangerous and always produces death. War causes injury to both those directly involved as well as many innocent bystanders. Therefore war should only be a last resort…never a police action or a corrective action for improper behavior of some national government or political leader or religious nut!
The over riding mantle of any war operation is really quite simple. Don’t ever start a war for which you have no specific end purpose. Once war has begun, do not permit the ignorant politicians to interject themselves and try to manage the battle plan, and, most importantly, never start a war that you do not plan to finish in any other position less than total destruction of the enemy and complete victory for your own forces! It takes “guts” to fight a war. It is not the type of thing in which a weak man or weak leader of other men should ever involve himself.
It takes a real leader to understand what I just said,…a real leader filled with testosterone and covered with manly hair. It takes a real man with a great spiritual root to his life and who understands God’s way of fighting Old Testament warfare. Weenies and whimps have no place in fighting a war at any level. Having them involved just insures more people will be killed than have to be lost. There is no room for indecision when men’s lives hang in the balance.
As you can plainly see from my words, I have made no mention of the woman’s role or involvement in the actual combat operations of a military conflict. That has been totally on purpose from my perspective and understanding. Real men in any nation never permit their women or children to fight their own battles. Men who have no true respect for the fairer sex or their own offspring would be the only ones who would put them at risk. It is the man’s responsibility to provide for and to protect a child or a woman…..Why? you ask…..because that is their God-given role…that is why!
Never permit a “male-with-a-tail”….a mouse-of-the-house….to be responsible for the provision and the protection of the family unit…or for the security and protection of a nation! Such a person will always fall short of the mark and fail to meet his personal responsibilities. The end results…..catastrophe! WAKE UP AMERICA!
Peace and Love to All of You……………..Poppa Bear