Hello Special Friends:
This May 1, 2016 marks the third anniversary of www.davesevern.com!
Thank you all for your support, comments, and encouragement for the content of this website and the themes of the articles of discussion. I read each and every one of your submitted comments. Although I don’t personally respond to each submitted comment, I do try to respond to those comments that I feel I can quickly answer and that would benefit the readers and listeners. Thank you all for making this website a true success.
Like all things within God’s creation, continual changes are periodically made to keep up with modern day applications and other information demands. As a result, beginning this month (May 2016) I will be making some changes to my Friday article posting rotation.
I am going to combine two different subsections into a single one. I will be combining the “Heroes of the Bible” and “Great Men and Women of History” subsections into the single subsection that will continue to be entitled “Great Men and Women of History.”
Additionally I will be adding a new subsection to be called “Stories That Will Bless Your Heart.” Each of these subsections will have a new post every eight weeks. This new subsection will feature true stories told by great authors, preachers, educators, and other storytellers from throughout history. These stories will cover a wide variety of events and experiences that have occurred and that positively impacted, affected, and influenced other people’s lives. They will be a great source of blessing, encouragement, and inspiration to your own heart and soul.
If you still have not become a Registered Member to www.davesevern.com I would highly exhort and encourage you to do so immediately. As a Registered Member you will receive so much more information, knowledge, and wisdom from all types and kinds of powerful sources than just what I post in my weekly blog.
I would strongly encourage you to check out the “Free Membership Sneak Peek” option. Give this website a complete try. With this free option, there is no contract to sign, no personal payment information required, and there is no personal obligation required or expected. This option simply gives the potential member a chance to see what all is included in Registered Membership.
Every year we will be evaluating and changing, when necessary, the type and kind of website our readers and listeners desire and expect. Your feed back and comments are most valuable in helping us to address and effect such changes.
It is our mission and purpose to educate, equip, and train those people who personally draw from this website in those areas we consider to be the most important and relevant to becoming successful in your chosen field of endeavor.
Finally, please note the links within the website to my Facebook and Twitter accounts. These too will be changing and growing and will give more content and application highlights than they have in the past. As we grow in the number of people drawing from the website, so will we also grow in the social media applications. Share and/or refer this website with and to your family, friends, relatives, neighbors, and even strangers whom you think might receive a benefit from acquiring the information included herein.
You are going to like the new format and content that will be presented beginning in May 2016.
Peace and Love to All of You,
Poppa Bear