All Real Leaders Create Unity And Harmony

All true leaders understand this simple fact of life:  Leaders who hold and maintain leadership roles and positions do so only because their followers permit or allow them to hold those prized positions.  In other words, leaders lead because their followers believe in them, believe in their abilities, and believe in their dreams and the … Continue reading

Self Discipline

THE  KEY  TO  ALL  REAL ACCOMPLISHMENT  This discussion concerning the power and correct usage of your mind may be one of the single most important learning situations that you as a human being  ever encounter.  Do not hurry through these topics.  I urge you to Read,…Think About,…Ponder,…Reread,…Talk About,…and then Apply…this information in your life.  As … Continue reading

The Treaty Of Paris 1783

 “Acknowledges…free, sovereign, and independent States”   Twenty-three months after British General Charles Cornwallis (1738–1805) surrendered British forces at Yorktown, Virginia, to American General George Washington (1732–1799) in the last great battle of the War of Independence, the United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of  Paris.  England acknowledged the independence of its thirteen former colonies … Continue reading