Courting Your Future Spouse

COURTING YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE From Courtship To Criticism You think you have found your mate-to-be.  They appear in your own eyes as the perfect one.  Before the marriage ceremony, whenever you are together you both are on your best personal behavior.  Everything is wonderful.  Nothing about each other annoys, irritates, disgusts, or even angers the … Continue reading

The Northwest Ordinance 1787

“No person shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments” As the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was dismantling the Articles of Confederation and drafting a new charter for the United States that would put the Confederation Congress out of business, Congress was recording its most significant achievement.  The Northwest Ordinance … Continue reading


Noah Webster’s Original Definition, 1828 Dictionary: Obsequious, a. [ from Latin. obsequium, complaisance, from obsequer, to follow; ob and sequor.] 1. Promptly obedient or submissive to the will of another; compliant; yielding to the desires of others, properly to the will or command of a superior, but in actual use, it often signifies yielding to … Continue reading