Your Greatest Lessons Come From Your Toughest Times

Have you experienced a recent setback in any type of athletic event, contest, personal activity, business venture or other effort? If so, look for the lesson(s) that God is trying to teach you. In stead of complaining about life’s sad and pitiful state of affairs,…learn what needs to be learned, change what needs to be … Continue reading

Mining Precious Metals

Precious metals, including gold, silver, and platinum, are valued for their scarcity as well as for their unique properties, such as luster, non-reactivity, and malleability. Because of their desirable qualities, these precious metals have been mined for thousands of years. Today, they are most commonly used in jewelry, as coinage, in works of art, or … Continue reading

Never Be Jealous Of Another Person’s Accomplishments

I have discovered from my many years of experience that most people are simply far too “intelligent” to learn from the mistakes and experience of others. Rather most of these brilliant folks have to learn “the things” of life the “hard way.” Learning things the hard way,…i.e. from your own broken nose…is always the most … Continue reading

Liberating Your Creative Powers

Whenever a person begins to “breathe the breath of faith” he soon discovers that he or she is becoming a very creative person. How exciting is that! When we become true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and start walking the walk of faith, we quickly find salvation from all of life’s tensions–sin, fear, anxiety….When … Continue reading